A burst of numbness, like the sea to see the spread of a small spider.

Luo Zheng has encountered many crises, but not once has he been so passive that he fell into the calculation of the world leader without being on guard. It really gives Luo Zheng a headache.

Only give Luo Zheng psychological comfort also only smoked.

Although Xun didn't disclose any information to Luo Zheng, she didn't look good at Bi Feiyu's calculation from Xun's attitude.

Bi Feiyu seems to be very taboo to these little spiders. When they spread over, with a little finger, a dark red flame spread out and enveloped him.

The spiders climbed up along the silk thread like tides, and soon came to Luo Zheng

Luo Zheng looks at these fist sized red spiders, and his face is also full of doubts. It's unlikely that these spiders will hurt him, and Luo Zheng is not afraid of the poison. What's the purpose of gathering around him?

While thinking about it, the little spiders climbed onto Luo Zheng, then stretched out a sharp mouthpiece and nailed it to Luo Zheng's skin.

To Luo Zheng's surprise, the mouthparts of these little spiders are so powerful that Luo Zheng's artifact is totally irresistible. Under this nail, the mouthparts are deeply embedded in Luo Zheng's skin!

Then the little spider's bulging body shriveled in an instant. Then it tilted to one side and rolled down from Luo Zheng's body. It was already dead!

All the little red spiders do the same thing. They pin something on Luo Zheng's body. It seems that after injecting something from their abdomen into Luo Zheng's body, they roll to one side

Luo Zheng himself didn't feel anything, but he was even more strange. If these little spiders injected poison, they would not die immediately. Why did they do that?

The process was quite long, lasting two or three hours.

The small spiders that used to surge like the sea water are already sparse, and the bodies of those red spiders have been piled up like mountains below Luo Zheng.

Bi Feiyu saw that it was almost time. With a cold smile, he flew up and grabbed Luo Zheng and pulled him off the Golden Spider Web.

At the moment, Luo Zheng can only be at the mercy of this guy, not to mention that he is wrapped with so many golden silk, and the spider silk can't move. Even if he doesn't have any shackles, he can't be Bi Feiyu's opponent with all his strength.

So he took Luo Zheng and walked to the other side. After a few steps, he gave a smile and put out his hand. The hexagon seal floated down with smoke and followed him.

"Be patient, it will be over soon," Bi Feiyu said with a cold smile.

he took as like as two peas of Luo Zheng to the corner of the space. In front of him, there was a bronze door, which was much smaller than the bronze door outside the killing mountain, but almost exactly the same.

"The gate to kill Jianshan is easy to handle, but it's a big trouble for me. I've wasted a lot of time here. Fortunately, I've been waiting for you. Haha..."

After that, he drags Luo Zheng to throw at the copper door!

Luo Zheng was like a throwing stone. He hit the copper door hard and hit his head on it with a loud bang!

The hardness of the bronze door is amazing, and Luo Zheng's head is made of artifact. There is no damage under the impact.

Seeing this, Bi Feiyu grabs Luo Zheng in the air and pulls him back. Then he grabs Luo Zheng tightly again and smashes him towards the flashing copper door!


After the second time, Tongmen still had no reaction.

Bi Feiyu frowned slightly, "is that thing asleep?"

Thinking of this, he grabbed Luo Zheng again and smashed at the copper door


This time, the strength is big enough. Even Luo Zheng is dizzy!

At this moment, the copper door reacts again, and the sculpture on it starts to move. The thousand legged spider on the copper door actually climbs down directly from the copper door!

"Is this spider alive?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned.

There is a huge statue of a thousand legged spider on the copper gate outside the killing sword mountain. There is also one on the copper gate, so Luo Zheng didn't look at it carefully.

Now Luo Zhengcai finds out that the thousand legged spider is not a statue at all, but a living giant spider. The spider has been crawling on the door for many years

Such a spider, lying on the door, can't let Bi Feiyu, such a powerful person with great power, enter. Luo Zheng can imagine the strength of this spider.

What Luo Zheng thought was relatively simple. He incarnated above the three changes and was the Lord of heaven.

Now it seems that there are many things in the world that I didn't know about, including Qinglong and Xun, who hide something from me.

This makes Luo Zheng doubt himself.So, is there another reason to lead yourself up and even find your sister?

I don't know if there is any chance to solve these problems. Luo Zheng smiles bitterly in his heart.


The spider slowly climbed down from the copper door and stretched out the slender limb. The top of the limb was like a blade. With a slight pick, the golden silk thread bound to Luo Zheng broke.

When Luo Zheng regained his freedom, he wanted to jump up and run away!

However, when he wanted to do so, a gloomy color appeared on his face, and he could not move.

The giant spider "holds" Luo Zheng with dozens of legs and enters the bronze door.

Bi Feiyu's face with a faint smile, followed closely, the Panther he raised, followed closely, followed by Xun, who was involuntarily brought into the bronze door.

Countless limbs crawling slowly on the ground, Luo Zheng was held in midair, that is, under the abdomen of the thousand legged spider, looking at the surrounding environment.

In the cave behind the bronze door, Luo Zheng finally saw the sword

It's a lot of swords, which are almost all over the cave. There are weapons of any level, such as immortal weapons, holy weapons, divine weapons

"These are the swords in the killing sword mountain? Or is it an illusion? " Luo Zheng looked at the environment curiously, but soon after, he saw a scene of great shock.

He saw the sword playing God, which is Chen Huangyi sword!

"How could..."

Luo Zheng had an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Luo Zheng didn't feel any anger from this man, and his whole body withered completely. He should have fallen into the five failings of heaven and man, and then he sat here. Even if Tianzun sat down, he still exuded a momentum that was hard to get close to.

Luo Zheng has confirmed that Chen Huangyi sword has become a true God, so seeing the corpse of Chen Huangyi sword here once made him confused.

It can be seen that Bi Feiyu is also very confused.

The heart of the sword on Luo Zheng must have been passed on to him by the old villa leader.

Therefore, Luo Zheng said that Bi Feiyu believed in the true God of the old villa leader. At this moment, he suddenly saw the corpse of the old villa leader sitting here, and his heart was a little flustered.

Bi Feiyu racked his brains for the bronze door, but he couldn't get through it after all.

He never thought that the God of sword playing died behind this door!

This door needs someone who has the heart of the sword to get the approval of the thousand legged spider, and then it can be opened

The heart of the sword needs to be given by the God of the sword. Now the God of the sword is dead in this door.

In this way, a paradox is formed. Who is the man who gives Luo Zheng the heart of the sword?

He and Luo Zheng also fell into great confusion, but also very alert!

Xun Duan sat in the hexagon seal, looking at the scene not far away, his face showed a faint smile.

In her opinion, Bi Feiyu's behavior is very ridiculous.

The first place in the dream battlefield is not only symbolic, but also involves the future of the whole world.

It's not easy for Luo Zheng to die.

To say the fall, Luo Zheng may fall in the impending catastrophe, but he will never die here.

So in the face of such an accident, Xun didn't feel much surprised

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