Strictly speaking, this "Hunyuan Guiyi sword" is not a skill of the divine realm, or it is not a skill of the true God.

There is no system of practicing chaos in the realm of God. Theoretically, there is no chaos method applicable to the cultivation of true God, and there will be no true God to create this kind of method.

However, as the treasure of chaos, the dark iron sword had already been forged with the magic power of chaos, which is called "Hunyuan Guiyi sword".

It seems that this broken sword is not good tempered.

Last time, Luo Zhengkeng Dugu Jian Xiaoxiao once, which is equivalent to Keng it once

In the face of Luo Zheng, he showed his magic power!

"This is the smell of chaos..."

Luo Zheng was in a daze before he reacted.

Now the sea of chaos in Luo Zheng's body has become thicker and thicker, and the world tree has gradually emerged from the sea.

Because of the test of the dream battlefield, Luo Zheng also has a sense of breakthrough. If he can break through the extreme realm, I'm afraid the sea of chaos will gradually solidify

Chaos originally exists in the form of breath.

At the beginning, Luo Zheng had learned from those books when he watched the master roam in chaos.

But now Luo Zheng's practice is to liquefy and solidify the chaos, but he doesn't know how far the inner world will be deduced?

The problem now is

This lone sword Xiaoxiao also controls chaos?

Isn't master saying that no one has successfully practiced the secret art of chaos since ancient times?

Even if the master is so powerful, he can't practice the secret of chaos. How can this guy show his skills of chaos!

"Back up!"

When he was puzzled, Luo Zheng chose to retreat for the first time.

This Hunyuan Guiyi sword is also very clever!

It seems that he did not transform chaos into truth, but directly integrated the Qi of chaos with the law of gold system!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

As Luo Zheng continued to retreat, those two kinds of light, gold and gray, also continued to extend out towards Luo Zheng

The golden awns are not bad, and Luo Zheng's artifact body can resist one or two, but the gray light, inspired by the golden rules, seems to penetrate everything!



At the moment, a golden awn and a grey awn stabbed Luo Zheng!

That jinmang failed to break Luo Zheng's physical defense

But the gray awn easily pierced Luo Zheng's body, leaving a round blood hole on his body. The flesh and blood in the blood hole seemed to melt in an instant!

"Baqu flying smoke!"

At this moment, Luo Zheng is also smart

What chaos brings to Luo Zheng is only a powerful increase!

Previously, Luo Zheng's use of chaos Qi was limited to the use of the Dharma in the heavenly magic fist, which made chaos Qi have the ability of phagocytosis and transformation.

For the sake of self-protection, Luo Zheng's application of chaos Qi is transformed into the power of law. Others don't know that there is a chaos sea in his inner world. What's more, they don't know that chaos is a deadly poison to all living beings and even to all gods. If they touch it, they will die

After all, his master can roam in endless chaos, which is not mentioned in the secret of chaos

At the moment, it's a kind of reminder of chaos, but it's a reflection of Luo's sword!

Why did he turn chaos into truth?

What's the power that directly excites chaos?

Luo Zheng has also practiced the golden rules. He has realized the five levels of the rules. Jin Gang protects the body

But for Luo Zheng, it's better than nothing, not as good as his body, so it's rarely used.

"Run away, ha ha, I see where you can go. You are not very handsome in the hall of cause and effect."

Waving the broken sword, dugujian Xiaoxiao follows Luo Zheng all the way. From a distance, dugujian Xiaoxiao is like a hedgehog. From the broken sword, there are two colors of gold and gray light, which is a sharp thorn, forcing Luo Zheng to go!

Although Tiandi chessboard is large, its area is limited after all

For these Taoists, they don't need a breath to rush through the chessboard.

It won't be long before Luo Zheng will be forced into a corner. The final result is obvious. No matter how strong his body is, it will be penetrated by the two-color light

"Luo Zheng is going to be defeated," Xuanyuan CHENFENG looks at him faintly, and then closes his eyes. He is thinking about how to solve the problem

Ji Luoxue said, "it's a pity..."

