This kind of discussion is certainly extremely enthusiastic, but most people just see Hua Tianming dragging a bright silver light in his hand.

Sometimes the light is elongated, sometimes extremely sharp, sometimes turned into a fan, sometimes surging like waves.

In fact, there are not many people who can see Hua Tianming's sword clearly!

In fact, there are many powerful magic weapons in the world, which have never been named on the Wanling tablet.

For example, the heaven and earth mirror of Tianwei clan, and the evil gate of the original sin God.

The light in Hua Tianming's eyes twinkled. Just now, his hand was like a storm. At such a speed, he didn't hurt Ku Deng!

The means of this bitter lamp is too strange, which gives Hua Tianming a bad feeling.

This is an opponent who can see through the future!

Therefore, Hua Tianming's speed is already extremely fast, but Ku Deng can slowly wave the nine ring Zen staff to resist his attack.

Because bitter lamp knows when it will launch a fatal blow to it.

Even his "occasional" counterattack can bring great threat to Hua Tianming

"You seem to be able to see through the future," Hua Tianming said faintly.

Bitter lamp one hand close ten, nine ring Zen stick slightly a shake, "see through the future is not me, is Maitreya."

Maitreya is called the future Buddha.

Hua Tianming was not interested in the machine edge in the Buddhist and Taoist discourse. He put his hand on the handle of the sword again and said, "even so, I will cut up your Zen stick. How can you stop my sword?"

After the words fell, he pulled out the sword again from the scabbard and rushed out into a streamer!

Luo Zheng nodded slightly on the chess piece, and Hua Tianming's analysis was reasonable.

In the first round of fierce attack, he may not have hurt kudeng, but kudeng's nine ring Zen staff broke one ring!

The nine rings of the nine ring Zen stick are connected by rings. The nine worlds in Buddhism and Taoism

Powerful, can instantly open nine overlapping, interlocking, can make people lost, unable to escape.

So Hua Tianming, who broke one link, has actually occupied the advantage!

When Hua Tianming steps on the light, his face is still in a state of displeasure, but he still uses the nine ring Zen staff to resist Hua Tianming's sword!

In a twinkling, Hua Tianming cut out countless swords again. The speed of the sword was so fast that people suffocated

"Ding Ding Ding..."


With a burst of dense crisp sound, another gold ring broke open.

Hua Tianming didn't hesitate at all. He continued to shoot his sword around the bitter lamp with great speed

Soon after, the third ring broke



When the last golden ring was broken, the original nine ring Zen stick of Baoguang's dignity suddenly faded.

The nine ring Zen stick can be sealed as a supreme artifact by the nine gold rings inlaid on it. After all the gold rings are broken, the Zen stick will drop to a new level in an instant.

Now, I'm afraid this staff can only be regarded as an artifact.

In Lingyin Temple

Countless monks sit on the ground and recite in a low voice.

Only a few eminent monks of Shaozhu looked at the picture

"The nine ring Zen staff is broken..."

"The quickness and advantage of this sword can't be cracked, and it's normal."

"However, the world knows that the nine ring Zen staff is famous for the nine ring Town, but it is not known that the nine rings are just shackles in the collection of Shura Taoism."

"Bitter lamp is with the help of this son's power."


When the long sword came into the sheath, Hua Tianming stood on one side of his sword and asked faintly, "next, how do you block my sword?"

Kudeng looked at the staff in his hand, but his face didn't show any urgency. "I'm very comfortable, but I want to build a nine fold world to bind it. This world is a dream bubble, and it can also contain Shura's way..."

As he spoke, the top of the stick began to release a stream of blood, and from the top of the stick there was a stream of scarlet blood.

Bitter lamp's temperament also changed dramatically. Originally, he was a kind-hearted little monk, but now his face became ferocious. In his calm eyes, there were bursts of ferocious air!


As the sacred object of Lingyin Temple, the nine ring Zen stick is rarely seen in this world. Even in this world, the first form of the nine ring Zen stick is enough to cope with it.

But there is a secret.

One of them is sealed with an evil god, namely Shura

If the nine rings are broken, Shura will be possessed!

Soon the bitter lamp's ears slowly become sharp and incomparable, the whole person is no longer like a person, but a monster.

But only the voice was unusually calm.

"The incarnation of Shura is also a great precept of Buddhism. However, the little monk's practice of Buddhism and his pursuit of freedom of good and evil can be described as freedom of Buddhism and Taoism, but he can't help this festival!"

After saying that, the bitter lamp is to grasp the stick and exert a little force towards the bottom!"Bo..."

Countless cracks began to spread along the Zen stick.

The ten thousand Zhang chessboard of heaven and earth is not huge for the warrior. With a little bit, the turbulent power spreads out, and the whole chessboard turns into a piece of rubble, and then collapses directly

Hua Tianming seized his sword and floated across the bitter lamp.

"Benefactor, be careful!"

"Hoo Hoo..."

After this bitter lamp incarnates Shura, the speed is also strange.

He circled in the air, and the shadows of his staff were all over the sky, and he went towards the destiny of China

"The great Manjusri staff technique!"

After the bitter light flashed, Hua Tianming stepped on the light again.

This great Manjusri staff technique is extremely strong, with the Shura form of kudeng at the moment, the edge is almost irresistible!

Hua Tianming also had to retreat for a while!

However, kudeng didn't want to give huatianming the slightest chance. The great Manjusri staff was used to cover huatianming!


Under the shining light of Hua Tianming's feet, the whole person is like a meteor, shuttling through the overlapping shadow of the staff. Although the shadow of the staff is dense, it does not even touch Hua Tianming's sleeve.

Although the bitter lamp waved thousands of shadows, another scene appeared in one of his pupils at the moment.

Although the scene is very hazy, but each of them is extremely valuable to him!

That's after three breaths

After three breaths, Hua Tianming will suddenly circle behind him!

1、 Two, three

After three breaths, Ku Deng has already advanced one step, a stick backhand hit behind him.


The Zen staff accurately blocked Hua Tianming's sword.

Hua Tianming's sword failed to succeed. He immediately swam away with a slight frown.

This person can see through the future and know any moves in advance. It's really troublesome.

This battle is even more difficult than huatianming imagined. No one who can break into the top five is weak. Not only is it nearly perfect in all aspects, but it also has some extremely adverse powers!

Looking at the shadow of the staff all over the sky, Hua Tianming continued to cover himself with a cold look in his eyes.

It needs to be changed

However, he did not expect that he had not changed his moves, but the bitter lamp had taken the lead. He was planning to suppress Hua Tianming to the end.

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