At this moment, the giant of lava has been knocked down by the other side!

The lava giant's speed is not slow, if this impact, the lava giant at the foot will definitely roll in the lava.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

The footsteps of lava giant seem to step on the hearts of people!

Seeing this scene, Jinhai suddenly raises the Buddha's blade in his hand, and after erecting it, he parallels the tip of the sword with his eyes and looks to the shore not far away to measure the distance from here to the shore.

Shaoqing, Jinhai's face showed the color of a bitter smile.

"It's only six hundred feet away. I I can't jump over it. "

The martial arts can fly in the sky when they practice at the back!

But in the hall of cause and effect, they can't fly at all. The inability to fly doesn't mean they can't jump. The jumping ability of the warriors in Shenhai is also amazing.

With one jump, they can jump directly from a distance of 200 meters, not to mention the height difference when they stand on the top of the lava giant.

But it's very difficult to span a distance of 600 feet with your own jumping ability.

What's more, there's only one chance. Falling into the magma means going out

"Cang Mo, can you jump over?" That night, the warrior of the clan asked.

The warlords of the demons mainly practice physical skills, but the explosive power of Gangyuan is much stronger. With the explosive power of Gangyuan, the distance of Cang devil's jumping is much longer than that of the ordinary warlords.

The Cang devil looked at the other bank, and his face showed a bitter color, "where can I jump over here?"

People are also worried that this is the end of the magma lake, but in the end it fails? No matter who will not be reconciled!

"Three hundred feet Can you all jump? " Now Luo Zheng suddenly asked.

Jinhai's sharp eyes flickered, "three hundred feet, should be the limit."

"I can," the phantom simply replied.

Ji Nan also nodded slightly, "with all his strength, it's not a big problem But why do you ask? "

Luo Zheng looked back at the lava giant, but he had no time to explain. He just said, "you will jump to the left in a moment!"

After that, Luo Zheng quickly walked to the edge of the lava giant's head, and the whole person squatted down!

At the same time, he began to draw the power of dragon scale continuously!

This time Luo Zheng poured the strength of dragon scale into his legs

The distance of 600 Zhang is hard for other martial arts, but it's not too hard for Luo Zheng!

"He Jump straight over

"Crazy! Such a long distance

"Don't forget his power..." Ji Nan light said.

After passing through the second Hall of cause and effect, Luo Zheng got tens of millions of dream points only by strength.

His pure power burst out, even more powerful than many genius's mace!

If you drive yourself to jump with this force, the distance of 600 Zhang is not too difficult.

But is it just Luo Zheng?

Ji Nan, Jin Hai and other people's faces are quite complicated.

They formed a temporary team and wandered in the cause and effect hall, but in the end only Luo Zhengyi could leave. Naturally, they were disappointed.

But what does Luo Zheng just mean? Let them jump to the left?

Luo Zheng stepped on the top of the lava giant's head, and his whole body suddenly stretched out!

The great power poured into his feet will directly leave two deep footprints on the top of the lava giant's head. His whole person is like an arrow away from the string, flying towards the front!

When Luo Zheng was flying in the air, he had a little hill in his hand! It is the yuanci mountain refined by Luo Zheng.


Luo Zheng suddenly threw yuanci mountain into the magma lake not far away.

Seemingly careless move, in fact, after accurate calculation!

This yuancishenshan is unshakable, enough to resist the fire burning in the magma!

And this yuanci mountain can be their foothold, enough to let them pass through the magma


In the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng had passed the distance of 600 Zhang and landed on the shore steadily!

"Luo Tianxing is over!"

"We I'm afraid it will all fall here! "

"That guy!"

Ji Nan's face is full of bitterness. At least everyone goes with her, but she is abandoned at the critical moment

"Dong! Dong! Dong... "

Another lava giant is not far away now. It seems that he is going to collide directly with his huge body. Combined with the impact of his galloping, this force is unimaginable!At this moment, Luo Zheng, who had already landed, suddenly raised his hand!

Seeing his inexplicable action, everyone was slightly stunned.

"What does he mean..."

"Gudong, Gudong..."

It was in this magma lake that a large number of magma bubbles began to emerge!

It seems that something is going to rise in the magma lake, and a large amount of magma will be arranged on both sides.

Soon after, people saw a mountain top out of the magma lake, and the "mountain top" is still growing!

Luo Zheng just threw the yuanci mountain into the magma lake, and now he controls the yuanci mountain to grow and recover its size!

Soon, a yuanci mountain appeared in front of the crowd!

"Yuanci mountain!"

Ji Nan originally disappointed face, suddenly coruscate a color.

"This It's like the hill that Luo Tianxing played with before! "

"How can it be so big!"

Jinhai, cangmo and others are also staring at the growing yuanci mountain.

Since they can't jump such a long distance, they will take yuanci mountain as a foothold and make a second jump!


Luo Zheng stood on the bank and yelled at Ji Nan and other people.

"I, I, I jump!"

The first reaction came from the demon warrior Cang mo.

He was already very afraid. After Gangyuan broke out, his huge body was like an elephant. After jumping up, he drew a parabola in the air, and then smashed it on yuanci holy mountain!


A muffled sound came. The Cang devil was standing steadily on the mountainside of yuanci holy mountain. At the same time, he didn't forget to touch his chest, with a look of lingering fear.

Jin Hai's face was calm. He stepped back two steps above the giant's head, and then he jumped up!

He jumped up like a ROC and glided away in the air. The distance of three hundred feet came in an instant!

In addition to the golden sea, the magic spirit and the dark thought also jumped up at the same time Although they can't fly, some basic body methods are still effective. At least they can jump a long distance in the air.

Seeing this scene, Ji Nan gently retracts a piece of building wood in her hand. The frost cage on the top of the building wood quickly melts away, and the originally growing branches also begin to shrink rapidly and disappear. Finally, the building wood turns into a length of arm and quickly drills into the palm of her hand.

After the ice cage was untied, the flame kitten was free.


This flame kitten seems to be really scared, but did not run away, but shivered in place.

"Jump into the magma quickly, it's not safe here," Ji Nan said to the flame kitten.

However, the flame kitten still stays in place, looking at Ji Nan with a pitiful expression.

Ji Nan frowned slightly, and even reached out to the flame kitten

This flame kitten is a living creature born in the flame. It is a flame. If you touch it at will, you will be burned by the flame.

However, the flame kitten has been kept in the ice cage for such a long time. In addition, Luo Zheng and others used cold air to spray on it. At the moment, its body is dark. Ji Nan also has Zhenyuan protector under her hand. She just feels hot.

"Let's go!"

Ji Nan picked up the flame kitten and threw it directly from the top of the lava giant's head.

This magma is a fatal existence for the warrior, but it is the living place of the flame kitten

"Jump! Ji Nan

"It's too late. Get out of here!"

Hearing their voices, Ji Nan nods, pulls out a real yuan and jumps. She is like a nimble skylark, dancing out in the air.


The clever figure just drifted to the mountain.

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