"It's not wonderful to fall into such a situation," commented Xie qianhan.

The battle between Luo Zheng and Dugu Jian Xiaoxiao is not really wonderful. Dugu comes up with the chaos Guiyi sword and goes straight to Luo Zheng. It seems that Luo Zheng has no fighting power at all.

"I said that Luo Zhen's strength is still a little bit, but compared with the real Daozi, the gap is still too big!""Even if they are defeated, they can still get the divine plate! Hehe, if his luck comes one day, maybe there will be deities in the immortal mansion. Isn't it the direct achievement of true deities? "

"I can only say that this guy is lucky and envious..."

In many people's eyes, as a Skywalker, Luo Zheng is very lucky to have come to this step.

Which is worse than Luo Zheng, the core genius or even the pride of heaven? But they have already been eliminated early, and they are staring at each other.

It's Luo Zheng's honor to be defeated by Du Gujian Xiaoxiao

Xi Youqin stands on the chess pieces, and Ning yudie stands in the holy land of Yuqing, watching his husband.

Until the last moment, they did not believe that their husband would be so easily defeated.

Hua Tianming's eyes twinkled with a faint look, "we haven't met yet, you won't be defeated!"


Even if Luo Zheng used the eight pieces of flying smoke to escape in the light of hedgehog like rays, he was sometimes hit.

The general blade into the body, after pulling out, leaving behind is a long and thin wound, but the stab like gray light into, but it is a round blood hole, where the flesh and blood will completely disappear, the wound looks shocking, and the blood is also like a spring like crazy gushing.

"Ha ha ha, give up, you should be glad that this is not the outside world, can pick up a dog's life!" The look on Dugu's face became more and more crazy. After the broken sword and Dugu's Xiaoxiao became one, their thinking also changed.

Under such pressure, Luo Zheng retreated beyond the "Tianyuan" on the chessboard, also retreated to the double star, and finally came to the edge of the chessboard! His blood flowed out, leaving a shocking blood line on the chessboard.

At the moment, Luo Zheng has no choice but to retreat

Dugu Jian Xiaoxiao holding the broken sword, strides meteor, his face is hanging a ferocious color.

In Dugu's opinion, Luo Zheng was already a mortal, and there was no possibility of getting out of trouble!

Even the real God is talking about chaos. To deal with a warrior in the world, it should be said that how to kill a chicken with a bull's knife!

According to the plan of this broken sword, it usually won't do it in person. Dugujian Xiaoxiao still needs to be tempered. But now, facing Luo Zheng, it really wants to replace dugujian Xiaoxiao. That's why it will do it in person and use such a violent method to kill Luo Zheng!


Dugujian Xiaoxiao is really ready to inspire Hunyuan guiyijian

Can imagine next moment, Luo Zheng's body will be numerous blood holes.

However, at this time, Luo Zheng just picked the spear slightly. The tip of the spear aimed at Dugu Jian Xiaoxiao, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Seeing Luo Zheng's smile, dugujian Xiaoxiao's face was a little confused. If he was in Luo Zheng's situation, he would not be able to laugh!

If you can laugh, you must have a back hand.

But what can this guy do?

What's new about this broken sword from the divine realm?

Is there any skill in the world that can break its Hunyuan unification?

But soon, dugujian Xiaoxiao understood

A touch of gold also appeared on the tip of the pointed gun

As you can see, this is the golden rule of the real Yuan Dynasty, but it's just the beginning of the five levels. It's not worth mentioning! This golden rule in the world, if you want to resist its Hunyuan Guiyi sword, it will be possible at least to the eighth floor!

But after that gold flash suddenly, at the same time, there is a plaster out!

This grey awn is not conspicuous, but Dugu Jian's pupil suddenly enlarges, and his mind is shocked!

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