After the source of the force gushed out, it flowed slowly along a path in the cave, and finally penetrated into the cracks on one side.

"This is the source of power, this is the power of saints?"

Power has no shape. For example, Luo Zheng used his power to lift a stone, and his power acted on it. In this case, the power is invisible.

However, the source of this power is the source of the forbidden area.

After the sage constructs a world, his soul, perception, power and truth will be integrated into every corner of the world in the form of origin.

However, the saint, who built the forbidden area of Shenlian, left all his strength here.

This source of power has great attraction to Luo Zheng, and the colorful spring has extremely fatal attraction to Luo Zheng! Not to mention him, any living creature can not be very calm in the face of this temptation!

Although Luo Zheng was excited, he didn't get carried away

According to Lei Chan, the bengshan people are very lucky to be able to swallow a mouthful of the source of their strength when they enter the area. More people come back empty handed and get almost nothing.

Luo Zheng looked at the source of the gurgling force, and the number was more than one mouthful? Even if you take a big bucket and put it at the fountain, it won't take long to fill it.

What happens when you swallow up so many sources of power? Luo Zheng didn't know. At least Lei Chan told Luo Zheng that this had never happened. Even Lei Chan had only drunk more than ten springs of water, which was enough to make him a leader of the bengshan tribe.

Standing in the same place, Luo Zheng hesitated a little, then moved slowly between the rocks carefully.

Luo Zheng was about a hundred feet away from the source of strength. As he approached slowly, Luo Zheng could hear the wind from time to time.

Those weak winds are just above Luo Zheng's head. When Luo Zheng moves forward, he crawls. He is afraid that he will be caught in the weak wind. These caves are connected with each other, and he will be caught in the weak wind. Who knows where he will be blown

So slowly, Luo Zheng is getting closer to the colorful spring.

At the moment, Luo Zheng's breath sent a faint fragrance.

"Will the spring have a fragrance?"

Luo Zheng has almost no resistance to this fragrance, and his desire is becoming stronger and stronger. He wants to drink this colorful spring water and then drink it quickly.

What Luo Zheng doesn't know is that in fact, the source of power itself has no taste, but the source of power is the most instinctive desire for living beings!

This kind of desire even Luo Zheng himself can't stop, and Luo Zheng's instinct drives Luo Zheng to get this source of strength, so it will give Luo Zheng this illusion, let him smell this fragrance!

Eighty feet

Fifty feet

Thirty feet

With the distance getting closer and closer, Luo Zheng's look became more and more excited.

But at this time, he found that there was a fault on the ground in front of him. Unexpectedly, another huge cave crossed over. Below was a dark and bottomless mountain stream, and the mountain stream extended all the way up to the extreme distance!

"Want to jump over," Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly erect.

This mountain stream is only about three feet away!

If it is in other places, Luo Zheng can easily cross it with one step, but the gravity in the holy spring mountain still exists, and because of the weak wind, the power here is more chaotic.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Zheng lies on the edge of the mountain stream and tries again to find out if there is weak wind in the mountain stream. As a result, Luo Zheng is relieved that there seems to be no weak wind here.

Luo Zheng entered the avalanche tribe and adapted to the terrible gravity here. He was able to move freely, but his jumping ability was severely limited. With his current strength, it is almost impossible for him to rely on Zhenyuan to fly in the air, so he can only rely on his own strength to sprint and jump.

After determining the position in front of him, Luo Zhengcai slowly stepped back a few steps, and then took a deep breath!


In Shengquan mountain, everything is possible. This source of strength is not easy to get. He has to take some risks!


Suddenly, he stepped on the edge of the mountain stream and sped up.

But it's only a distance of three Zhang. As long as there's no accident, he can easily cross it.

But at the moment when Luo Zheng was floating in the air, his face suddenly sank, and he couldn't help scolding. Then he felt that an irresistible gravity pulled him down!

He jumped up, just like a stone thrown out, falling sharply downward in a parabola, with no room for resistance at all!

Luo Zheng tries to fly in the air and change his falling trajectory in the air, but the gravity is too overbearing. Luo Zheng is like being held tightly by a giant's hand and can't break free!

After falling a considerable distance in the thin mountain stream, he suddenly found that the gravity began to decay rapidly, and he felt that there was gravity in all directions!When the gravitation in all directions reaches a state of equilibrium, that is, Luo Zheng falls to a place of equilibrium, and his whole body floats in the air!

This kind of floating is not because Luo Zheng floats in the sky, but because these gravitations pull each other.

Those gravitations are like ropes, which bind Luo Zheng's limbs to form a mutual pulling force. Luo Zheng will neither fall nor rise at the moment, but just sway gently in the mid air.

This situation is just like the silver boulders Luo Zheng saw in the bengshan tribe. Because of the power disorder, the boulders eventually float in a place where the power is balanced, and have been floating in the air for thousands of years.

"Won't you let me stay here all the time?"

Luo Zheng struggled for a while, but soon gave up. The gravity in all directions was firmly bound to him. He couldn't move at all, just like a small insect on a spider web.

"Didi Da..."

A sound of running water came from Luo Zheng's ear. At the moment of hearing the sound, Luo Zheng's breath was filled with a clear fragrance again.

There's a source of strength here, too?

Luo Zheng's eyes blinked slightly, and a little bit of green light diffused out of his pupils. Then he saw that there were cracks on the mountain wall not far away, and the colorful spring water was flowing slowly along these cracks.

Water to go low, strange is that this source of power is like a fairy general, in the crack of a drop of upward jump, unexpectedly is flowing upward.

Luo Zheng turned his lips and many attempts were overturned in the forbidden area of Shenlian. Although this scene was amazing, it didn't surprise Luo Zheng too much.

The most important thing is that he can see these sources of strength and is not far away from himself, but he has no chance to have a drink

Luo Zheng floated in the air, and also used several ways to try to break free from the shackles of gravity, or use means to get the opposite source of power to some!

But after trying several methods, all failed.

Just when Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, he suddenly found that the flow direction of the colorful springs on the mountain wall suddenly changed, and now they began to flow down!

"The change in gravity?"

His idea just appeared, and he felt his head lightened, and the gravity from the downwind disappeared.

When these gravitations are out of balance, Luo Zheng is dragged away by the gravity above his head, and the whole person rises at a very fast speed!


Under this upward flying, Luo Zheng returned to the place where he had just fallen, and saw again the source of strength gathered into a stream not far away!

But Luo Zheng still can't change his direction, his whole person is led to continue to go up, along the vertical cave all the way up!


Finally, Luo Zheng hit the top of the cave and fell into a strange cave.

At the moment, in front of Luo Zheng's eyes, there is a protruding stone, and just below this stone, there is a drop of power source hanging on it!

To be exact, this drop of power source is not hanging under the stone. It seems to be influenced by gravity and "falls" towards the top. It's just that this drop of power source is just blocked by this stone, so it is adsorbed under this stone.

Seeing this drop of power source, Luo Zheng's face showed joy. Suddenly, he realized something. Then he suddenly looked up and saw the top of the cave, but he was stunned!

He saw a pool of power gathered at the top of the cave, emitting charming colors and faint fragrance.

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