Luo Zheng roams in a golden space, and the light around him is like a thorn wrapping him.

After shuttling through it for a long time, I finally saw the end of the space.

When Luo Zheng stepped out of the golden light gate, three blood red fortresses appeared in the distance

"Three bloody castles, I see..."

When Luo Zheng got the moving order, he found three red marked main cities in the special space, but at that time, the three main cities were in a state of inaccessibility, and even the moving order could not let him enter the three main cities.

It turns out that these three main cities are the second stage of the dream battlefield


Behind Luo Zheng, one golden light door after another was opened, and the warriors scattered in the fifty realms came through the golden light door one after another.

When they passed through the golden gate of light, their first reaction was almost the same as Luo Zheng's, and they focused on the three huge bloody castles in front of them for the first time.

Then they looked at each other, and there was a strong color of vigilance in their eyes.

None of the top 2500 fighters is a fuel-efficient lamp.

They will fight for the highest glory on behalf of their own family, their own power and their own race.


At this moment, the bloody Castle suddenly began to shake.

The city gate of the bloody city gate is a huge beast head. The beast head looks fierce, as if it comes from a living creature in hell. It crawls at the city gate, exuding a momentum from the wilderness. The two huge eyes on the beast head look down on the front quietly. One look at the past, it makes people's heart beat faster!

At this moment, the gate of the castle was opened, and it was the beast's head that opened a gloomy mouth

"The door is open!"

"Shall we go in?"

"What the hell is this? It's just a statue. It's so terrible?"

As the gates of light opened, all the warriors gathered on the plain in front of the bloody castle and looked at the gate in front of them.

Two thousand and five hundred warriors, divided into three groups, entered three different bloody castles. On the plain in front of each castle stood more than 700 warriors

Some of them were very decisive and didn't stop at all. After the gate was opened, they went straight ahead.

More fighters are hesitant. They are only one step away from the summit of the dream battlefield and have to be careful.

Until the mysterious girl's voice came again

"You warriors, please enter the bloody castle," said the cold voice of the mysterious girl.

After hearing these words, the hesitant warriors turned to Zhenyuan one after another, rose up and shot at the gate of the city. The hesitant warriors now seem to be competing with each other

From the time that the gate opened, Luo Zheng had already stepped forward and walked towards the gate of the city at a slow speed.

It's just a smile on the face of those who want to surpass Luo.

After entering from the big mouth of the beast head, the front door is an open passage. Driving along the passage, you can see the center of the bloody castle. There is a huge hall, and a pyramid is displayed in the hall.

There are concave caves on the pyramids. The caves are one foot deep and one foot high. In these caves, there are statues on display!

"This It's my statue

"My statue is also in it..."

"Why do your statues appear on this pyramid?"

"Ranking! I am one hundred and seventy in the dream battlefield, and my statue is on the pyramid, one hundred and seventy. This is Everybody's ranking

When someone discovered the secret, people began to look at it.

Previously, the warriors could only query their own ranking, but they knew nothing about the warriors who were in front of and behind them.

Now you can get a very intuitive understanding of your ranking through this pyramid.

Luo Zheng approached the pyramid with a glance

It was at the bottom of the pyramid that he found the statue of Ji Nan.


After seeing Ji Nan's ranking, Luo Zheng smiles. She finally enters the top 50 and enters the second stage of the dream battlefield.

Sweeping along these statues, Luo Zheng sees the statues of Jinhai, huanling and others in turn But I didn't see the statue of the devil.

Is this guy out of the game?

After watching the bottom row, Luo Zheng's eyes are slowly swimming up. The higher the ranking of the pyramid, the higher the position will be

In the process of sweeping, his eyes suddenly coagulated, his eyes suddenly widened, his face was full of incredible color, and then he breathed a deep breath."I didn't expect him to come too..."

When Luo Zheng jumped up, he occupied the fifth floor of the pyramid. In front of him stood a statue of a human warrior.

This warrior holds the sword with one hand, and his face is heroic and proud. Under a pair of eyebrows, there is a star like eye, but it is Hua Tianming from the same world with Luo Zheng!

There are 100000 great realms in the world, among which the number of warriors in Shenhai realm is as large as trillion, but there are only 2500 warriors standing here representing one great realm. That is to say, on average, only one warrior in Shenhai realm can enter this second stage

But in the lower boundary where Luo Zheng was, two of them entered the top 2500.

Think of here, Luo Zheng's face also reveals the smile, look at the statue of Hua Tianming, a trace of vicissitudes, temperament has become more and more deep up.

But I don't know where Hua Tianming's rise is, and from which big world he enters the dream battlefield. If he can enter the top 2500, I'm afraid he also has the strength of Tianjiao!

At the beginning, the young man with the sword chased so fast.

In the lower bound, Luo Zheng once led huatianming a lot. At that time, the gap between huatianming and Luo Zheng was almost impossible to make an appointment.

But even Luo Zheng didn't expect that one day after these six or seven years, China's destiny could catch up!

Luo Zheng's progress over the years should not be underestimated. There is an immortal mansion behind him as a support, and the gap between him and Hua Tianming will only grow larger and larger. But now Hua Tianming is among the 540 members of this pyramid, which really surprises Luo Zheng! Flying

"I think brother Tianming should have a new chance. Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, he can't enter the country so fast! He's not in this bloody castle. It's a pity I have some good wine in my Xumi ring. If I meet him, I must drink one hundred jars of it first! "

The three bloody castles divide 2500 warriors. All the warriors of this bloody Castle gather in the open hall. Luo Zheng can see it at a glance and naturally does not find any trace of Hua Tianming. He must be in another bloody castle.

Encounter China destiny, originally let Luo Zheng very, very unexpected, and let Luo Zheng never thought, almost speechless things are behind!

As Luo Zheng climbs along the pyramids, he wants to engrave the faces of all these people in his mind. These people will be his opponents. Naturally, he wants to remember their characteristics

"Why leave these sculptures in it?"

Luo Zheng is also very curious about this problem, but the mysterious girl who presides over the dream battlefield has not given any hints, and everyone can only guess.

"This is myself," Luo Zheng fixed his eyes on his statue, pondered slightly, even reached out to touch it, and then immersed himself in the statue with consciousness, still unable to find anything special.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng couldn't think of a reason, so he had to keep climbing.

But just as he climbed up the top of the pyramid, his eyes suddenly focused on a woman

When Luo Zheng saw the woman, his pupils suddenly enlarged, and his eyes became like bronze bells.

In contrast, although Luo Zheng was surprised to see Hua Tianming before, he was soon relieved. With Hua Tianming's talent and his perseverance, it would be possible for him to come to this step by chance!

But in front of her, standing here, Luo Zheng was shocked.

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