In addition to melons and fruits, there are also delicious wine and meat. After tasting them one by one, Luo Zheng can't help sighing that the dome people will enjoy this day.

These Tianqiong women are also extremely powerful. Their imagination in food is beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. They can combine taste and true yuan perfectly

All the bengshan people and the foreign warriors are very happy to eat.

If you finish the food on the plate, those women will come and close their eyes again to meditate and turn Zhenyuan into delicious food. Every time, the delicious food is different. They have everything!

After eating this special meal, Tianqiong people arranged accommodation for all people.

There are still a few days to stay in the territory of the Tianqiong clan. It will take until the Vientiane clan comes before the three clans start to act.

Luo Zheng lived in one of the high towers, and when he was settled overnight, he observed the development of the internal world again.

These two days, Luo Zheng used the power of the nine stars very frequently, and the nine bright stars were a little dim

However, under the sea of chaos transpiration, there is a trace of chaos gas absorbed by the nine stars!

Chaos can transform all things. Everything in the God domain is derived from chaos, including the true yuan!

The sages cultivate the true yuan and transform the world, so everything in the world is derived from the true yuan. It's not unexpected that the nine stars absorb the Qi of chaos.

However, if you think about it like this, all the creatures in the inner world are transformed by chaos. Isn't it higher than yourself?

Luo Zheng was born in the world. This kind of understanding is the transformation of the true yuan, which can be regarded as a "secondary creature". On the contrary, the creatures in his inner world are higher

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help smiling.

Nine hours later, the Holy Land ushered in the light.

On a high tower a few feet away from Luo Zheng, a graceful figure flashed slightly and touched the ground with his toes. The man's face was full of a shallow smile. It was tassel.

"Go, I'll take you to a place!" Contain tassel to smile a way, the body leans forward under, already pulled Luo Zheng up.

"Where?" Luo Zheng asked.

"A fun place!"

After saying that, he kept jumping on these towers and ran away.

Luo Zheng looked curious and followed him all the way

The number of these towers in Tianqiong clan is amazing. They are constantly moving forward on the tower, and the height of the tower is also constantly getting lower. The top of the tower in front is almost close to the black water, which can only be regarded as a stone pier protruding from the water.

The stone mound in the distance forms a road, extending over the black water.

Although this place can fly in the sky, but with tassels leading the way in front, Luo Zheng still obediently followed. He couldn't figure out where the woman was going to take herself?

Following this low stone pier, a member of the heaven clan stopped them and said, "behind is the tide! It's the testing place of our family in the sky. You can only enter it after paying the testing runes! "

Although the practice methods of each holy land are different, they all have to pay trial runes, and Tianqiong clan is no exception.

How can Luo Zheng come up with a trial charm?

However, it can't stop tassels

It's not easy for them to get the exclusive status in the Forbidden City.

With fringes, the corners of his mouth turned slightly up. With a flick of his hand, two purple trial runes flew away towards the people of the sky!

That day, the people of the dome seized the two test runes and checked them. Without any words, they let them go directly.

Going on, Luo Zheng found that the black water under his feet began to surge, rolling forward wave by wave.

At the same time, wide platforms appeared in front, like giant mushrooms, standing on the black water.

There are thousands of warriors on these platforms.

The vast majority of them are foreign warriors, and there are Tianqiong people, but the proportion is very small.

Luo Zheng can also understand this.

For those who practice martial arts, there are relatively few people who practice physical training together, and the vast majority of people who practice real yuan!

It is estimated that after entering the forbidden area of divine cultivation, most of the martial arts take the holy land of Tianqiong clan as their first target. After obtaining the purple test amulet, they naturally enter here at the first time

If Luo Zheng was born in a normal place and got the purple trial rune, he would not choose the Tianqiong clan. After all, cultivating Zhenyuan is of no use to him.

Luo Zheng and Han Liusu entered. The foreign warriors on the platform just looked at Luo Zheng casually. When they looked at Luo Zheng, their faces were expressionless. However, some of them frowned slightly when they saw Han Liusu, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

But I didn't care too much when I saw that tassels were not on the platform.

"Where the hell are you going?" Luo Zheng was brought all the way with tassels, and some of them were misty.

"Just follow me," he said with a smile, "but I have something to trouble you!""What's the matter?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Hit someone for me!" Said the tassel.

"No," Luo Zheng said firmly. In front of her, the woman really helped herself, but Luo Zheng only promised to help her enter zhenhun cliff. In the early stage, he could do it, not to mention saving her life in the giant wood forest.

He's not a fringed thug.

