In this main city, there are still many strong people dormant.

Seeing this behind the scenes, these strong men are dormant again.

Xiyouqin's way of killing Tianjiao shows that it startles several Tianjiao in the main city.

In private, they also inquired about the origin of this woman. Finally, they learned that this woman came from the purple world and had a very rare purple Yin body

The young man with long hair ranked 74 in the dream battlefield. After being killed by Xi Youqin this time, half of the dream points in her body were captured by her. Now her ranking is soaring all the way.

From more than 100, they climbed all the way to 64!

Entering the hundred warriors, they enter the sight of the whole world!

In the purple pole world, there is a cheering in the indefinite tower.

"Younger martial sister, you are in the top 100!"

"All of the top 100 are proud people of all ethnic groups My younger martial sister has really lived up to the expectations

"Yipin Ziji Yinti can almost be called the master of Ziji world. It's inevitable to be in the top 100!"

Ninety nine percent of those who can enter the purple pole have purple pole Yin bodies, but the gap between them is very large.

Just a few years ago, many warriors in Wuding tower had such a younger martial sister.

In fact, xiyouqin's seniority is extremely high in Wuding tower. After all, she directly worships Wuding old man as a teacher, so she is two or even three generations higher than many disciples in Wuding Tower!

However, her age is still young in other people's eyes, and everyone just takes care of her as a junior sister.

Before we set out, many people were very worried.

There's no doubt about Xi Youqin's strength and talent, but the younger martial sister is naive and romantic, and she doesn't know the world. I'm afraid she will encounter a lot of setbacks in the dream war. After all, in the battle between the martial arts, it's not necessarily strength, but wisdom and cunning.

"Isn't the man who has been talking about her all the time..."

"I don't know if she can see him this time!"

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult. The younger martial sister can stand out, but her man is just a character in the lower world. I'm afraid she will be eliminated later. How can I meet her?"

While everyone was talking, a tall woman appeared on one side. She was also the apprentice of the indefinite old man. She was Xi Youqin's right elder martial sister.

"Eliminated? You Qin, she is a proud woman. How can her man be eliminated? " The woman said faintly.

In the past few years in Wuding tower, xiyouqin only had a good relationship with this woman, so this woman knows many secrets about xiyouqin.

"Elder martial sister yuan, xiyouqin was born in a lower world. How can those who ascend compete with those who fight in the upper world?"

"To put it simply, I'm afraid it's a question whether the man of Xi Youqin's idea can enter the dream battlefield. I'm afraid he will be eliminated sooner or later!"

"I think so too..."

It's not that super genius can't be born in the lower world.

These warriors rarely go out of the Wuding tower, and rarely go outside. But they also know that there are many famous strong men in the upper world, such as the illustrious sea god, who have risen from the lower world.

In the world where xiyouqin lives, xiyouqin was born. It's amazing that she has a purple body. Where is the man she cares about?

However, the elder martial sister yuan just gave a faint smile, "the man you miss is Luo Zheng."

This name, Xi Youqin only confided to elder martial sister yuan, but others didn't know it.

"Luo Zheng?"

"The name sounds familiar..."

The purple polar realm is at the edge of the world. It is a broken little realm. The purple polar realm is very special, and it can be regarded as floating outside the world, so they can't receive the roar.

However, in recent years, the disciples of Wuding tower always have to go out and walk across the big world, and there are always people who know the news from the outside world.

"I remember! The guy who tells stories in the world! It's said that the guy has killed Tianzun, and the roaring order in his hand is like asking for no money! "

"You don't have to think about it. I've seen his name. Now he ranks 125..."

"Xiyouqin's man is Luo Zheng. I've heard of him from luotianjie. It's said that he was surrounded and suppressed by several races, and now he's hiding in an immortal mansion!"

Luo Zheng's name is now on the top of the pyramid, but it hasn't reached 100. In addition, many people in the purple circle didn't pay attention to Luo Zheng before. After hearing this, many people followed the top of the pyramid and looked down, and immediately found his name.

All of a sudden, many female disciples in Wuding tower burst into flames.

Xiyouqin was originally the object of their admiration. They were extremely gifted, and they were still so young, and they were the legitimate disciples of the indefinite old man!

From the moment she stepped into Wuding tower, there were many auras. The whole Wuding tower was considerate to her, that is to say, she had to coax her to practice for an hour and eat bitter pillsXi Youqin, who grew up in this way, rushed to the top 100 of the whole dream battlefield casually!

And the man she had been thinking about was also in more than 100.

A lot of women's hearts are extremely unbalanced.

They have purple extreme Yin body, and they are also sent to Wuding tower for training by various families, but the final gap is too big for them to accept!



At the same time.

Luo Zheng and Ji Nan have climbed to the top of the cause and effect hall. They are about to face the last cause and effect hall.

"Can this be called the hall..."

The Cang devil stares at in front of a row of stone pillars to shout a way.

There is indeed a hall on the top of the mountain, but I'm afraid there was one.

Now there are only a row of round stone pillars in front of the public, and the hall seems to have collapsed

"This is the last test, don't underestimate, the difficulty of this hall is far stronger than before," Luo Zheng said lightly.

Now we have a tacit understanding. After Luo Zheng spoke, everyone followed him at the same time.

Although the top of the hall has long disappeared, the two high columns at the entrance still stand here, which is the gate of the fifth Hall of cause and effect.

When Luo Zheng entered the hall of cause and effect, a strange emotion came from his heart.

Ji Nan and others into the two columns, the look on the face also slightly changed!


At the same time, people would hear a sour sound, that is, the harsh sound of the friction of some dilapidated door shafts.

"Bang Dang!"

Then a heavy door closing sound came again.

When the sound of closing the door sounded, people turned back one after another. There was no door between the two gateposts. Where could this sound come from?

With a slight frown on his brow, the magic spirit took a light step and rushed to the two gateposts to wipe them away

"The door is closed," said the phantom softly.

People's faces also show the color of curiosity, have turned back, and the phantom like hand to touch.

Sure enough, there was a door between the two pillars that didn't exist.

"Now that the door is closed, let's move on. You must have no intention of quitting?" Luo Zheng said with a faint smile.

After a long struggle, you will not be reconciled if you give up. The rewards from the second to the fourth Hall of cause and effect are amazing number of dream points. What can the fifth Hall of cause and effect bring to them?

"Meow," Ji Nan arms in the flame kitten gently whimper, Ji Nan said with a smile: "small fire agree, we continue to move forward."

Woman is a woman, so for a while, Ji Nan has given the flame kitten a name: small fire.

And the ZuLong beside Luo Zheng has been following Luo Zheng for a long time, but he still hasn't named this ZuLong, or even had this idea

Ji Nan didn't have a contract animal, so she didn't have a spirit animal bag on her body. She could only hold the flame kitten by her side.

But just as Ji Nan's voice just fell, from the top of the mountain in the deep sky, suddenly dropped a thin lightning, the lightning spread all the way down, then wrapped in a stone pillar!

As soon as the lightning came, countless pieces began to appear on the top of the pillar, and it began to regroup. Around the pillar, a small half of the roof appeared!

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