In a word, Ji Luoxue is Luo Zheng's loyal supporter.

She used to be obsessed with contemporary novels, but it was because of Luo Zheng's vivid stories in the world that she was attracted step by step and became a major hobby in her spare time

In the past few years, Luo Zheng has been telling stories for a long time. If Luo Zheng's voice rings out, she will even put cultivation aside and listen to him for a few hours.

These stories are told to the unknown mysterious girl, who acts as a spectator.

She did not think that he was Luo Zheng, which surprised her.

In addition to her, the other martial artists also had a look of surprise on their faces. They could not help but look at him carefully to see what kind of three headed and six armed man he had killed

Most of them were curious about Luo Zheng, but some of them showed some killing intention in their eyes.

The present Tianjiao Taozi are all the precious figures of all the major ethnic groups.

These people are either the direct descendants of Tianzun, or they are trained by the clan after their talents are discovered, and regard Tianzun's great powers as the father of reconstruction. At the beginning, the four gods killed by Luo Zheng were all involved with them. Now, Luo Zheng naturally regarded them as the great enemies.

Luo Zheng is totally unaware of these eyes. He just pulls Hua Tianming aside and talks about the past in a low voice. He is very happy with each other

The crowd waited here for about half an hour.

During this period, Luo Zheng listened to Hua Tianming's story about his situation in the past six years.

In Luo Zheng's opinion, Xi Youqin's experience in the past few years is almost devoid of experience. He just stays in the purple world and devotes himself to cultivation. From the beginning to the end, he never leaves the purple world.

But Huatian's destiny is different.

From crossing the sea of violent stars to the experience in the four kingdoms, it can be described as soul stirring.

The most important thing is that Hua Tianming's great fortune in the wild land, together with his own talent, directly created his present

Hua Tianming did not tell Luo Zheng in detail what the fate was, and Luo Zheng naturally would not ask.

Everyone has his own secret, and Hua Tianming is reluctant to explain it for a reason.

In fact, curious, Luo Zheng quietly inquires through the memory of the will of the world. The memory of the world records what happens every moment, and can be found out under one thought.

However, when Luo Zheng tried to make an inquiry, he unexpectedly found that this part of his memory was particularly vague. It seemed that someone had done something to erase the will of the world. The memories of the wild land were all vague, and nothing useful could be found.

It's weird

Luo Zheng is also very strange in his heart. Why is there so many secrets in his vast world?

Nazulong was also born in the land of God. Under the land of Poseidon, there are many corpses of world masters. However, there are still such secrets hidden in the wild land that he has never explored. These things can not be described by coincidence.

They had a good conversation. As for xiyouqin, it's boring to listen to him, but she's content to just listen to him after a long separation from Luo Zheng

Before long, the cold voice of the mysterious girl echoed in everyone's ears again.

"You warriors, you can enter into the purple light column in front of you."

after this woman's voice dissipates, the proud people who have been waiting for so long step into the purple light column

When they enter the moment, there will be a gentle buoyancy to lift them up, slowly upward and away.

"Let's go in too," Luo Zheng said, pulling xiyouqin and stepping into it.

When Luo Zheng stepped into the purple light column, he felt a vast momentum coming. This momentum was very complex, and seemed to blend all the mysteries in it.

"This is The will of heaven

Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly fixed

This kind of momentum is not strange to Luo Zheng, even to many warriors present.

At the time of the disaster, when the great disaster came, the power of the disaster was the embodiment of the will of heaven.

The swimming fish swam slowly in the purple light. When they came near, they could easily get into Luo Zheng's body and then come out from the other end.

And the moment these swimming fish enter the body, they leave a trace of perception in Luo Zheng's body.

"This is the rule of heaven!"

"Every swimming fish contains a rule of heaven."

"The imprint they leave is of great benefit to themselves."

After cultivating and opening up the sea of gods, the warrior must establish his own inner world

At the beginning, the inner world was ignorant, without any rules, just a lifeless sea of truth.

When these fish escape into the body, they leave a rudiment of rules.There is a great advantage in establishing the rules of the inner world, and I'm afraid this advantage can't be found all over the world!

In the whole world, there are only 300 people who can accept the baptism of the purple light!

It's no wonder that many races in the world attach so much importance to the dream battlefield. This kind of experience can't be given even by the gods in the race. After all, the gods can only make them feel a kind of rule in the destiny, but they can feel countless rules in the whole world in the purple light!

All the people close their eyes and feel the brand left by these "swimming fish" in their bodies in the rising slowly. Luo Zheng is no exception.

As he rose slowly, there was even a little close to thorough understanding.

On the one hand, Zhenyuan Haihua's inner world dominates itself, but it can't be square without rules. Only by gradually improving the rules can the whole inner world work normally.

It's impossible for you to control the rules of heaven in these fish. After all, every rule is a destiny, and only God can drive one of them to the extreme.

But he can learn from it and build the rules of his inner world.

In fact, all those who enter the purple light have this kind of feeling

Of course, the only one who doesn't understand this is Xi Youqin. At the moment, she is still holding Luo Zheng's hand and looking at the floating fish around, but her face is full of wonder.

When others enter the purple light column, their minds are deterred by the will of heaven, and Luo Zheng is no exception.

However, the feeling of xiyouqin is totally different from others.

as like as two peas, she has a very familiar feeling about the purple glow, which is exactly the same as the smell produced by the practice of "Purple Jade Heart".

And the only difference is that this breath is much more perfect, and the breath in ziyuxinfa is a little thin!

That purple jade mental skill was taught by master.

According to master, Ziyu Xinfa is a regular secret of Ziji, and only one grade of Ziji Yin can be practiced completely.

She didn't think much about it. She couldn't understand the connection, and she didn't bother to understand it

Just as they rose to a certain height, the mysterious girl's voice full of dignity rang out in everyone's ears.

"The number of fifty in Dayan is nine out of forty. The number of fifty in Dayan is divided into two parts: one is variable and the other is fixed."

At the same time

The three hundred warriors originally rose slowly in a vertical line.

But at the moment, the path of your rise is slowly changing.

Many of the warriors are gradually floating on the left side of the pillar of light, "left is fixed, there is no change in life!"

And another part of the warrior is floating on the right side of the light column, "right is variable, unlimited."

There are about 200 warriors, on the left side of the pillar of light. Under the announcement of the mysterious girl, they are in place to determine their fate.

The other 99 people are on the right, and they are the fate of variables

"Well? What's the matter? I missed one... " Mysterious girl suddenly said.

Since the mysterious girl presided over the dream battlefield, her voice has been extremely cold, without any feelings. After all, she is the judge of the dream battlefield. Except for the laughter when communicating with Luo Zheng once, others feel indifferent when they hear her voice.

At this strange scene, the mysterious girl's voice was solemn and serious, but suddenly changed a tone. These arrogant people can't react for a moment. They open their eyes one by one, and their faces are full of strange colors.

While they opened their eyes, the strange color on their faces became more intense.

Just now, the mysterious girl decided to change her fate, which was to separate the warriors from each other

There are two kinds of life in the great world, one is black or white, and the other is fixed or changed. However, there is a guy floating in the center of the light column.

And the person who wanders alone in the center of the light column is Luo Zheng.

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