"Why is it abnormal to have a queen bee?" Luo Zhengna asked.

The Bangshan people turned their lips and then said, "the prophet of the family said that there is only one queen bee in the holy spring mountain, which is at the bottom of the holy spring mountain!"

"There's only one queen bee. What's the matter with this hive?"

The bengshan people obviously noticed the two big eyes on the beehive. Even Rao Yong's bengshan people's voice trembled at the moment. "If there is a queen here, then the queen in the deepest part of the mountain must be dead! There must be a great problem. We should leave Shengquan mountain! "

Luo Zheng didn't know much about Shengquan mountain after all. After all, many secrets of the bengshan people were not open to the public. Just like the prophet of the bengshan people, he had never heard of it before. He only knew that the leader of the bengshan people was Lei Chan.

Now let Luo Zheng leave, he is not willing to, in this way, he is likely to delay another year in the bengshan tribe.

"The question is how do we leave?" Luo Zheng suddenly asked.

The Bangshan people patted themselves on the head, but he forgot that they had only the road in front of them now.

If they have stronger strength and can get rid of the gravity here and fly in the air, they will be able to return the same way, but now it's not so easy to leave

Two people stood in the same place to sum up for a while, it seems that there is no other way out, finally can only grit their teeth forward.

The bengshan people realized their situation, and they were not so hostile to Luo Zheng. At the moment, they told Luo Zheng their name. This man's name was lie Yu, and he was only 30 years old this year.

However, this kind of age statistics is not accurate. After all, the time of a day in this holy land is not fixed. Sometimes the day is as long as dozens of hours, and sometimes the night is as short as three or four hours. Moreover, the calendar of the holy land is not the same as that of the world where Luo Zheng lived.

Although he is tall, the bengshan people have great talent in controlling power. He can almost contract every muscle of his body at will and move forward slowly. He is as light as a cat.

Luo Zheng once again converged all his voice, staring at the scattered wild bees on the hive, quietly following the fierce jade.


The few wild bees are flying around the hive. As for the big eyes in the hive, they are still staring at their every move. The threat of the queen bee should be the biggest. At this moment, they even control their life and death. In case this guy is angry, all the wild bees will attack them without hesitation.

Before long, they had come to the edge of the hive, and their big compound eyes were staring at Luo Zheng and lie Yu through the cracks of the hive, giving them an invisible pressure.

At the moment, lie Yu suddenly stopped, and his huge body immediately blocked Luo Zheng's taking away. He was about too nervous, standing in the same place and panting anxiously!


Luo Zheng pushed at the back and frowned.

However, at this moment, they heard a crisp sound in the hive, but the cracks on the surface of the hive expanded a bit, and a pair of huge orange compound eyes were completely exposed in their field of vision. They could even see part of the Queen's body, and the inverted fluff, like nails, was inserted upside down on the Queen's body .


This strong jade suddenly took a breath, the voice was like blowing a whistle.


A few wild bees may have been surprised by the sound. They circled the hive twice and then went straight to Luo Zheng and lie Yu.

Two people are standing in the same place do not dare to move, in this case can only be resigned to fate, once they choose to fight back, the hive of the wild bees will pour out, then no one can save them.


One of the wild bees was spinning in front of Luo Zheng. The tail of the wild bee was inlaid with a huge black spike, and there were two dark barbs on the top of the spike, just like a boat anchor. It was not a fun experience to be pierced by this thing once.

At the moment, Luo Zheng's muscles have been taut. Once the bee wants to attack, he can only choose to fight back at the first time, and then escape!

Fortunately, the bees just circled around them for a few times, and then slowly went back to the hive.

"It's OK," Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

That lie jade originally nervous facial expression also slackens down.

But just a few minutes later, when they wanted to move on, they heard a roaring sound coming from behind!

Someone fell down again!

Two people looked at each other, eyes have come to the answer.


As soon as they started to speed up their sprint, there was a loud bang behind them. I don't know who fell down. In short, such a violent movement will definitely disturb these wild bees. They are on one side of the hive and will definitely suffer the most intensive attack at the first time!After realizing this, they rushed out for the first time!

Their movement is not small, but it is not in the same breath as the voice of the warrior falling down from the rear!

"Buzz, buzz..."

At this moment, countless wild bees are pouring out of the hive.

"What the hell is this?"

