Luo Zheng's feet are on a brick of the city wall!

And the body that is enough to destroy the mountain and expand the sea power, is surging out!

If he stood on the wall made of common bricks and stones, the wall would collapse like tofu.

But the main city of this dream battlefield can't be destroyed. With his strength, the wall under his feet is still

However, the target of Luo Zheng's exertion of force was the small skeletons outside the city, and the rule of prohibiting fighting in the city did not take effect.

Just that invisible force, like an insurmountable wall! After Luo Zheng even lit up all the Dragon scales, the little skull still couldn't be pulled into the main city. The skull was just a molar in his hand. It was even biting Luo Zheng's fingers


In desperation, Luo Zheng only released his hands.

It should be impossible to destroy these little skeletons by relying on the rules of the main city.

The main city is indestructible. Even if Luo Zheng tries his best, he can't destroy the wall of the main city. It's because of this invisible rule!

In the same way, Luo Zheng can't pull this little skull into the main city!

These small skeletons are the curse of the ancient witches. When they are called out, they will continue to "attack" Luo Zheng. In the same way, they will be resisted by the main city.

Unless Luo Zheng has the power to destroy the main city, he can get the small skull into the main city. If Luo Zheng's power is so strong, he doesn't need the power of the rules of the main city, he can crush the small skull directly!

Looking at the small skeletons constantly flying, Luo Zheng shook his head and walked around the main city wall for a few steps. The skeletons were also like shadows, moving with him near the edge of the main city!

"These guys..."

Looking at those small skeletons with white teeth, Luo Zheng was speechless.

Many demons stare at Luo Zheng, but they are more confused. They can't understand what Luo Zheng wants to do!

After walking a few steps on the wall, Luo Zheng frowned and looked at the little skull. Suddenly, he jumped out of the main city and picked up a little skull. The power in his arm surged out again and smashed the little skull towards the main city!

This little skull is like a meteor, which has a strong impact on the main city


When the skull smashed into the main city, it still hit an invisible wall. Then it bounced back at a very fast speed, but it bounced to the ground outside the city and went straight in!


I don't know how far the little skull has traveled underground

Soon after, the little skull's rebound force disappeared, and it came out of the ground at a very far distance. It quickly returned to Luo Zheng's back and bit him on the back.

"Hey! I see. The Terran boy seems to want to get rid of the skeletons behind him

"I don't know where he provoked these things. They are so strong. I'm afraid they are more powerful than artifact?"


Although these demons kept their voices down, they still passed on to Luo Zheng's ears.

He was in a very depressed mood. When he heard these words, there was a flash of murder in his eyes

"Since we can't clean up these rubbish, we should plunder the dream points first!"

When Luo Zheng's momentum found a change, the faces of the demons inside and outside the city wall changed dramatically!

Especially outside the main city some demons warrior!

A demon warrior was the fastest. Seeing that the situation was not good, he fled towards the main city at a very fast speed.

This boy's strength is abnormal, but as long as he is in the main city, he can be safe!

However, Luo Zheng did not give them a chance

"Whew -"

a small skull roared in the air, carrying a huge force, directly hit the head of the demon warrior!


The head of the demon warrior is also wearing a helmet, but the small skull directly smashes the helmet. The head of the demon warrior is more like a fragile watermelon, which explodes directly!

After a dream light scattered, it flew towards Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng doesn't bother to count the number of dream light spots, but he throws or throws them. Then he pulls down the small skeleton behind him and shoots at the surrounding demons!

"Pop, pop, pop..."

Luo Zheng was helpless when all kinds of sounds of collision came. Anyway, these small skeletons are so strong and terrible that they can become a kind of terrible weapon with their own terrible power

But he'd rather not have it!

After a few breaths, Luo Zheng killed seven or eight demon warriors.

As for the other warlords outside the city, most of them have fled back to the main city, while some of them have fled into the wilderness, but they dare not go back to the city.Luo Zheng didn't want to catch up, so he went around the main city, holding a small skull in his hand.

He will kill all the people who encounter the demons outside the city. He will smash them with this little skull and kill them with one hit

The powerful demon warrior may make more efforts. The weak warrior will be able to defeat the enemy with one move when the small skull flies.

The warlords in the main city began to despair

None of them expected that such a God would come from outside the main city? It's just a man!

When Luo Zheng circled the main city to the second circle, there was no one outside the main city.

The warlords, who were still fighting with each other, either were killed by Luo Zheng and came back to the main city, or they did not dare to leave the main city, or they fled to the wilderness.

"Almost cleaned up, it's time to change the main city," Luo Zheng shook his head.

After Luo Zheng left the main city for half an hour, some demon warriors walked out of the city wall carefully and looked in the direction of Luo Zheng's departure, with some fear on their faces

In the wilderness, in a deserted corner, the move order appeared in Luo Zheng's hands again!

After activation, with a fierce white light, Luo Zheng's figure disappeared in place.

In an instant, Luo Zheng appeared in the strange space, his eyes swept gently, his eyebrows raised slightly, "those skeletons didn't follow?"

The move order can make Luo Zheng appear in the center of a main city in an instant. If he takes these skeletons into the center, he doesn't know what will happen. However These skeletons did not follow Luo Zheng into this space.

After choosing a main city, Luo Zheng came to it again

The main city in front of Luo Zheng's eyes is very strange. The houses in the whole main city are very exquisite. The buildings are round roofs with pointed roofs, which is a style that Luo Zheng has never seen before.

"It seems that the night clan is just a small group in the upper boundary, but its architecture is exquisite and meticulous," Luo Zheng looked around as he walked out of the main city.

The night clan, a race rich in assassins, had a confrontation with Luo Zheng on the land of Poseidon.

This race is good at assassination, but hidden assassination is not a thoroughfare in the world of warriors after all, and can not occupy the mainstream.

When Luo Zheng came to the city wall from the center of the main city, his eyebrows began to beat. Hundreds of small skeletons were waiting for him outside the city

He used this move order to transmit thousands of miles at least!

But these small skeletons can directly cut through the boundaries of space, and almost reach here with their own synchronization? Isn't the witchcraft of the ancient witches too rebellious?


Luo Zheng can only take these small skeletons again and continue to "clean up" the city of the night people.

Even the night clan in the upper world still specializes in the way of assassination, but under Luo Zheng's eyes, the skills of hiding assassination are very weak.

It's easier to clean up the city than before

Turn around a few times before no one dares to get out of town.

"Change the place," Luo Zheng eyes indifferent, is quietly left the main city.

But this time, instead of taking out the removal order, he took out the iron coupon.

Just now, Luo Zheng wiped out the "fat sheep" in the two cities and accumulated a lot of dream points, but his ranking is still falling

The total ranking of the dream battlefield has dropped to 17000, and the ranking of the big world has also dropped to 300!

I'm afraid this road won't work just around these main cities.

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