The laughter came suddenly, which made Luo Zheng slightly uncomfortable.

In the outside world, Luo Zheng has no little communication with her. Although she has never met each other, she is a lively woman.

This is the dream of the battlefield, she became very meticulous.

"It's a good performance, Luo Zheng. He has entered the 77th place!" The woman's voice was directly transmitted in Luo Zheng's mind.

Luo Zheng Leng for a while, just open mouth to ask a way: "Luo Yan, have news?"


There was silence for a while, then came a very dissatisfied voice, "why every time you tell me the first sentence is this!"

Luo Zheng rolled his eyes. Isn't that nonsense?

although his roaring order can be used infinitely, he won't have nothing to do. To tell her a story is not to ask her to help find out Luo Yan's whereabouts?

"No news?" Luo Zheng asked.

But the mysterious girl said faintly: "the divine realm is much bigger than you think I sent the news back a few years ago, but I haven't heard from you yet. " In desperation, the mysterious girl can only explain to Luo Zheng in this way.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's face showed a look of disappointment. He sighed a little. Then he asked, "what are you going to do? Why do you suddenly come out?"

He was originally exploring the bamboo slips, but he didn't want the mysterious girl's consciousness to suddenly appear.

"It's nothing. I'm in charge of this dream battlefield. Aren't you going to ask me for help?" The mysterious girl said with a smile.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng refused for the first time, "no need."

Although Luo Zheng doesn't know the real meaning behind the dream battlefield, he also knows that this is the place where the talents of the whole world compete. After he stepped into the dream battlefield, he relied on his own strength. He didn't rely on Qinglong or Xun. Now that he has reached this stage, why do he need other people's help?

He knew that he would eventually face the arrogance and Taoism.

For example, Ji Luoxue after the combination, for example, the one with a lone sword is Xiaoxiao, but the warrior can only rely on himself in the end. Other people's help may be able to show off their power for a while, but it is someone else's power after all.

"Don't be like this I can really help you, "the mystery girl continued.

"I said no," Luo Zheng frowned, "I just need you to inquire about Luo Yan's news, that's all."

“……” There was no more voice there.

In the middle of the three bloody castles, deep in the air, there is a ring of clouds floating.

Deep in the clouds, there is a palace carved like crystal floating in it

On the edge of the palace, there was a young girl sitting on the railing.

The girl was wearing a light blue green smoky shirt, and her long and round legs were hanging down the railing in the clouds. Her white feet were looming in the clouds. Looking from behind, her small shoulders seemed to be cut out, and her back looked very lonely

She is the host of the dream battlefield, the mysterious girl who has been listening to Luo Zheng's story.

At the moment, her cheeks bulged high and her face was full of anger!

"I've never seen such a person before, and I don't know the good people! Hum It's none of your business

Since Luo Zheng entered the dream battlefield, the mysterious girl met Luo Zheng for the first time. Her eyes almost followed Luo Zheng from the beginning to the end, from one main city to another, and then to the hall of cause and effect

At this stage, she still trusted Luo Zheng's strength. Although she paid close attention to it, she didn't help.

After the second stage, she wanted to help Luo Zheng. At least Luo Zheng was her friend

But although she talked with Luo Zheng in the way of roaring for several years, she didn't understand Luo Zheng's character.

It's not that Luo Zheng's character is pedantic. He doesn't pursue absolute fairness. After all, there has been no fairness in the world since he was born. Talent, chance, background, luck

There are too many things that can influence a person's fate. There is no completely fair world.

But Luo Zheng knows that this dream battlefield is also a review of Luo Zheng himself. There is only one opportunity for Yan Ji. He doesn't want to miss this opportunity or get it through cheating.

The girl, Emei, frowned gently. Her eyes were flowing, and there was a mischievous smile in her eyes.

"You don't need my help, hum I just let you avoid it! No one can disobey me

She has been in this round of the world for almost six years. One is 3.6 billion years, and the other is 21.6 billion years

Shouyuan is an eternal existence for her family

In the river of time, she seals herself up most of the time.

One hundred million years, for her, is just a flick of the finger, let time flow faster, or let time jump in their own consciousness, which is almost the instinct of her family.Before a few Yan Ji, little girls all come here like this.

After arriving at this Yanji, she suddenly felt bored and awakened from the way of heaven.

When bored, singing is also good

I didn't expect that if I didn't sing, it would be OK. I almost messed up the whole world.

At last, she stopped singing when a group of Tianzun begged her father to tell her grandmother.

Want to use roar to chat, but the group of gods will roar to all cover tightly, for fear of wasting one, just don't go too far!

In fact, she secretly released the roaring order. Otherwise, although the world is big and there are many creatures, it is still too quiet for her who is bound in the way of heaven

Later, there were more roaring orders, but no one was willing to respond to her.

She's still bored

Until the appearance of Luo Zheng.

This guy just showed up and got her attention.

He seems to be looking for a woman named Luo Yan, but relying on the roaring order to shout all over the world, has not received a response.

But they quarreled with the two gods

And then I started counting!

At that time, the mysterious girl thought that Luo Zheng was an interesting guy!

At the same time, she was also very curious, where did Luo Zheng get so many roaring orders? Or, does he have a roaring command that can be used as many times as himself?

She is not interested in exploring how Luo Zheng's roaring order came about. As long as this guy is willing to chat with him, she will be very satisfied

Later, she listened to Luo Zheng tell one story after another, and promised to help Luo Zheng find his sister. In the past few years, she no longer fell into deep sleep, or forced herself to wake up when she fell into deep sleep. Therefore, the time of deep sleep is often less than one year and half a year, rather than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years before

Now that she has made a decision, she slowly raises her right hand, and a purple halo appears on her thin arm. The moment this halo appears, it spreads around quietly. Without any awareness, it envelops the whole dream battlefield!

Naturally, Luo Zheng didn't know the mysterious girl's plan.

When the mysterious girl's voice disappeared, he was relieved. Then he looked into the golden bamboo slips again, and realized that the golden bamboo slips actually imprinted the law of heaven on the statue!

However, this Law of heaven needs 500 million dream points to exchange. Seeing this condition, Luo Zheng feels dizzy.

Even the first place in the dream battlefield can't have 500 million dream points, can it?

So looking back, Luo Zheng chose three bamboo slips: strength bamboo slips, defense bamboo slips and speed bamboo slips to exchange.

Some people extremely concentrate all their dream points on one kind of bamboo slips, but Luo Zheng tries to pursue balance as much as possible. However, Luo Zheng does not know that he has been manipulated by the mysterious girl at the time of exchange.

The amount of his dream points is totally different from others.

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