With tassel suddenly turned his head, turned his mouth, showing the color of resentment, then his eyes turned slightly, as if to come up with a plan.

Going forward, Luo Zhengcai found that these mushroom like platforms are big and small. The more you go inside, the bigger the mushroom is!

At the same time, the more powerful the warrior is on this platform.

In the end, Han Liusu and Luo Zheng jumped up and stepped on a platform with a diameter of about 100 Zhang. There were only hundreds of foreign warriors on such a wide platform, so it was very empty

At the moment when Luo Zheng jumped on the platform, many foreign warriors glared at Luo Zheng, and looked angry!

Luo Zheng is slightly a Leng, also don't know why these guys are so angry with oneself.

But at the moment, the black water below began to surge fiercely, and there was a vortex under each platform. The vortex under the platform where Luo Zheng was located was the largest.


With the fierce sound of water waves, those foreign warriors who had glared at Luo Zheng and his fringes were not in the mood to pay attention to him now.

On this platform began to emerge a round God pattern, Luo Zheng and contain tassel at the foot of the same also appeared one.

"Quickly, inject the true yuan into the divine pattern," Han tassel reminded.

"What for?" Luo Zheng asked strangely.

"Try it!" With tassels encourage the way.

At the moment, Luo Zheng has guessed something. He is not a fool. As soon as he entered here, the warriors on the platform showed their vigilance.

Obviously, some resources on this platform should be limited. According to Luo Zheng's estimation, this kind of resources should be comparable to the source of strength. After all, tiantianqiong people are also the same level of cultivation holy land as bengshan people, and they also have to pay purple test amulets.

And the resources in each platform must be limited, so those who are wary of martial arts will not want new people to join.

Now the platform under Luo Zheng's feet is the widest, but there are only hundreds of warriors, which is even more abnormal. The only possible thing is that ordinary foreign warriors dare not enter this platform at all!

Plus with tassel said to help him beat, Luo Zheng heart already understand eight points.

But Luo Zheng didn't care too much. He was curious about this place, but he wanted to see what the tide was?

Naturally, Luo Zheng could not inject the true element into Shenwen, but it was extremely easy to replace it with chaotic Qi.

Under the thought, Luo Zheng has drawn out a trace of chaos, along the legs of the meridians, perfusion in the foot of the divine grain.

The tassel is also very attentive, ten slender fingers crisscross each other, giving birth to a colorful true yuan pouring into the divine pattern at the foot.

When the chaos of the air into which the moment, the spirit of the grain or slowly rotating, it seems that something jumped out.


At the moment, the black water below is surging more and more fiercely, and the luster of the divine pattern is also more and more intense!

After a chaotic Qi was injected, it was soon engulfed by this divine tattoo. Luo Zheng could only add another one.

It's more than enough to infuse a chaotic Qi into an ordinary divine pattern. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng infused several chaotic Qi one after another, and all of them were absorbed by the divine pattern under his feet, as if it were like a bottomless hole!

His face showed a curious color, but he didn't know what effect the divine tattoo had. It was just that there was a huge amount of chaotic Qi in his body, which was nothing, so the chaotic Qi poured into it continuously. Although there is a lot of chaos instilled, it is still a drop in the bucket for the whole sea of chaos.

The tide and rolling waves of the black water lasted for about a long time, and soon became calm.

As soon as the black water calmed down, black crystals began to burst out from the divine lines under everyone's feet!

These black ones are about the size of a finger and make a "Ding Ding" sound when they fall on the ground!

At the moment when the black crystal burst out, many of the warriors' faces were full of joy. They held it in their hands for the first time, as if they were afraid that it might run away.

There are three or four black crystals around each warrior. Most people choose to swallow them in the first place

The larger the platform is, the more black crystals can be extracted!

The platform where Luo Zheng and Han Liusu are located is the largest one, which is more than seven or eight times larger than those around them. In addition, there are not many warriors on this platform, and the number of them extracted by the divine pattern at the foot is as many as thirty or forty at a time!

But in this round, including tassels, the hundreds of warriors are a black crystal that has never been refinedAt the moment, they all stare at Luo Zheng, looking like they want to kill Luo Zheng. In addition, there are several complex emotions in their wide eyes, such as inexplicable and inconceivable!

Because the divine lines under Luo Zheng's feet are spitting out these black crystals. Almost in the blink of an eye, the black crystals around Luo Zheng are piled up into a hill. There are probably as many as four or five thousand black crystals

Feeling the strong hatred of those people, Luo Zheng showed an innocent smile on his face, shrugged his shoulders and slightly apologized, saying that he didn't know what it was.

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