From the mouth of tassel to say any name, will not let Luo Zheng's shock so big!

Dayan's universe is the master of the universe where Luo Zheng is. This saint in the divine realm is named Luo Xiao

For a moment, Luo Zheng was very upset.

Maybe it's just a coincidence. Although Luo Xiao is not a common name, it's not a very rare one.

But it's hard to see it as a coincidence!

If you think about it carefully, do the things that Hua Tianming and others deliberately hide also contain these secrets?

There is also the problem of his own destiny. Although Luo Zheng showed great talent at that time, it was also relative to the warriors in the world. If we look at the whole world, Luo Zheng at that time was not worth mentioning.

But the young man who appeared rashly, why should he take Luo Yan away? Because she's the so-called destiny pointer?

Think about it

This is just a fabricated excuse.

Emphasize the inevitability of fate and move forward to the divine realm

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt that his inference was more and more clear.

Suppose that the young man is a true God who can come to Dayan at will. He is a disciple of a saint to a great extent.

Ordinary true gods can't return to the world. At least Luo Zheng saw the only true God with his own eyes, which was Xingwei of Tianwei clan. He was one of his disciples.

His strength was cared by a disciple of true God's strength only when he was in a state of virtual disaster.

His dead father's name is Luo Xiao, and the saint's name is also Luo Xiao

From this inference, the so-called coincidence has become inevitable!

If my father is really the builder of the world, he is omnipotent in the inner world. He becomes a congenital creature and breeds a Luo family in a corner of the world. Then he begins to cultivate Luo Zheng from childhood. When he is approaching maturity, he arranges a tragic situation to let himself fall.

Such self will grow rapidly in hatred!

So endless inference goes on, the cool air in Luo Zheng's breath is more and more heavy!

In addition, there are many other evidences in Luo Zheng's mind. When Luo Zheng attacked the "little monster" of Dayu's kingdom with his soul, he directly inherited the will of the world by embezzling each other's soul!

What he inherited at that time was so relaxed, as if the will of the world originally belonged to him.

It's just that other people's research on the will of the world is too rare, and Luo Zheng can't find any other contrast, so he doesn't feel much strange. On the contrary, he thinks it's natural. Now, if he can easily inherit the will of the world, maybe it's related to Luo Xiao?

Moreover, when Luo Zheng was passing through the calamity in the inheritance of firewood fire, and when he encountered the exterminating yellow snakes, a huge figure appeared, tearing the exterminating yellow snakes to pieces and devouring them

These things can't stand careful scrutiny. They appear inexplicably. It's not Luo Zheng's own ability at all.

It seems that behind him, there is an invisible protector, who always appears at the critical moment to protect him from difficulties.

However, this kind of protection did not appear every time. At least Luo Zheng did not appear when he went through the limit of life and death several times. Maybe it was to train his mind.

Of course, these are still Luo Zheng's inference!

It's just that this kind of inference is quite possible. The rest is that Luo Zheng wants to prove it himself!

Thinking that his father may not have fallen, Luo Zheng's mood is quite complicated. After all, no matter what Hua Tianming said or what he said with tassels, they all know that the builder of Dayan universe is dying.

Even if it is confirmed that this Saint Luo Xiao is the same person as Luo Zheng's father, then Luo Zheng's burden will be even heavier.

I'm afraid that this heavy burden was destined to fall on Luo Zheng when he was born. It was originally what Saint Luo Xiao could do

All kinds of thoughts in his head were so confused that he didn't speak for a long time.

"Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng..." With tassel called a few words, Luo Zheng did not respond, just staring at the distance.

Han Chuyue stretched out her white fingers and swayed in front of Luo Zheng several times. Then she asked, "sister, isn't this man stupid?"

Han Liusu shakes her head. In her eyes, Luo Zheng's state of mind is very strong, and there is no confusion between life and death. The problem must be in the name of "Luo Xiao". These two people have the same surname Luo, and Luo Zheng's talent is so outstanding. Is it the relationship between father and son?

This kind of speculation seems to be untenable

If Luo Zheng is really the son of a saint, how can he be just a secondary creature?

Who is the holy emperor who will place his children in the world to practice? After all, secondary creatures have many congenital defects. The laws they comprehend are just the laws of saints. The world they contact is only the fictional world of the true yuan. They even have to understand the Shinto and achieve the true God before they are qualified to walk in the divine realm.These gaps are difficult to make up.

To say the least, any creature in the inner world of a warrior can be regarded as his people

Just as Han Chuyue kept shaking his hand, Luo Zheng suddenly waved his hand and opened it. Then he got up and jumped away, standing on a tower in the distance.

Probably was hit painful, contain the beginning month pouts the mouth wrongly to look at the elder sister.

Tassel is not distressed. Her younger sister has an affectation. After all, she has to know something about the world.

"Hum, even if Luo Xiao is really his father, should he be so excited?" With early month obviously also saw, just dissatisfied said.

"You are not him after all What would you and I think if our father was ordered to be killed by all the holy churches and our disciples of the Han family were all hunted down? " Asked tassel.

Han Chuyue shrugs her shoulders to show that she can't think of it.

All saints have their own rights. Generally speaking, it is almost impossible for saints to attack each other. When they joined hands to kill Da Yan's Saint Luo Xiao, the secret is very deep. For a time, there are different opinions, and there are all kinds of conspiracy theories.

But the real reason has never surfaced.

Perhaps the father of the two sisters knew this, but it was impossible to talk to the two little girls in Han's family who had never been a true God.

The space of Shenlian forbidden area is very large. Although you can see the top of the cave from here, the area of the cave is quite wide.

Looking into the distance, what Luo Zheng needs most at the moment is calm.

Once he seemed to fall into many mysteries, but now the news he got was like a sharp knife, which completely cut away the doubts in his heart!

He may be a creature deliberately created!

When he was young, his father's voice taught him that Luo Xiao might be a real "incarnation" of Luo Xiao. He could not be regarded as his father in the strict sense.

Luo Zheng has also condensed the body incarnation, which is not his own body, but after all, it represents my will, and after all, it is also pouring emotion into himself.

He is still his father!

Even if it can be created, he will repay this kindness.

If I want to save Luo Xiao, what I will face is such a huge thing as zhongshengtang?

Now, compared with the sage, he is negligible.

Dayan's universe is being eroded by the holy people. Luo Xiao has already sent him to this step, and the rest of the journey needs Luo Zheng to go on alone. This road is doomed to be hard, but Luo Zheng still has no heart to retreat. His eyes are faintly excited!

After another two days in the Tianqiong clan, he went to the tide surge to visit, and met Luo Xixuan and Jiang Zhengyi.

Among the ten sons of heaven, six of them appeared in the Tianqiong clan, but the remaining four didn't know which holy land they went to, especially xiyouqin Luo Zheng is still worried. She is impulsive and willful. She hopes to finish the test in the forbidden area safely.

Two days later, the Yuanhe clan, the master of the original heart tower, finally arrived at Tianqiong clan!

Compared with the Tianqiong clan, the Yuanhe clan is very ugly in appearance. They are covered with scales like snakes. The bridge of their nose is high, and their eyes are triangular. They hang upside down on their faces. If it wasn't for their behavior, Luo Zheng would prefer to treat them as exotic animals

However, although this race is ugly, Luo Zheng found that they are a kind and optimistic race, which is much easier to deal with than Tianqiong race.

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