Hua Tianming seems to be looking for Luo Zheng to talk about the past.

But his real purpose is to challenge mu Mingxue.

It seems that mu Mingxue's appearance was purely an accident. On the same day, she left the well and left some clues. Then she was "coincidentally" found by Luo Zheng

Hua Tianming can't predict where they are, but he can find a clue.

He did not have any evidence to prove that mu Mingxue belonged to them, but this abruptness proved that mu Mingxue was unreliable.

"You have no other choice, believe me," Hua Tianming said calmly.

After the snow, Mu Ming retreated a few steps, and her face was still full of grievances. "I have no intention of Luo Zheng. I just want to be with him. Why do you want to do this to me?"

Hua Tianming stares at mu Mingxue, trying to find a flaw in her expression. However, mu Mingxue's performance is perfect. It seems that she is only by chance that she appears beside Luo Zheng

"I am very grateful to Luo Zheng for saving me. As long as I am by his side, I am willing to be a slave," Mu Mingxue continued.

Luo Xixuan's thunder is more and more intense. She is waiting for the next move of huatianming.

Indeed, there is no flaw. Hua Tianming's eyes are quiet, but he raises his snake sword and hands it to Mu Mingxue slowly.

The sharp point of the sword has already resisted mu Mingxue's eyebrows, and the extreme meaning of the sword emits a faint silver glow. His meaning of the sword is relatively moderate and extreme, so he doesn't jump off like Luo Zheng's. If Luo Zheng's point of the sword points at a person, and the sword is breathing, the other person is dead at the moment.

"There won't be a second chance for you. What's your purpose?" Hua Tianming said

No matter how powerful an actor is, there will always be a compromise between life and death. Unless the other party is really desperate, Hua Tianming wants to drive mu Mingxue to the edge of life and death and let her admit it.

In fact, he did not dare to kill mu Mingxue before he had absolute evidence.

Before that, he had a perfect evaluation of Luo Zheng's character. His talent was stronger than him, his character was relatively simple, and he trusted the people around him very much.

This woman has been around Luo Zheng for so long, and now he kills her at will, which has an immeasurable impact on Luo Zheng. He needs to have absolute evidence, so just now he said to let mu Mingxue die is just a threat.

However, mu Mingxue's performance is obviously much better than Hua Tianming's imagination.

Even in the face of life and death, she still could not see any confusion, but her tone was very determined, "if you kill me, I will die unjustly. Why on earth? I think Luo Zheng will ask you for me! "

Luo Xixuan frowned and shook her head slightly. "In fact, soul searching is OK. Tianwei clan has a way to search without damaging your soul. It only takes a long time, but it can finally reveal the truth."

"Yes," Mu Mingxue replied calmly, "I can cooperate with you, but you have to prove my innocence! I don't want Luo Zheng to be suspicious of me. "

She just finished, but Hua Tianming laughed.

He slowly took back the Teng snake sword, stared at mu Mingxue and said, "you can be sure."

"Sure what?" Mu Mingxue asked.

"You are one of them," Hua Tianming said confidently.

"What do you mean?" Mu Mingxue's face sank.

"You really don't have any flaws, but..." Hua Tianming continued: "but there is no flaw, that is, the biggest flaw. You are too confident and calm. A rising warrior in Shenhai has no foundation and dependence. You can be so calm in the face of high pressure. You are really a character."

"You can say whatever you want," said Mu Mingxue coldly.

Hua Tianming continued to shake his head, "but I won't kill you, and I won't expose you to Luo Zheng. No matter what reason you have to stay with Luo Zheng, as long as I find a flaw once, I will kill you first!"

Mu Mingxue hums coldly, and carefully raises Luo Zheng, carrying him back to the building.

Hua Tianming and Luo Xixuan were still standing by the mirror lake, while Luo Xixuan said, "I still think it would be better to kill her directly."

