The purpose of escaping into the lower world is to protect the eight Taoists.

But I don't want to encounter candle nine Yin and a sorcerer again.

The two gods also suspected that there must be something extraordinary hidden in this vast world, and it might even be a conspiracy of the ancient witches.

While fighting with Zhu Jiuyin, he has passed on the message to the old clan leader.

Even if the old patriarch wanted to come to the lower world, it was not a matter of time. Moreover, the world was in chaos. The gods' mindlessness and the heavenly lords of the humanitarian alliance were fighting a fire in their backyard.

It's good to kill the candle dragon, but the most important thing for the two gods is to protect them.

I never thought about it, but I got into the back of the world.

The tail of that candle nine Yin sweeps past, how powerful is it? Even the magic God can't bear it. I'm afraid it's impossible to sweep these little guys into ashes, or ask Lin Su to revive.

For a moment, the magic God was also in a hurry, but he was forced by the strange fire of the candle nine Yin, and now he could not spare the means to save them

That candle nine Yin's tail suddenly sweeps under, the fluctuation lets everybody's face pale.

An opponent of this level is an order of magnitude higher than that wizard

Together, the eight Taoists may be able to defeat the world leader, but they don't seem to have any resistance in the face of Tianzun's strong.

All people's hearts sank into the abyss, and their bodies were stiff in the air.

But now

After all, Luo Zheng stood in front.

In the void, his figure did not retreat, but advanced. Facing the tail swept by candle nine Yin, he still gave a fist.

This punch did not rely on the power of dragon scales.

The power of dragon scale may be very powerful to Luo Zheng's strength, but it has no great effect on his huge body

He just wanted to block the attack of candle nine Yin.

At the moment, he can only rely on the world.

In fact, Luo Zheng still hesitated in his mind. If he blocked the candle, I'm afraid it would cause irreversible damage to the world.

In the first time, Luo Zheng blocked the black awn and sacrificed more than five million mountains. Now there are only plains and no mountains in the whole world!

Last time, Luo Zheng sacrificed tens of thousands of mu of forest.

Every energy transfer is a damage to the world, because Luo Zheng completely transfers his own damage to the world.

This time, what Luo Zheng has to undertake is the sweeping attack of candle nine Yin, which is powerful enough to destroy the world.

But now Luo Zheng has no choice.

As old man Feng said, their ten Taoists are the hope of saving the world and the last seed

If Luo Zheng can't resist it, all these Taoists will fall, and the result will be the destruction of the whole world, and the disaster will be countless times greater than it is now!

At this moment, all the Taoists didn't speak

Before that, these Taoists thought that the gap between the top ten strength will not be too big after all.

They are all arrogant and leading roles in the world. Maybe Luo Zheng is more important, but each of them is indispensable.

But just now Luo Zheng several performances, let them see the strength of Luo Zheng.

In the dream battlefield, Luo Zheng did not show these abilities, but these abilities made them recognize Luo Zheng again.

So at this time, they saw that Luo Zheng not only did not retreat, but rushed to Longwei, but a glimmer of hope lit up in their hearts.

Maybe this guy really has the ability to stop the dragon tail?

But as soon as the idea was born, it was snuffed out by themselves.

It's just a delusion.

They knew that Luo Zheng was born with divine power, but no matter how powerful he was, could he be as powerful as heaven, and he was the evil beast's candle nine yin?

Apart from other things, if we fight with pure strength, even the ten gods can't suppress one candle nine Yin. This is the gap between man and beast


The tail of candle nine Yin sweeps, just like a huge whip, pumping heavily to the eight sons of heaven!

It's really like a layer of sky is directly pressed down.

As the saying goes, when the sky collapses, there is a tall man on it, and Luo Zheng is the one who stands up to the sky, but everyone knows that it is just futile.

Under the collision of Luo Zheng and Zhu Jiuyin, there was almost no sound.

It's like an ant being whipped by a whip. The difference between the size and proportion of the two is too big to form any obstacle.

However, at this moment, a magical scene appeared!

That tail draws on Luo Zheng's body, but it stops abruptly!

Luo Zheng used his body to stop the attack of zhujiuyin before the dragon's tail.

"Click, click..."

Luo Zheng's body shape is about the same height as the scale on the dragon's tail. However, under this impact, the scale is smashed abruptlyThis is not relying on Luo Zheng's strength, but Luo Zheng's back against the world, just like a nail fixed in place, candle nine Yin swept over, all the strength was eaten by Luo Zheng, under the shock, it received damage!

The magic God was almost in a state of despair

In ancient times, the witches were laying out, and the Tianwei people were also laying out. He never thought that the Tianwei people had worked hard for so many years to bet all their treasures on the eight Taoists, but they failed in the end.

This may not be the fault of magic God, but he will still feel desperate.

However, this scene at the moment makes the emperor who has lived for 130 million years feel a huge visual impact.

As if a mantis really blocked the wheel forward, not only blocked, but the mantis also raised the fragile forelimb, the whole car to overturn.

It's almost subverting people's perception.

Hua Tianming, kudeng, Xuanyuan CHENFENG, and Xie qianhan, who were originally white, were gradually ruddy, but they were also stunned.

Even Hua Tianming thinks that he knows more about Luo Zheng, and even knows some secrets that Luo Zheng did not know, but now he finds that he is still too naive Maybe Luo Zheng doesn't know much about the layout, but he may not fully understand what he controls, but he can't figure out how to do it.

It's not impossible for Hua Tianming to speculate that Luo Zheng has the secret to resist the witchcraft. It can even be explained that Luo Zheng's life power is very strong, and the cicada in the secluded spring can't completely absorb his life power.

The second time Luo Zheng took the hand to restrain the wizard, it can also be regarded as Luo Zheng's invincibility. It's abnormal to do this, but it's still not beyond the scope of understanding.

But in front of this scene, it's too strange, it's already a situation they can't understand!

Crack thousand cold couldn't help wiping his eyes, he doubted what he saw, but wiped for a long time, still present is this scene.

"What happened?" Xuanyuan CHENFENG's face was bloody. He could not feel the huge outline of the nine Yin of the candle just by his perception. He just vaguely felt a great power sweeping over, and his eyes were blind. Xuanyuan CHENFENG was not worried. With the mindless details of the gods, even if he had only half of his body, as long as he had one breath, he could recover completely.

"Luo, Luo Zheng Blocking the tail of the strange snake, "Ji Luoxue said in a low voice.

“…… Hu, nonsense Where can Xuanyuan CHENFENG believe? But Ji Luoxue doesn't cheat people, let alone in this case.

But how many people would believe this scene if they didn't see it with their own eyes?

"Ouch -"

the candle is suddenly ringing.

It's OK for an ant to break a tail scale, but it's unacceptable for an ant to break the scale.

See it twist huge body, is to sweep away again.

This time, the magic God is going to make a move. He will not make such a mistake again.

If you can, magic God is willing to sacrifice himself to save the lives of these Taoists If Tianzun is dead, you can use the crown of destiny to rebuild Tianzun.

Now these Taoists are dead. Where do they go to build the true God?

At the time of the entanglement between magic heaven and candle nine Yin, drastic changes have taken place in the vast world.

The power of that tail beating was almost transferred by Luo Zheng, and let the world bear it.

The struggle between the heaven and the strong means that even the great world can be destroyed, let alone a great world?

But this time, Luo Zheng evenly transferred the abundant power contained in the sweep out, most of which were transferred to the far north, the wild continent. Only in the process of this transfer, Luo Zheng found that there were some unexpected things in the wild continent in the will of the world.

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