The people of the demon night clan obey their king unconditionally.

This race has maintained this social structure since its birth

For example, the holy land of the human race belongs to the evolution of the clan, while the kingdom of God belongs to the evolution of the mortal state, but the loyalty of the warrior of the human race cannot be compared with that of the demon night clan.

If there is a great crisis in the Holy Land and the kingdom of God, the core fighters may choose to work for the sect, but it can't be denied that a large number of them will choose to escape.

In fact, as the territory of the humanitarian alliance is gradually occupied by the holy people, many warriors choose to leave their holy places and flee for their own lives. Some of them are even inferior in character. It is the civilians who suffer.

This will not happen in the demon night clan.

Their beliefs, like instinct, are embedded in their bone marrow.

Even in those days, when the three kings fought against each other, only the upper class warriors were in chaos, and no turmoil broke out among the lower class warriors. They only wanted to follow their own kings!

So as long as the king orders, the demon night people will go through fire and water, and there will be no complaints. That's why the demon night people are so united

After Yao finished, she glanced at the light language, with a haughty smile on her face, and dragged her skirt ten feet long toward the colorful glass gate of the penalty palace.

The demon night people in front of the palace come from various holy places. They are also the elite of the demon night people, the world leader, the God changing realm, the God extreme realm, the God sea realm, and the warrior They are the most powerful of the demon night clan.

Seeing the wonderful and hazy figure behind the gate, these demon night clansmen immediately calmed down, and they were waiting for the king's instructions.

Although most of the demon night clansmen are women, it doesn't mean that they have no blood. In the face of the invasion of the holy clan, many world masters have asked for and fought!


The huge colorful glazed doors open slowly on both sides, and Yao walks slowly on the terrace, overlooking all the demon night people, revealing the momentum of the king in the world.

Light language is followed, standing beside Yao, eyes very flat.

"My dear people, it's a great honor to meet you," Yao said. "It's a great event in the world that has brought all the elite of our family together recently."

The faces of all the demon night clansmen were solemn. Although there were a large number of warriors on the scene, the scene was silent. Yao's voice was easily passed on to every demon night clansman.

Most of them thought that Yao would declare war on the holy people. When the world suffered from such a crisis, as a force that can not be ignored in the world, Yao could never stay out of it.

"As you all know, the holy family has come to our world," Yao said slowly, word by word.

Hearing this, many demon night people suddenly feel something wrong in their hearts. What does the holy family mean when they come to the world?

Don't those damned saints invade the world? How come it's coming?

On such occasions, every word and every word is very particular. If the king of punishment said it casually, it would be too careless, and she would not make such a mistake.

"This is a great opportunity for us demon night clan! We will join hands with the saints and help them to occupy the world, that is, the world of Dayan! " At the moment, Yao's voice suddenly increased a few points, with excited color on her face!

As for the demon night clan people present, they were stunned at the same time.

Among them, at least 70% of the demon night people feel that their ears are wrong. Do they want to help the saint?

These heavenly saints insist on using the roar order and constantly provoke all races. Although Maha slaughtered the warriors of the humanitarian alliance, as all the creatures in the same world, they all share a common hatred, and their demon night clan has a lot of hatred for the holy race.

How did the king of punishment suddenly announce that he was going to help the damned holy people?

Although the demon night people have strong self-discipline, they can't help talking about it now

At the beginning, only a few people whispered, and gradually the voice became louder and louder, turning into a buzz, like the sea washing the rocks!

"What do you mean?"

"Does the king mean that we should help those holy people who are killed by heaven?"

"Why! Why

Although they obey the king's orders unconditionally, it doesn't mean they don't have their own thinking.

They were born in this world and grew up in this world. This is their hometown. They should defend it to the death. It's a matter of course. What's more, although the demon night people are indifferent, they all have a strong sense of justice and belong to a race that abides by order very much.

Yao's words, however, subverted their inner cognition

"master, why The kite bell asked.

Junlan's face was also very complicated. Her face was full of shock. "How could that be?"Although they had to obey the king's orders absolutely, some people finally put forward their opinions, "my king, that holy family is not born with us, but the enemy of life and death. Why should we help those guys..."

"My king! If we help the saints, it's against the way of heaven

"Wang, you can't be joking!"

Several powerful world masters, as well as the Presbyterian people, can't help but jump out to admonish at the moment.

The world is covered by one heavenly way, and the creatures and races in it are born of the same heavenly way. They help the races outside the world, which is really against the heavenly way.

It's not only bad in name, but also wrong in speech. It's almost unreasonable to say that it's naked.

In the face of the turbulent crowd, light language is beside sneer: "it seems that your first step is very difficult."

Yao's face didn't change at all. Her perfect face was full of numbness

"Wang! Even if the contradiction between you and Xun in those years, we can expose it for the time being. If you sealed Xun's belief pool, we can also forgive you, but do you know what you are doing? "

"You will bury our whole demon night clan!"

"This will make our demon night clan go to the end of the rope," several elders yelled at Yao.

Even if they believe in Yao unconditionally, Yao's orders are seriously against their heart. How can they accept them easily?

Yao's patience this time is surprisingly good. If she had been in the past, she would have killed people now, but in front of all the elite forces of the demon night clan, she could not be too cruel.

"Wang! Do you think so? " One of the elders asked softly.

Light language's face showed a trace of innocent expression, but finally she nodded, really want to ask her heart, she naturally does not agree with Yao's decision, she has been immersed in their own research, consciously fun, suddenly killed a saint, disturbed all her plans and plans.

However, she is also limited by the "soul sealing needle", and it is impossible to deny this matter.

See light language so relaxed admit, those elders face also show strange expression.

The disposition of the king of punishment has always been crazy and unpredictable, but the disposition of Ying, the king of life, is relatively mild. Why do you agree with Ying this time? They couldn't figure out the strangeness of the matter!


The voice of angry discussion is more and more dense, the voice is also more and more big!


Yao stretched out his hand and had a holy thunder hammer in his hand. A blue ray of thunder shot out of the hammer and burst out in the air.

There was a thunder from the ground!

All the voices in the discussion were completely covered up by the loud and deafening sound.

"I know you will be so angry," Yao said slowly. "As the creatures born in Dayan's universe, we demon night people naturally have the obligation to defend our homeland, but I want to tell you that demon night people don't belong to this universe at all!"


"How is that possible?"

"We were born in this world. Why don't we belong to this world?"

All the demon night clansmen stare at Yao with big eyes, and their minds are confused.

Yao really has no better way to appease them, and can only reveal some news: "we demon night clan were created to subvert dayanyu, and now the opportunity has come."

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