"The result will make Luo Zheng have a great rebellious..." Hua Tianming shakes her head. "The reason she's so determined is that she thinks I dare not kill her. I really dare not."

"But if she stays with Luo Zheng, it will be more trouble," Luo Xixuan sighed.

But Hua Tianming said with a faint smile, "after all, there are troubles. Wait until the next step."


Luo Zheng had a strange and long dream.

This dream is long enough to be equivalent to a life. He dreams of his own growth. He dreams that he accidentally falls into a big black pit, which is connected to the back of the world. He sees the head of the ancient witch clan, and the lightning suddenly cuts into each other's face. In a moment, he sees Ning yudie's face!

Ning yudie Is it someone you can't trust?

An invisible sadness shrouded Luo Zheng's body, which made him feel pity. He didn't like this feeling very much. He didn't like to pity himself.It is a tragedy to live in a layout all one's life.

He once had an indomitable momentum and collapsed overnight.

That kind of indomitable momentum is based on the confidence in oneself, the heart of martial arts and Taoism, and also on the spirit.

He is the God's pride, he is the way, that is the way to protect the beloved, this way forward, evil spirits have to give him concessions, pave the way for him.

However, everything is false, he is not the one destined by heaven, but someone carefully guided him to make so many scenes for him, step by step up, for an ultimate purpose.


Suddenly, a crack came from my mind. After all, that kind of turbid spirit wine has certain toxicity. Even if Luo Zheng's soul is so powerful, there are some very strong sequelae after drunk.

After waking up, Luo Zheng found himself lying on a stone bed.

When mu Mingxue sees Luo Zheng wake up, she steps on her cotton padded shoes and quickly pours out some spirit tea from the teapot. These spirit tea can calm the soul, which is similar to the effect of antialcoholism, but it is the poison of turbid spirit wine.

"The young master wakes up," said Mu Mingxue with a smile. The smile is as gentle as ever, which makes people feel salty and moderate. It's a unique style of Mu Mingxue, just like a cup of fresh green tea.

Luo Zheng is still a little confused. He seems to have forgotten something. Before he falls asleep, what he wants to ask

After seeing mu Mingxue, he thought harder. It seems that he heard mu Mingxue quarrel with Hua Tianming before he fell asleep?

It's impossible!

"What did you say to Hua Tianming?" Luo Zheng asked.

Mu Mingxue's face is still calm, "you can ask him, I don't want to say," there is a trace of grievance between the look.

"What's the matter?" Seeing mu Mingxue's expression, Luo Zheng's face sank. Would it not be Hua Tianming who bullied her? But he knew that Hua Tianming was very decent and would never be bored to bully mu Mingxue. Besides, Luo Xixuan was still with Hua Tianming.

"Nothing, young master. May I not say it?" Mu Mingxue said pitifully.

Seeing her like this, Luo Zheng is very confused, but he doesn't ask any more. He should ask Hua Tianming about this.

However, old man Feng brought himself here and let him wait here, but he didn't know where huatianming had gone. He had to wait for the boy to show up next time.

Although Luo Zheng was in a bad mood, it was a rare pleasure. Sometimes he would empty his head completely and enjoy the flowers with mu Mingxue by the lake.

Three days later, people came one after another.

Those are all the people in black of Tianwei clan. They never speak and leave something behind.

These things are very rare medicinal materials. Any one of them can occupy the final position in an auction.

Even Luo Zheng, who is used to seeing rare and precious things, can't help but tut tut when he sees these herbs. The inside information of Tianwei clan is so deep that he can't imagine.

When these things were almost delivered, there were three leading people in black, all of whom majored in business.

The three introduced themselves. They are relatively important figures in the family of Tianwei. They are all good at healing martial arts, and their methods are absolutely top in the world.

One of them took Luo Zheng's arm, looked at it and frowned, "generally speaking, putting your hands into the clear water will not leave anything. It's a miracle that your bones have not been corroded, but it also means that your hands are more difficult to repair."

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