The Terran warrior named Li Chengyan was hooked all the way and pulled directly into the darkness.


With a scream.

Then they saw a mass of yellow light burst out in the darkness on the other side

It is obvious that Li Chengyan has fallen, and half of his dream points burst out!

And those dream points burst out of the moment, it has disappeared, seems to be directly into the dark!

"Where's the dream spot?"

"Absorbed? It seems to be absorbed! "

"It's impossible!" Ji Nan's face also reveals the color of surprise, "in this causal hall, what can absorb dream points?"

In dream battlefield, only warriors can absorb dream points from each other.

If Luo Zheng killed Li Chengyan, no matter how far apart, these dream points would come to Luo Zheng.

Just like Ji Luoxue gave her subordinates the golden pill for suicide, there was Ji Luoxue's consciousness on the golden pill, so her subordinates committed suicide, and the dream battlefield was determined to be killed by Ji Luoxue.

Some warriors who are killed by fierce beasts in a secret place or in the wilderness will float their dream light spots in the same place and become dream light spots without masters. Anyone can absorb them, but those fierce beasts can't absorb them at all.

But after Li Chengyan was hooked, the dream light was absorbed?

There is only one possibility. There is a warrior on the opposite side of the hall of cause and effect!

It's also the warrior who hooked Li Chengyan, killed him and absorbed his dream light.

But every time the hall of cause and effect opens, only ten people can enter at the same time. Why are there other warriors on the opposite side?

It doesn't make any sense from this point

"Everyone step back, be careful," Luo Zheng's brow also wrinkled, the hook in his hand tightly squeezed in his hand, and his eyes were full of green. Although he turned the Qingmu Lingtong to the extreme, it was still difficult to see through the darkness, which seemed to be constructed by the law of darkness, and the darkness was like a curtain to protect each other.

"It's the power of the dark law. The other side comes prepared," said Jin Hai coldly, holding the hook in one hand and the Buddha blade in the other.

Luo Zheng's eyes kept scanning in the darkness, and finally locked one of the fuzzy shadows.

These hooks were placed neatly beside them, and they were equipped with one. It was obvious that Luo Zheng was allowed to use them directly.

Since the other party can hook the people here, Luo Zheng can also hook the people opposite

"Right now!"

After aiming, Luo Zheng threw his hand down, and the hook in his hand flew straight to the opposite side!


Although the speed of this hook is extremely fast, the other party's "creatures" seem to be very experienced, and they constantly detour at the edge of the deep ditch.

"The hook is empty!"

Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, stretched out his hand and pulled the hook back from the opposite side.

Just as Luo Zheng took back the hook, his eyebrows suddenly picked, "be careful! Magic spirit... "

However, his reminder was late. After his voice fell, a hook flew out of the darkness opposite him again, caught the phantom with a very fast speed, and pulled it toward the other side.

In fact, from the time of Li Chengyan, the hook owner, Luo Zheng had already found that the hook itself could not directly hurt people, but once it was caught, it seemed that an irresistible force would be generated to directly roll the warrior and pull him away.

Seeing that the magic spirit was hooked, he was about to be pulled into the darkness. The light in Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, but the hook he had just taken back was thrown out towards the other side again!


His hook did not aim at the shadow in the dark, but directly hooked to the phantom!

The phantom's figure had just disappeared in the darkness. She felt a strong threat and planned to fight back at the first time, but a hook rolled on her again and pulled her back directly

"That's close!"

See phantom spirit to have nothing to do with, nearby Ji Nan etc. also relaxed a breath.

"Damn, those guys on the other side are hiding in the dark. How can this be broken! It's not fair at all The demon warrior raised the hook in his hand and said coldly, staring at the other bank.

The magic spirit was just a moment's carelessness, and was caught directly by the other party. At the moment, she was able to escape.

Magic spirit was pulled back by Luo Zheng, and she nodded to him slightly, then the pretty face showed angry color.

"On the other side, there are other warriors!"

After that, she suddenly took out the moon breaking explosive bow, and then madly extracted the real yuan in her body. A flame whirlpool appeared in front of her, and she had to fight back fiercely!


When the magic spirit condenses out of the flame vortex, there is another hook flying towards the magic spirit.After being hooked once, the magic spirit naturally won't let this happen. The second time, she just grabbed the moon breaking bow and gave a cold hum. With a slight twist of her body, she moved a step towards the side and released the bow string at the same time!


That crazy whirlpool of flame, then directly toward the opposite shot!

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng, Ji Nan and Jinhai also stare at the other side.

The flame of illusory spirit explodes, which may win them a chance


The flame whirlpool burst out a fierce flame, in this moment, it will be the opposite bank of the clear reflection.

At this time, Luo Zheng and others could see clearly that there were ten people standing on the opposite bank, each with a hook in his hand and a sneer on his face.

Although the power of the arrow shot by the magic spirit is not small, it seems that it can not play in the dark law. When it is swallowed by the dark law, the flame whirlpool begins to shrink sharply

In the center of the opposite bank, a warrior standing in the front pointed to Luo Zheng, with a contemptuous smile on his face. At the same time, he made a gesture of cutting his throat with his hand. When he finished this gesture, the flame whirlpool was completely engulfed, and the ten warriors on the opposite bank were immersed in the darkness again.

"There are still ten people in the other team. We can't underestimate their strength!" Ji Nan looks carefully said.

According to Ji Nan's conjecture, the ten people on the opposite side should also be the warriors who are wandering in the cause and effect hall. Unfortunately, the third cause and effect hall has arranged the two teams on the opposite side!

The other party's ten people should have been in the first two cause and effect halls, but none of them has fallen. The strength of these guys can't be underestimated.

What's more, they arranged the law of darkness ahead of time to hide them in the dark, which virtually increased the difficulty of Luo Zheng's side.

"Who can use the law of darkness?" Ji Nan asked. The law of darkness is a relatively unpopular law, but Ji Nan didn't understand it.

Although Luo Zheng was baptized by the law, he never understood it.

Hearing Ji Nan's question, Jinhai sneers, "no dark rule! Look at me

I saw Jinhai hands gently under a pat, Sanskrit sound bursts, misty.

A little bit of Psychedelic color escaped from his body and spread around

In this fog, Luo Zheng and others are not aware of anything unusual.

On the other side, however, there are numerous illusions out of thin air, which are hard to distinguish between true and false.

"I'll see what they can do!" Jinhai sneered.

Although this method can not completely cover the seven of them, it can bring considerable interference to the opposite side.

Now it seems that the test of the third causal hall is the competition between the two teams.

In this fog, they have to think about how to fight back.

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