
Crack thousand cold this fist wave but come out, just like a mixed world demon God!

Is also the fist speed is too fast, has the sharp wind blade to spread faintly! This is also in the picture. The surrounding space is very stable. If you hit it in the outside world, I'm afraid it will tear a huge hole in the space.

The crack family has a special way of practicing.

It is because they have a very special supreme artifact, dengyinhuanglong basin!

This basin is one Zhang high and one Zhang wide. It is usually full of the essence and blood of various rare animals and birds

Generally speaking, the blood of those rare and exotic animals is either too violent for ordinary people to bear. If they are absorbed by force, it will take time to dissolve, or it contains highly toxic substances and can't be absorbed at all!

But this dengyinhuanglong basin can neutralize all the blood and retain the characteristics of the blood essence!

Every year, the crack family sends people out to collect blood, and many holy places under their banner will also keep some blood essence and hand it over to the crack family, just for this basin!

It's a great honor to be able to soak in this basin for an hour, and it's not for ordinary people to be qualified to enter. For example, some world masters may be given this honor by the family.

Even the owner of the split family can't enter the dengyinhuanglong basin to soak.

I'm afraid that the only unrestricted members of the whole family are the ancestors of the family and the family

However, the ancient ancestor of the Chajia family has achieved the position of heaven. With his cultivation, this hidden Phoenix dragon basin is of little use to him, but it is undoubtedly beneficial to chaqianhan.

For more than ten years, crack thousand cold almost every day to soak in two or three hours! Over time, his muscles, bones, blood and flesh are far stronger than others!

I'm afraid no one in the world has such a body!

This is the reason why Xie qianhan is going to beat Luo Zheng with one punch, because he has the strength.

Luo Zheng's eyes are quiet and bright, just like stars

Star Station is a kind of supreme magic weapon that can activate the power of stars. With more and more stars being activated by Luo Zheng, his explosive power is also more and more powerful!

"I won't give in to this blow!"

A starlight is in a spiral way around his arm, toward Luo Zheng in front of the fist condensation!

If in the past, Luo Zheng encountered such a brute force opponent, he would be relieved, because this is his strong point.

But at the moment, he did not relax at all.

The world is too big

It's a genius out of 100 million warriors.

He Luo Zheng has the chance to go against the sky, and other people are not bad, and they also have a huge power behind them. Of course, the foundation created by the resources given to them is not bad!

Of course, Luo Zheng's prudence does not mean that he is afraid of this opponent. He just wants to show his strongest side after a more accurate evaluation of the opponent's strength

Luo Zheng's move is not the glory of the stars.

It's a different version of the star war

"Dark eating star!"

From the front of Luo Zheng's fist, there appeared a whirlpool of soft starlight, blooming soft starlight

The power of this fist is far less powerful than that of Xie qianhan.

However, the star war body is like the endless starry sky, which is a broader space and a more vast world than the sea!


When the two did not contact, crack thousand cold is to occupy the absolute upper hand!

However, after the two fists intersected at the moment, people saw a strange scene.

Crack thousand cold's fist is directly smashed into the whirlpool, as if his fist smashed into another piece of space

At the moment, I'm afraid the most surprised one is crack thousand cold.

He used to sneer in his heart. The guy who dares to fight against himself has never come to a good end.

In fact, Xie qianhan feels that Luo Zheng is extremely cunning in his heart. I'm afraid this guy will change his moves at the last moment and choose to avoid his fist.

He never thought that Luo Zheng would choose to fight head on!

What's more, Luo Zheng's boxing is so strange

He this move, really is the cow into the mud sea, by Luo Zheng fist in front of the whirlpool devour clean?

Dark eating star

It's one of the stars.

It's also a copy of "Star battle style", which can be used only after the dark star is activated!

In the world's sky, the dark star is constantly devouring the surrounding material, and all the material close to the dark star will be swallowed by it.

And there is another kind of star corresponding to it, that is, towards the extinct star, which is constantly spewing matter out.

As many dark stars as there are in the world, there are as many going to the extinct stars. It's quite amazing that two kinds of stars come in and go out.

Some strong people even use this star as a transmission channel, which can continuously cross over many star domains, on the premise that the physical body of the warrior can bear the endless pressure of the two stars.In the past few years, Luo Zheng has attracted a dark star by chance, and has just made this move!

No matter how powerful the power of the crack thousand cold is, it will still be dissolved by the whirlpool in front of Luo Zheng's fist

After this punch, Luo Zheng's face will appear a smile, the other party's power swallowed up, and then on their own!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

Luo Zheng's counterattack started in an instant!

The whirlpool in front of his fist suddenly began to rotate in the opposite direction

"To the Death Star!"

After being swallowed by the dark star, the power of the crack thousand cold fist will spit back in the past!

But the power of this blow is enough to destroy Wanli mountain range

And that's not enough.

Luo Zheng also broke out his own strength

Forty thousand dragon scales!

What kind of terror is this blow that combines two forces?

This crack thousand cold originally thought, come up is a punch to kill Luo Zheng, also only in this way, can achieve the best deterrent effect!

He is really good at this calculation.

According to his calculation, the problem should be small, especially Luo Zheng did not use any strange body method to escape, he should be defeated!

At the moment crack thousand cold just found himself wrong, simply wrong.

It's impossible for Luo Zheng to escape when he pushes back this punch!

"Pa, PA!"

Because Luo Zheng's body bears this huge force, the chessboard of heaven and earth under his feet collapses suddenly. At the same time, this fist has been smashed on the right fist!

At this moment, the right arm of the cracker began to disintegrate and become tiny pieces, which were constantly floating away, as if the flesh and blood of the cracker was made of a piece of fly ash.

Flesh, meridians, even the blood in his body was shocked to ashes by this terrible force


Crack thousand cold originally still have words to want to say.

He wanted to say he shouldn't have

There are many ways for him to split his family, and this exercise is not his strongest way.

It's easy to use those really powerful means to kill Luo Zheng.


There is no regret medicine in the world.

If you know what's going on behind you, ten thousand people are not our enemies

The saying is that the warrior can predict the reaction of his opponent after several breaths, so no one is his opponent.

Of course, it's absolute, but it's probably true in the battle of the same level fighters.

But crack thousand cold obviously does not have this ability.

Under the compression of the law of time, it can only delay, but can't jump, and can't go back to the past.

It's almost impossible, at least in this world.

That little bit of powder constantly peels off from the cracked body, floats and disappears

Finally, the crack thousand cold completely disappeared in front of Luo Zheng.

In the world, countless warriors are stunned at this moment

This is the so-called second only to Xuanyuan CHENFENG, but is the most popular crack qianhan?

Against Luo Zheng, with only one punch, he was blasted to pieces?

"Isn't that a big gap?" Someone sighed.

And this exclamation is also the voice of countless warriors, because most of them are so exclamatory.

There are always many variables in these Taoist struggles. How could the previous struggles be so easy to end? According to ordinary people's thinking, how many sticks of incense do you always need?

The two of them hit each other like this, and they were beaten to ashes

It's hard for many people to respond.

Of course, those who have a little vision will not sigh so much. His reputation is closely followed by Xuanyuan CHENFENG. He can't be a person without real name. His strength can't be so weak!

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