The way to move long distances in the world is to move in space.

You need to understand the law of space deeply, and your accomplishments can only be moved when you reach the master of the world. It seems that the height of your accomplishments also determines the length of the moving distance.

At the beginning, those heavenly lords wanted to round up Luo Zheng, but they gathered in just one or two days.

But those world masters behind, however, waited for a long time to catch up.

Mu Mingxue holds her hands to her cheek. She doesn't understand, but she doesn't ask much. She just stares at Luo Zheng's every move.

Luo Zheng is not sure whether he can use the order in the world

With the chaos of the gas under the perfusion, this move to suddenly emit a faint white light.


With a gentle call, the space around Luo Zheng seems to start shaking!


Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

However, under the constant shaking of the space, it seems that some monster wants to tear the space apart, and suddenly makes a dull sound, similar to the sound of firecrackers exploding under the water.

"Boo boo boo boo..."

Mu Mingxue retreated a few steps to the side, but she was more and more puzzled. Is Luo Zheng going to call out a fierce beast?

In the end, the sound gradually subsided

"Failed? It shouldn't be... " Luo Zheng's brow slightly a wrinkling, if move to make have no use, just won't produce that kind of movement.

But he does not feel any fluctuations in space

But at the moment, there is a figure flying away, it is Ah Fu.

Seeing Luo Zheng's movement, Ah Fu's face was full of strange color, "Luo Zheng Are you going to move space here? "

"How do you know?" Luo Zheng asked.

Ah Fu is dumb smile, "here, space moving is impossible!"

This is Luo Zheng feel strange, "why?"

Ah Fu pointed to the sky, and the boundary covered the whole immortal mansion.

In fact, this immortal mansion is not in the world, but in the huge world. It's just a node created by Luo Zheng using Gen word order, which turns into an illusion.

Then Ah Fu told Luo Zheng that the place where the immortal mansion is located, not to mention that he can't move it, even the real God can't move it, he can only walk on foot

"So powerful?" Luo Zheng was stunned.

When he met the white tiger, Luo Zheng felt the strangeness of the forest, but didn't expect that the place was so evil?

"Where on earth is this?" Luo Zheng asked again.

Ah Fu just laughed and didn't tell Luo Zheng the answer. He just said that when Luo Zheng should know, he would eventually know.

Luo Zheng doesn't ask any more. What ah Fu revealed to Luo Zheng is always limited. Luo Zheng shouldn't know. This guy won't say a word more. Sometimes Luo Zheng suspects that this guy is a pure puppet

In this way, Luo Zheng can't move here. He can only leave the immortal mansion and try again in the space of the world.

According to the news just now, Luo Zheng estimated that the removal order should be effective.

With seven or eight points of assurance in his mind, he observed the situation of the outside world through the immortal mansion.

Those world masters seem to be recalled by their major races, but they still need to be on guard after all. They have indeed won the so-called dream battlefield title, and their fate may be on their side, but it is not an absolute talisman.

If Yao arranges a master to hide, killing himself is only a matter of a moment.

Even if Luo Zheng stepped into the divine realm and had a qualitative improvement in his cultivation, he might not have a good way to face the world leader. Unless the world in his body is changed, he may still have the strength to fight with the world leader. Even if he can't fight, he may have the power to protect himself.

Be careful, Luo Zheng let a Fu control the immortal mansion and fly away for a few days, which even turned into a grain of sand and penetrated a star.

After getting out of the star, Luo Zheng walked out of the immortal mansion for the first time. Mu Mingxue wanted to come out with Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng refused

The moment he left Xianfu, Luo Zheng immediately activated the move order in his hand.

At the moment when the moving order is activated, the violent spatial fluctuation is like a tornado, wrapping it!


In this instant, the order seemed to connect with the whole world!

And Luo Zheng once again fell into a space

In front of Luo Zheng is a majestic scene, the stars seem to be concentrated together, dense like dazzling sand, and below these sand are disks

Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled slightly, and his face was also excited.

He has seen that each disc is a big world, which is the epitome of the whole world!

It is almost beyond Luo Zheng's imagination that the moving order can do so.In addition to these disks, there are thin lines under each disk. Since there are 100000 disks, they represent 100000 boundaries, and these lines extend all the way from the bottom of the disk to the bottom!

"That's the world!" Luo Zheng's eyes twinkle constantly, these lines are intricate, should represent a flight channel.

The whole world has shrunk countless times and presented itself in front of us. At a glance, it's really shocking.

At that time, Luo Zheng couldn't see the whole world, but the far world was covered in endless darkness.

Even now, Luo Zheng can't see clearly, but he can see that the vast world is divided into three sections by the dark fog. That is to say, the vast world is more than a million, and the theory of a million should be an imaginary number.

Many of the lines in these great worlds do not extend to the upper boundary. They seem to extend to other places. Soon Luo Zheng realized that those places should be independent interfaces such as the real dragon Kingdom and the real Phoenix Kingdom

Luo Zheng, who wants to understand, stares at those diamond shaped great worlds. These three great worlds seem to be the back of some fierce beast! These diamond shaped worlds are the scales of some fierce beast.

Is it really a fierce animal? Is there such a huge beast in the world?

At this stage, Luo Zheng can't understand the secret. With this move order, Luo Zheng seems to be able to easily choose his own position. After confirming it, he just floats towards one of the disks.

"I used the moving order so soon..."

Hidden and full of auspicious clouds, the mysterious girl named Jiang yu'er had a faint smile on her face. Naturally, Luo Zheng didn't know that the move was so overbearing. It was all her means. Even Tianzun could only move forward again and again. Moreover, it was not easy to control the direction of long-distance move. Without a little attention, she moved to a strange place.

If you want to reach your destination, you often have to move dozens or even hundreds of times. Such a convenient thing as moving order has never appeared in the world.

Accompanied by a violent flash of light, Luo Zheng appeared from a void.

At the moment when he first appeared, Luo Zheng almost stepped out of the air. He was busy running under the elixir field, and then he floated up

At this moment, he was in the sky, and in front of him was a vast plain.

"Baiyang world, independent world..."

There are not many great realms in the world, all of which belong to those great forces.

This baiyangjie belongs to the big world of independent warriors, which can be regarded as the yearning place of countless independent warriors, because the famous "Jianzhuang" is located in this big world.

Independent fighters are not bound, and people of any race will exist.

In fact, Jianzhuang is a big force strictly speaking, but it doesn't have much restriction on the independent warriors who join it. It's an excellent destination for those who yearn for freedom.

There are priorities. Luo Zheng still has a lot of problems to solve, but now the most important thing is to become a Taoist. Therefore, it is imperative for Luo Zheng to join Jianzhuang

After a period of high-altitude flying, Luo Zheng noticed that there were many black dots on the plain. They should be villages and cities, but they were as small as ants.

Luo Zheng is one side of the body, flying down.

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