This mirror is like a huge mercury lake, lying in front of Luo Zheng, blocking his way.

Luo Zheng approached the huge mirror slowly.

he could see as like as two peas in the mirror, he was also moving towards him.

Finally, Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the mirror. The place where his fingertips touched suddenly began to ripple and spread in all directions.

"It's really a lake of mercury!"

Luo Zheng, standing here, did not act rashly.

If you guessed correctly, this place should be the entrance of Li world as Gong Yu said.

He knew nothing about the so-called outer world and inner world, and he would wait until the natives arrived here.

After Luo Zheng got close to the mirror, the cold flame poison disappeared completely. The temperature of the world inside Luo Zheng began to rise sharply, so he gradually calmed down the storm in his body, and the nine stars in his body also gradually stopped running.

If Luo Zheng continues to drive the nine stars crazy, he will release a strong heat, for fear that he will burn all the creatures in his body.

Just as Luo Zheng tries to make his inner world return to normal, he suddenly finds that there seems to be something more in the sea of chaos!


Luo Zheng's face suddenly coagulated.

Just now, he galloped all the way and saw a road of incantation in front of him. As he continued to move forward, the road disappeared with him

Now looking back, those incantations have already disappeared.

At that time, Luo Zheng's thinking was ossified by the cold here, so he didn't have the heart to look at them one by one.

Who knows that a string of thousands of miles long mantra has been printed on the sea of chaos!

"These incantations are the meaning of the Hatoyama sage?"

Luo Zheng's eyes focused on the dense wrinkles, covered by this layer of mantra, forming a circular strip, stretching thousands of miles in the sea of chaos, floating up and down on the sea!

The writing of these mantras is similar to the Sanskrit that Luo Zheng once saw!

There are many kinds of Sanskrit. For example, Buddhist scriptures are also recorded in Sanskrit, but there are only three kinds of similar Sanskrit.

The first is the Sanskrit that appears on Luo Zheng's body, which is also the Sanskrit that records the Supreme Master's method of refining weapons. Luo Zheng has seen this kind of Sanskrit many times. Every time he is forged by different fire, the golden Sanskrit will appear on him.

Luo Zheng once saw the second Sanskrit with Luo Xixuan's full exertion

but the as like as two peas of Sanskrit, they are very similar, almost identical, but the arrangement and content of each two characters should be different.

The key is that Luo Zheng has never been in contact with this culture, and naturally he can't read why.

The forms of these incantations Luo Zheng sees are similar to those of the first two, but the writing techniques are completely different. It seems that there is a lack of charm in them.

"Yes, these three types of Sanskrit should come from the same culture. Previously, I had no time to look at them carefully. Now it seems that these incantations are the same as Sanskrit, but they are written by different people..."

Each person's writing style is different. For the same sentence, different people write it. Some people are dancing and some others are strong.

These incantations in front of Luo Zheng's eyes should be written by the master of the forbidden area, that is, the "Jiusheng"! This is the Sanskrit spirit in the Sanskrit dove ice?

Luo Zheng has so little information that he can only infer to this point.

If it is true, then the ice demon flame may not be as simple as the law of ice system

He was just thinking that at this moment, the band of light formed by Sanskrit suddenly fluttered in the sea of chaos, and even floated over the central continent of Luo Zheng like a living creature!


Seeing these Sanskrit words begin to move, Luo Zheng is also on guard.

However, his inner world is not as fragile as the inner world of other warriors. The Qi of chaos itself is a kind of supremacy. Strictly speaking, it is the highest level of original material. If there is any movement in Sanskrit, Luo Zheng will use the Qi of chaos to devour it in an instant.

After all, what Luo Zheng was worried about happened, and even made it difficult for him to control. This period of Sanskrit flowing for thousands of miles delineated a sea area at the other end of the central continent, and then the temperature began to drop suddenly!

When the Sanskrit released cold, Luo Zheng immediately used the characteristics of chaotic Qi and began to devour the Sanskrit!

But soon Luo Zheng found that his action was in vain!

This Sanskrit can't be swallowed at all. Even the sea of chaos delineated by Sanskrit can't be controlled by Luo Zheng. It seems that at this moment, some chaos in his body is not controlled by Luo Zheng at all.

He lost control of his inner world, which had never happened before.As like as two peas of ice, the ice was brown, and after all, it was frozen by the chaotic sea, but soon it turned blue and white, just like the cold flume.

"Boom, boom..."

The area of this ice sheet is not small, almost one third of that central continent!

Such a huge ice sheet appeared on one side. Under the pressure, the whole central continent began to shake. The creatures living on the central continent were naturally panicked in the face of such a violent earthquake!

Fortunately, this kind of vibration soon disappeared. When the ice sheet was formed, the earthquake stopped.

At the same time, an ice suddenly appeared in the middle of the ice sheet. As soon as this ice appeared, it began to grow crazily. Under the continuous growth, countless branches began to appear on the top of the ice sheet

In the blink of an eye, the ice turned into a huge ice tree, standing on the ice!

"This will add another continent..." Luo Zheng murmured.

This ice sheet suddenly appeared, forming a squeezing force in the inner world, pushing the sea of chaos towards the surrounding. Luo Zheng felt that his Dantian had a feeling of expansion, which was the expansion of the inner world and a manifestation of the improvement of cultivation!

The ice tree is still growing. It used to be only a hundred feet high, but after dozens of breaths, it has grown to thousands of feet high, almost the same as the world tree on the other side of the central mainland!

At the same time, at the top of the ice tree, there is a magnificent cold flame flower blooming.

If you look down from the sky at this moment, to the west of the central continent, there is a towering blue world tree, while at the other end, there is a crystal clear ice tree. They are opposite to each other and echo each other from afar

What this means is still unclear.

However, in those days, after the divine realm was split by the axe of nature, it was the master of war to open the sky

Ruomu, Jianmu, Fusang, Xumu.

These four big trees may not be great in themselves

But these four sacred trees were planted in the first divine era. Their roots directly penetrated the divine realm and extended into chaos. They had the ability to absorb chaos for their own use. After countless years of absorption, they were qualified to become sacred trees!

These four sacred trees not only stabilize the divine realm, but also rely on the divine realm to stabilize their position and become the four unshakable pillars in the divine realm.

Luo Zheng used a tree species of the world to produce the first giant tree, but now another ice tree has appeared on the ice field. They will also absorb the chaos and grow up, and may also grow into divine trees in the future!

As for the cold flame

Luo Zheng takes consciousness back from the inner world, and then unfolds five fingers of one hand slightly!

"Hiss -"

a cold flame was burning in Luo Zheng's hands.

So it is!

Luo Zheng showed a smile on his face, and then poured chaos into the cold flame!


In an instant, the volume of this cold flame increased ten times, and Luo Zheng was surrounded by it. The cold air emitted from this cold flame was that even the mercury on the mirror was frozen.

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