Black magic fire is like small snakes, swimming along the circling eight trigrams, bit by bit drilling into Luo Zheng's body, and bit by bit being spurted out by Luo Zheng.

It is said that chaos turns Yin and Yang first, and then Yin and Yang turn everything!

The "great Yin Yang fire turning array" is derived from the great Yin Yang technique. The great Yin Yang technique itself is very powerful, and it can get twice the result with half the effort

However, many true gods in the realm of God perform the great Yin Yang skill, which is "turning forward".

Because the characteristics of truth element and chaos are very similar, if chaos is compared to "horizontal energy", then truth element is actually a kind of "secondary energy".

When the great Yin Yang technique turns smoothly, chaos has been replaced by the true element, and the eight trigrams are transformed into two forms by the true element. If the eight trigrams are suppressed, it can destroy the heaven and the earth, and it is very domineering.

However, craftsman's "great Yin Yang fire turning array" is a "reversal"

This is actually one of the keys to refining the treasure of chaos.

Under the reversal, it is to turn Yin and Yang into chaos instead of "truth"

If the master craftsman is refining the treasure of chaos, he naturally needs to bring his own Qi of chaos. Of course, there is no need to "refine" Luo Zheng this time. After all, there is an endless stream of Qi of chaos in Luo Zheng's elixir field

While the great Yin Yang fire array is in operation, Luo Zheng's inner world is constantly evolving!

The concept of time became extremely subtle in Luo Zheng.

After he fell into a deep sleep, his body was growing old.

The longevity of the warrior in Shenhai realm is tens of thousands of years, while that of the warrior in Shenji realm ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of years. It takes 80000 years to make Luo Zheng not be too old to enter the five decline of heaven and man

After accompanying Luo Zheng for a long time, Xun also fell into a very focused state.

In the body of her soul, there is a long thin needle, which is embedded in the soul. The surface of the needle is engraved with mysterious patterns. The craft contained in it can not be forged in the secondary universe of the world at least, so it adopts an extremely profound refining technique.

Every king of the demon night clan will hold a very mysterious ceremony when he ascends the throne.

This ceremony is in the highest level of secrecy of the demon night clan. Except for a few people of the demon night clan, no one else knows about it

And this ceremony is inherited from the ancient demon night clan. As for the function and purpose of this ceremony, it is not clear at that time.

Not only Xun, but also Yao and light language are not clear.

But after the end of the dream battlefield, the long needle that penetrated into the soul began to move. Those long needles were cut up and down, one side to the left, the other side to the right, and began to rotate, releasing a little bit of information at the same time

This information began to influence Xun's thinking, and she couldn't even resist it.

At the beginning, the information released from the needle was not complete, but under the infection of those information, Xun had a strong sense of disgust in his heart.

She once began to hate Luo Zheng!

Xun was quite confused at that time. How could she hate Luo Zheng?

But this instinctive aversion, even the feeling that Luo Zheng was a natural enemy, affected Xun all the time, and she could not ignore it.

However, intellectually speaking, Xun's affection for Luo Zheng is getting deeper and deeper. Under the interweaving of these two contradictory feelings, Xun's temper becomes quite irritable. In order to contain this feeling, she even once let herself fall into a deep sleep.

As this needle releases more and more information, she knows more and more!

Later Xun found out that he hated not only Luo Zheng, but all the people

The needle in her soul is a means of inheritance, just like the exchange of blood of Tianwei clan absorbed by Luo Zheng.

However, the exchange of blood of Tianwei clan is to put some important information in the golden blood, and at the same time to make the blood holder have some hidden ability. However, this ritual of demon night clan puts some kind of inheritance into the soul.

This method is more domineering, because Xun not only gains ability, she is influenced by the needle, and even her own thinking is changed by the needle!

She felt that she was like a mouse and a snake in nature. From the moment of birth, they were natural enemies of each other. This inheritance from the soul could not resist

After realizing this, Xun became more silent in the face of Luo Zheng!

She didn't want to leave Luo Zheng's body, and she didn't want to be an enemy with Luo Zheng, so she kept curling up and sleeping At the same time, her heart is also quite frightened, because she does not know what she will become under the influence of this needle.

In fact, with her intelligence, she has understood that the position of the demon night clan is different from that of the Terran. The existence of this needle has already explained everything.

In Dayan's universe, there are not only the ancient witches, but also the demons. Even the demons may be Moreover, the Tianwei clan seems to be on guard. They intentionally or unintentionally isolate the demon night clan and the demon clan when they summon many gods to fight against each other.The long needle in Xun's soul has completely become Xun's nightmare. She doesn't even dare to tell Luo Zheng about it. She just makes herself sleep endlessly

This time Luo Zheng entered this gate to exercise, Xun woke up again.

After this awakening, the needle began to rotate again, and the emerging information gave Xun a comprehensive understanding.

Why did Dayan fall apart? Those saints quietly created the demon night clan and put them in Dayan by some special means. This is a foreshadowing that has been buried for more than 3 billion years!

However, for the sake of caution, they did not dare to carry on the inheritance of blood with gold blood, but with the means of "soul sealing needle".

Blood inheritance can only hide important information in the blood, but can not change the thinking of the exchange transfusion.

Just as at the right time, when the blood awakens, Luo Zheng understands the hidden information in the blood, but if he is not willing to carry it out, the blood can not force Luo Zheng, and the right of choice is still in Luo Zheng's hands, as is the case with other people of heaven.

The soul sealing needle can directly control the recipient.

Comparatively speaking, the manufacturing of soul sealing needle is also much more difficult, and the people who can influence it are always limited. They can't exchange blood in a large area like Tianwei clan.

So the demon night clan they created appeared this unique social structure.

The demon night clan, from heaven to the common people, all believe in their own supreme king. With the three kings as the core, anyone of the demon night clan must listen to the three kings!

In this way, they only need to plant "soul sealing needles" for the succeeding three kings. The three kings themselves do not know their real destiny, but at the right time, the soul sealing needles start to start. After the three kings are affected, they will be able to control the whole demon night clan.

In order to destroy a world, they create a race. With such means and ingenuity, is it really so troublesome to kill a saint?

"I Wear out the needle

Xun had this idea in her mind before, and she tried to pull out the needle.

But the soul seal needle goes deep into Xun's soul, even her soul is fused together, and she can't pull it out at all. That's why if this soul seal needle wants to completely control Xun's thinking, she can't resist at all.

Since it can't be pulled out, wear it out.

On that perfect face, there is an incomparable color of determination

She has plenty of time. It should be more than enough to wipe out this soul in 80000 years. The rest needs great perseverance.

Xun's soul was damaged once. At that time, Xun only had a wisp of ghost. Since she could recover last time, she could recover this time.

Her soul was originally hidden in Luo Zheng's sword spirit, and it was very easy to separate them.

But the difficulty of destroying the soul and sealing the needle is far beyond Xun's imagination.

Last time, the soul of fumigation was broken, but its own memory was not affected. The soul sealing needle injected into the soul is tightly connected with the memory in the soul.

When Xun endures the pain of soul's abrasion, and wears away the soul's seal needle, her memory is also rapidly fading

The speed of this decay is so amazing that at the end, Xun can't even remember why she tortured herself so much. There is only one obsession left in her soul, which is to completely erase the soul needle

Under the damage of Xun's soul, Xun's statue in the demon night clan in Dayan's house has changed again, and the light in it has weakened again.

However, the demon night clan didn't pay attention to the change of Xun's King statue at the moment, and the strong members of the demon night clan were also in a panic, because they received a new order on the day of the invasion of the holy clan, which was hard for them to figure out.

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