There was a curse coming from behind Luo Zheng. It seems that the warrior who fell down this time is not the bengshan people, but Luo Zheng has no time to care about that person!

The bees in the hive are divided into two parts, one rushing to the warrior, the other chasing Luo Zheng and lie Yu!

They can't care about the depth any more. They just run all the way with their heads covered!


After all, their running speed is not as fast as the flying speed of the bee. That group of fist sized bee will soon come straight to Luo Zheng!


Luo Zheng heard a very small sound of breaking the air!

He almost subconsciously bowed his head, rolled on the ground, and saw a small bee tail needle skimming along his head, nailed to the ground in front of him!

A strange scene appeared.

According to Luo Zheng's judgment, the power of the bee tail needle should not be very strong, which contains a lot of poison. He should not be too afraid, but the needle shot out, it was directly nailed to the ground!

You know, the whole mountain of Shengquan mountain is made of that silver rock, which Luo Zheng can't destroy so far, but the light bee tail needle is directly nailed on it.


The original solid cave ground suddenly began to boil like boiling water. The bee tail needle actually melted the silver rock and completely corroded it!

"It's very corrosive. It's not a common poison..."

At the moment, Luo Zheng's heart is also secretly frightened. If he was nailed by the bee tail needle, wouldn't he want to corrode a big piece?

However, there is more than one bee tail needle behind them!

Two people realize the difficult situation at the moment, began to run harder, at the same time ear came a harsh scream!

In his busy schedule, Luo Zheng turned his head and looked at a warrior in the distance. He saw that his whole body was blurred. The warrior should have been hit by a lot of bee tail needles. His whole body was like a candle baked by a burning fire. His whole body was constantly melting and shrinking, and a few breathing time turned into a piece of plasma

Just as he looked back, Luo Zheng saw dozens of black bee tail needles coming straight from him.

Luo Zheng stepped on the wall of the cave and rolled down one by one, barely avoiding the bee tail needles. The bee tail needles nailed on the wall and quickly eroded more than ten deep pits. Under the bee tail needles, the solid and incomparable silver rock was as soft as tofu!

If he didn't avoid it, he would end up just like the corroded warrior.

"Die for me!"

Luo Zheng was angry at the moment. As soon as he stood firm, his sword had been cut out.

Although I don't know if my sword technique has any effect on this bee, I can't wait to die


Under this sword, the effect was completely beyond Luo Zheng's expectation.

Those wild bees were cut into two by him. This wild bee is not as strong as he thought!

Before that, Luo Zheng was chased all the way by Wu Xiang Tian Hu. In addition to the peculiar gravity of the bengshan people, he was once too nervous about the creatures in the forbidden area of Shenlian, which can be regarded as overestimating the strength of these wild bees.

Their bee tail needles are terrible, but they are bee creatures after all. The characteristics of this kind of creatures are large number, fast speed, flexible and highly toxic But its own defense is average.

In Luo Zheng's surprise, the sword in his hand was even more fierce, but he killed dozens of wild bees in an instant!

"Help!" Luo Zheng is to remind that lie Yu.

I didn't expect that lie Yu just rushed forward and said: "I haven't practiced any martial arts yet. How can I help you?"

Originally, the only reliance of the bengshan people was their terrible power, but their use of power was in a very primitive state. This lie Yu really couldn't help Luo Zheng!

It's up to you!

The sword light in Luo Zheng's hand is like a net. While avoiding those bee tail needles, he quickly kills those wild bees and runs forward.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Along the way, the corpses of those bees, which were cut into two pieces, were scattered all over the place. Many bees were afraid of the sword in Luo Zheng's hand, shaking their wings and singing even more fiercely!


At this moment, a sharp howl came, but it was a touch of black, straight to the face of Luo Zheng.

Seeing that the black awn was about to hit Luo Zheng, he suddenly crossed Lei Feng's magic sword, and the black awn was directly nailed to Luo Zheng's sword!

This artifact, which had been with Luo Zheng for many years, was corroded at a visible speed. Before Luo Zheng threw it out and hit it on the ground, it had turned into a pool of molten iron.Luo Zheng's face suddenly turned black. He didn't love the sword, but saw that the beehive in the distance was completely broken. A black thing was nailed to the wall of the cave. On his head, there were a pair of huge compound eyes, emitting a faint light. It was the queen bee!

And just now this black awn that straight takes Luo Zheng face door, it is that queen bee shoots.

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