After dealing with the internal world, Luo Zheng's internal incarnation dissipates with the wind.

The general warrior will not interfere too much in the development of the internal world, and let the world evolve on its own.

However, the war of the inner world involves the world tree, which is the external object implanted by Luo Zheng. It will inevitably have a bad influence. If Luo Zheng does not intervene, the Terran in it will not be able to escape extinction.

Lei Chan did not ask what the prophet had talked with Luo Zheng.

These prophets are transcendent beings in the holy places. In other words, they are the watchers of the saints in the holy places.

The purpose of their stay here is to help the saints, and many times there are even conflicts among their own people.

For example, the bengshan people want to find out their purpose of existence and the purpose of the master of the holy land. They even want to escape from the holy land one day, just like the foreign warriors.

The prophets know that this is impossible, but they do not tell their people, or even mislead their own people many times.

After all, this is the world created by the sage, and Luo Zheng will not talk freely.

After the test, Lei Chan and bengshan people did not go out hunting for several days, but prepared in the clan.

After about four days, the bengshan people finally finished their preparations, and all the adults divided into several formations and began to prepare for departure.

The hunters of bengshan tribe are divided into four groups: snake, tiger, dragon and God.

The strength of the snake hunting team is the lowest. The wuzhe, who has just won the title of "extraordinary", has entered the snake hunting team. Relatively speaking, this team is the safest. It can be regarded as a team of old people and new people.

Tiger hunting and dragon hunting are the backbone of the bengshan people. The mountain of prey piled up in the square every day is hunted by the bengshan people.

As for the divine hunting team, they seldom fight. There are only about ten people in the whole bengshan tribe. The three people who defeated wuxiangtianhe on that day belong to the divine hunting team of bengshan tribe.

Luo Zheng won the title of man king, and was directly incorporated into the divine hunting team

After passing the test, some foreign warriors chose to leave the bengshan tribe, and the bengshan tribe did not retain them. If they wanted to stay, they had to live and hunt with them.

After comprehensive preparation, the team set out in a mighty manner.

Han Liusu, he Zuowei and others did not enter the team, but after the bengshan tribe set out, they also followed.

After seeing the great potential of Luo Zheng, he Zuowei is not as stubborn as he had shown before, and he didn't take the tassel back by force, although he still has doubts in his heart.

No matter how powerful Luo Zheng is, the zhenhun cliff is arranged by sages. In theory, only sages can solve it!

However, he also knew that if he could really enter zhenhun cliff, it would be of great benefit to the future of Princess Chang. It would only take a little time, and there would not be too much risk. He was willing to go with tassel.

All the way north along the territory of bengshan people, tiger hunting team and dragon hunting team lead the way, while snake hunting team and God hunting team follow.

Before long, the color of the land in front of it changed, and the silver Gang stones disappeared, replaced by brown land and dense jungle

Just as Luo Zheng walked out of the ground and stepped on the ground, he suddenly felt relaxed all over!

From the moment of stepping into the territory of bengshan people, all people are carrying a very strong gravity.

It's a great burden for anyone to resist this kind of gravity, so it's very difficult for those who have just entered it to even get up.

But after getting used to this kind of gravity, you will feel more relaxed than ever if you leave bengshan tribe again!

As if the thousands of mountains on his back suddenly disappeared!

"Click, click, click..."

Under the pressure of gravity, everyone's bones are squeezed for a long time, and even the height of the body will be affected. The combination between the bone gaps is too tight, and they are generally "pressed" by gravity to be as short as four or five inches!

After walking for two steps, you can move your muscles and bones at will. When the bones stretch, everyone "grows" several inches in a short time

"Crackle, crackle..."

Maybe intentionally, maybe unintentionally, some foreign warriors deliberately work hard to make their bones burst.

It seems that someone in the whole team is holding a firecracker, which is constantly exploding

"Damn it, if it's so noisy, stop it for me. That's how I bring new people out every year!" One of the wild looking people in the hunting team scolded angrily.

The bengshan people are used to this feeling. Naturally, no one is so bored. They deliberately stretch their bodies to make this kind of movement. Generally, only foreign martial arts people are so bored.

Many of the hunters' faces were roared by the foreign gods

They have been lying down for several years in the slumping Mountain Tribe, and they have grown up in the process of oppression and temptation. Only they can understand the pain, but the pain is rewarded. If they go in and come out again, their strength has increased dozens or even hundreds of times!Luo Zheng didn't stay long, less than a year. He was in a good mood at the moment. If he didn't go with the team, and he was in the highest position of shenliedui, he wanted to jump wildly to see how much his strength had been strengthened.

Just as the team approached the forest in front of it, someone in the tiger hunting team suddenly called out: "there are strange animals in front, it's the golden gangape!"

Bengshan people are all natural hunters. They have been hunting all their lives. They are very keen on smell and trace.

As soon as the words came to an end, none of the bengshan people moved, but most of the foreign warriors rushed out one after another

Under this sudden rush, the huge explosive force exploded at the foot, and there were countless big pits on the ground. Some of the warriors were not prepared enough, but they fell into those big pits.

According to the rules of the bengshan people, the tiger hunting team should go through full investigation after finding the prey, and then encircle it, so as to capture the prey to the maximum extent.

However, these foreign martial arts can be regarded as suffocating. On the day of the test, each of them only made one blow. Now that there is no gravity, they just feel that the sky is high enough for birds to fly. How can they restrain themselves?

"Hum, these people who don't know how to live or die are going to die if they don't obey the rules when they meet the really powerful beasts!" Some of the bengshan people sneer.

The forest in front of them was suddenly turned upside down by the explosion of the forces of the foreign warriors.

After their power surge, they can smash a canyon with one punch, and the huge power will come out freely. The forests and trees will disappear in an instant, and they will be replaced by wide gullies, flying soil and tree trunks. At the same time, there will be a roar of apes.

Those golden gangapes are on the edge of the bengshan tribe. They are not very powerful beasts. How can they resist these fierce foreign warriors? Although they are very flexible, they still can not escape the fate of being killed.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Every golden Gang ape is directly turned into a blood mist after being hit. Where they come to hunt, they kill for the sake of killing.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng also frowned. If people are repressed for too long, they are easy to lose themselves. At the moment, these warriors are just like beasts, and they only know how to vent their power.

Soon, the golden Gang ape hiding in the woods was killed.

Those warriors have also returned to their own team, but their faces are still full of meaning.

Ray toad didn't stop these guys' behavior. Along the way, the monsters they encounter will become more and more powerful. Sooner or later, they will be taught a lesson

The bengshan people continued to lead the way.

Along the forest, the trees in front of people are getting bigger and bigger.

At first, the trees in the forest were only two or three feet high, but when they got to the back, they blocked the sky and could hardly see the sky.

In the face of these huge trees, which are tens of feet thick and hundreds of feet high, those foreign warriors can't help itching. When they pass by a tree, they punch the tree trunks around them from time to time. The huge tree cracks and collapses like a mountain

"This is the forest of giant trees. If you go on, it's the forest of duer. Don't be surprised that you didn't remind those huge monsters. You don't expect us to fall into the mountains!" Every giant wood falls down, will cause a huge shock, as the hunter of bengshan people finally can't bear, Lei Chan cold voice said.

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a rustling sound coming from the front. All the people in bengshan on the scene suddenly changed their faces when they heard the sound.

As for those foreign warriors, they are not alert. Their strength gives them a strong sense of abundance and gives them the illusion that they are invincible

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