Gong Yu, Lei Chan and others have entered this cave for the second time.

There has never been much progress in the exploration of the whole world by the six major races

For example, in places like zhenhun cliff, they also know that they need a black trial charm to enter, but they can't get it at all!

There are lots of purple trial runes accumulated in the six ethnic groups. Leichan and Gongyu have passed through the prophet's channel. Whether they can exchange black trial runes from him, naturally the answer is No.

These places were not originally prepared for the aborigines. The prophets were the incarnations of Jiusheng himself. How could Jiusheng let them into these places?

In desperation, the six races could only continue to explore the inner world and finally found this strange cave.

In the depth of the cave, they finally found the clue, but the cave was full of a dark green fire, which was far more powerful than they could fight.

At that time, Gong Yu and Lei Chan thought of many ways, but they had to give up.

If anything is thrown in, it will be melted by the green fire. Even a small piece of gold fork stone, when it comes into contact with the green fire, will be melted into a mass of molten iron with golden light

The existence of this strange fire means that no one is welcome here.

However, Gong Yu was not reconciled at that time. At last, before he left, he used the method of "eye of nothingness". This method was taught to the Tianqiong clan by the martial arts of the divine realm. That is to think of an eye of nothingness based on the concept of Zhenyuan. Through this eye of nothingness, they can see the picture inside the cave.

The form of the eye of nothingness is very special, which is transformed by the true element and needs to be integrated into the law of space.

This eye is on the front and back of the space, shuttling back and forth constantly, so it can avoid the green fire in the cave to a certain extent

Even the eye of nothingness only lasted for nine breath in the green fire. After nine breath, the eye of nothingness still couldn't resist the burning of the fire, and the whole eye broke and disappeared.

If you don't see anything, that's all.

Lei Chan and his party will not be bored, and they have to provoke this kind of strange fire. Although they are the aborigines in the forbidden area of Shenlian, they don't mean they are invincible in this world. Some things they can't provoke at all, such as the Zhenwu holy beast, such as the green strange fire in this cave.

It's just the last moment, but they will never forget it, and they are determined to enter the cave!

They saw a door deep in the cave.

The door stood alone in the depths of the cave, even though the green fire around it filled the air, but the door still did not move.

If they see other things, they may not have any rich associations. For example, when they see a fierce beast who is not afraid of purple fire, or a pair of magic weapons, no matter how powerful the magic weapons or the best skills are, they are not attractive to the six races.

But they saw a door

After the forbidden area of Shenlian was opened, many warriors from all over the world were born here one after another, and a large number of warriors from Shenlian also came here. Through these foreign warriors, the six major races constantly learned about the outside world.

They are just like children who have just opened their eyes. Overnight, they realize that the forbidden area is a small and narrow world. It turns out that the outside world is so vast.

The instinct of life urges them to explore and find a way to go out.

But after searching the whole forbidden area, they found that the only people who can enter the world are those who can leave. They can hardly cross the world and enter the divine realm.

According to some foreign warriors, if you want to cross the world, you have to achieve the true God, otherwise you will be "restored"

Even so, no one chose to give up, that is, the door gave them endless fantasy.

What on earth is behind that door? Is it the way to God?

Those green fires may have blocked their way. It was not until Luo Zheng appeared in the bengshan clan that Lei Chan lit up his hope. At the same time, he contacted Tianqiong clan and Yuanhe clan to plan this action.

After drilling in from the cave on the cliff, everyone felt waves of heat coming.

The interior of the cave is extremely smooth, with only a narrow road two people wide in the middle, and the two sides of the road are rolling lava.

The magma here is not red, but dark green. When it rushes, it turns into various strange shapes from time to time, emitting a burning smell, and at the same time, it is full of strong laws of life.

Fire is often the nemesis of living beings. Random contact will bring devastating disaster. But in the green magma, it gives people a sense of vitality. The combination of two complex feelings makes people feel very strange. Besides, it also makes people feel a little vigilant.

"We haven't explored this place clearly. Please be careful," Gong Yu warned.

Without Gong Yu's warning, everyone's face was full of vigilance.As a matter of fact, many foreign martial artists regret this exploration.

as like as two peas in the world, the world is full of all kinds of priceless treasures.

Once upon a time, there were many foreign warriors who made a lot of profits, and some even took one of the core magic weapons of Hatoyama!

This kind of thing is almost impossible to happen in the world built by other saints, so when this kind of rumor spreads, it attracts more martial people in the divine realm to explore. For no other reason, this Jiusheng is too generous

But this trip into the inner world, many dangers encountered, but so far, they have not found any chance.

How many people are willing to take such strange risks when risks are not directly proportional to benefits?

But now that they have come this far, they have no choice.

Among them, Luo Zheng was the most relaxed. After he came into contact with Jiusheng, this exploration was equivalent to solving the mystery for him. He was not surprised that Jiusheng was watching himself.

Of course, Luo Zheng did not understand Hatoyama's intention. He introduced himself here just to help him rebuild his body!

"Gudong, Gudong..."

Just as the people were walking along the path, green bubbles began to emerge from the magma on both sides.

The green magma suddenly turned into a horse, galloping towards the crowd!

"Be careful," Gong Yu's eyes coagulated, and there was a blue scroll in his hand.

See that scroll, contain fringes of mouth slightly a Qiao, "is ice Butterfly Bead picture..."

"It's really the ice Butterfly Pearl map of our Han family, and I don't know how it fell into the hands of Tianqiong people," he Zuowei nodded.

The ice Butterfly Pearl map is a very powerful ice magic weapon in the Han family. However, these magic weapons are widely spread. They may be handed down from the Han family to other people in the divine realm, and then into the Tianqiong clan, or they may be handed over by the Han family to the Tianqiong clan.

The three ethnic groups attached great importance to this trip, and naturally prepared quite well. In fact, they had many means to cope with the unexpected needs. However, after passing through the black ball, under the influence of Hatoyama, they directly transferred them to their destination, which saved a lot of trouble. Naturally, those means were useless, so when they saw the cave, they could not use them, Gong Yu and others are naturally overjoyed.

When Gong Yu offered this picture of ice Butterfly Beads, everyone felt that the heat was greatly weakened. In this cave full of green magma, everyone seemed to fall like a cold place. An illusory chill spread out, and the waves of ice and snow suddenly enveloped everyone!

When the horses from the green magma galloped, even though they were not close to the public, they saw a white ice butterfly dancing towards the horses.

When the ice butterflies touch the horses, they are instantly melted away. However, each ice butterfly can release a lot of chill. Countless ice butterflies come flying and constantly melt. The horses melted by the green magma soon disintegrate and turn into a dark green stone, falling back into the magma again

At this moment, in the depth of the cave, an old man in black armor, holding a gold hammer, with only one eye open, silently watched Luo Zheng in the group. His mouth tut tut Tut, stretched out his tongue like a snake letter and licked the tip of his nose

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