A giant totem stands in the holy land of the Shaye people.

The dream space is built at the bottom of the giant totem. The picture scroll displayed in the dream space naturally floats before the totem!

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of Shaye people are sitting around the totem, watching the huge picture in front of them

The Shaya people can only be regarded as a second class race in the world. There was only one heaven God in the Shaya people, and no real God was born. Relying on this heaven God, the whole Shaya people tried to become one of the first class races!

But compared with the first-class races such as Terrans, demons and demon night races, the Shaye race is very weak!

But today, the most outstanding genius of their family is on the top of the dream war!

For the Shaye people who have been frustrated for a long time, it may be an opportunity to rise. This genius will be the most precious seed. Sooner or later, it will grow into a towering tree, become a new round of patron of the Shaye people, and become the first true God of the Shaye people!

"Yodie, his first opponent is a human woman!"

"Youdi's luck is good. He didn't meet those Taoists..."

"This woman seems to have no fighting spirit. Hehe, Youdi met a soft persimmon..."

When hundreds of thousands of people talk about it, it's like a bee. The whole giant totem is surrounded by chaos.

Under the giant totem, the chief of the Shaye tribe raised a spear in his hand and then held it horizontally. It was a silent gesture.

Then all the shayee people stopped speaking, and the chief roared, "ancestors bless the shayee people..."

"Ancestors bless me, Yudi!"

"The soul of ancestors will always be..."


All the Shaya people roared at the same time!

The huge totem is the totem of the ancestors of the Shaye people. After the death of the warrior of the Shaye people, his body will burn, but his soul will last forever!

They infuse the ancestors' souls from generation to generation into the totem of ancestors, which can not protect the soul from extinction, but under the infusion of countless ancestors' souls, there is the will of the ancestors from generation to generation in the totem of ancestors.


At the same time, on the huge chessboard

The two totems behind the Shaye genius named Youdi also emit a faint halo.

Holding the black spear, a faint smile appeared on yodie's face. "Father, I'm too nervous. In the first battle, I called for the power of my ancestors. In fact, I don't need it!"

When the power of ancestors is called, all the totems possessed by the warriors of the Shaye nationality can transmit the powerful power of ancestors!

But this ancestor's power is not aimed at Youdi, but at the warrior of Shaye!

Only in the period of World War II, the Shaye people would call for the power of their ancestors, but now for Youdi, they call out the power of their ancestors, which is a great waste, because only Youdi is fighting, and the power of their ancestors is for the whole Shaye people, but this is also a great attention!

"In that case, the first battle will be a great one!"

The black spear in the hands of Youdi gently swing, and then he toward the opposite that Jiao didi Terran woman smile, showing a sorry expression, the figure burst out!

On this chessboard, the area is vast.

Just now that huge jade hand fell, the white one fell on the "Tianyuan", and Youdi was standing in the center.

And xiyouqin is still thousands of feet away from Youdi when it falls on one of the "stars".

However, Youdi's body suddenly moved, and the distance of thousands of feet was one step away!

A slender shadow drags away and disappears suddenly in a certain period. When Youdi's figure reappears, it's only one Zhang away from xiyouqin!

The black spear in Youdi's hand is ten feet long!


The spear came out suddenly!

But in Xi Youqin's eyes, what he saw was a black python. The scales on the python were shining with black luster. Under the hovering, he opened his mouth and swallowed it up towards her!

The four sacred beasts worshipped by the ancestors of the Shaye people are the black python, the magic porcupine, the cangqi eagle and the sleeping antelope.

We don't know much about the four exotic animals, but they play an important role in the Shaye people!

Xiyouqin is a little absent-minded

She was disgusted by the competition with others!

Just as the Python's mouth opened 180 degrees to reveal her tusks, she could not help but show a look of panic on her face. With a slight movement in her mind, the seven flying swords were circling!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

These seven flying swords form a defensive sword array in an instant, and then they stand in front of xiyouqin!

However, the most basic sword array can't stop Youdi's spear.

Spear and spear are similar in shape, but the biggest difference is that spear is mostly hard rod, while spear body is relatively soft.Looking at this slightly clumsy sword array, Youdi's face showed a smile. Before that, he thought that he wanted to defeat this woman with 30% strength, but he still overestimated her. He didn't know why this Terran woman broke into the top 300. I'm afraid that this woman's strength is not as good as the core disciple of ten grade Holy Land!

This battle is so easy

With the black spear in his hand shaking slightly, the black Python turns into a serpentine snake. However, it rushes right and left from the flaws of the sword array. In an instant, it passes through the sword array and goes straight to xiyouqin!


Seeing that his sword array can't stop his opponent, Xi Youqin's face is even more flustered.

In a hurry, a purple light fog scattered from her feet, which was the operation of Ziyu mental skill. The speed increased more than ten times, and she retreated towards the rear!

Luo Zheng, standing on the chess piece, stared at the scene in front of him, and his face also showed a rather speechless color

He only knows that xiyouqin has entered the second stage, but Luo Zheng has never seen her strength. But he only knows how to run away from the Shaye people. He also doesn't understand what xiyouqin got so many dream points by virtue of!

It's not just Luo Zheng who has this idea

Under the battle between the two men, the three hundred Tianjiao on the chessmen, and the warriors in the whole world watching the battle around the dreamland, are somewhat strange.

How did this woman get to this point?

What's more puzzling is a group of women in the purple world

Xiyouqin comes from their Ziji world. Now they are fighting on behalf of Ziji world!

Although the younger martial sister has many shortcomings, her talent is unspeakable. Even if she only has the cultivation of Shenhai realm, she can break out a very strong combat power.

"What happened to you Qin..."

"Younger martial sister seems to have stage fright!"

"But if we go on like this, we will lose under three moves!"

The women were also very anxious. Finally, they all looked at an old man behind them, who was the leader of Wuding tower.

Seeing this scene, Wuding shook her head slightly, but there was no urgent color on her face, but she said faintly: "in a hurry, maybe Youqin also needs a process of adaptation..."

"This woman's sword formation is not very good, but her speed of escape is first-rate!"

Youdi's spear attack and kill, easily broke the xiyouqin sword array, but the xiyouqin has suddenly retreated to thousands of feet away!

Seeing this scene, Youdi sneered, and a brown halo came out from the totem behind him


Then there was a loud and clear sound of the eagle!

When he inspired his ancestors, he had the speed of cangqi eagle

His hands suddenly spread out, and he turned into an eagle posture. He picked out empty shadows in the air and approached xiyouqin again. The black spear approached again. At the same time, he had a leisurely look on his face. "I think you'd better give up your strength..."

Xiyouqin, who retreated thousands of feet, looked at the eagle coming towards him in the mid air. In the light pupil, a light fierce color appeared at the moment.

She hasn't been mentally prepared before

Her first goal in this dream battlefield is to see Luo Zheng. Now her goal has been achieved and she doesn't want to fight any more.

But now no matter how she retreated, the man in front of her would defeat or even kill herself.

It's useless to give in blindly. What's more, at the moment, she thought of her master's advice. It doesn't matter whether she can get the place. She just hopes that she can do her best.

You can't be eliminated in the first round

Thinking of this, Li Mang in Xi Youqin's eyes suddenly diffuses, and the seven flying swords turn their direction at the same time, but they fly away towards the sky, condensing a turbulent purple Tianhe!

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