Seeing Luo Zheng's expression, the craftsman Saint said, "it's just a sword spirit. This level of sword spirit is almost useless to you now!"

Hearing this, Luo Zheng gave a cold glance at the craftsman.

With the strength of these two saints, this kind of thing could have been avoided, but they just stood by

But soon Luo Zheng was relieved.

Whether they are craftsmen or Hatoyama, they are just outsiders after all.

The master was arranged by Jiusheng, who was helped by Luo Xiao.

The existence of saints, even in the realm of God, is also superior, which is an illusory legend for countless creatures.

His willingness to help himself has been a great help.

All can only depend on oneself!

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart of that wave quietly disappeared, the expression on his face also calm down.

Before that, he still wanted to seek the help of Jiusheng. Is there any way to restore Xun's memory, but now Luo Zheng keeps silent.

"Come on, show me what you can do!" The craftsman doesn't want to discuss the sword spirit at all. He just wants to see how far Luo Zheng's living weapon can reach.

Any weapon refiner will have the impulse to "test the sword" when he becomes a magic weapon. He has made the most outstanding work. Naturally, he wants to see the strength of this work!

Luo Zheng has been paying attention to Xun ever since he came to consciousness. Only when he heard the words of craftsman Saint did he begin to examine himself.

In fact, after waking up, Luo Zheng has realized that his body has changed dramatically!

At this moment, he felt as if there was a transparent film around him, and this film seemed to have a trace of induction with his soul.

Mind slightly move, from his body surface there is a transparent film lifted up!

"What is this?"

Luo Zheng showed a trace of curiosity.

Craftsman Saint didn't make a sound to remind, just looking at Luo Zheng himself slowly groping.

I saw that the film was like a layer of water waves, constantly surging on Luo Zheng's body surface. Soon Luo Zheng found that his thoughts could control the film, and the film seemed to be a layer of Luo Zheng's skin covering him.

"What is this?" Luo Zheng stares at the craftsman saint and asks.

The craftsman Saint said with a smile, "this thing doesn't have a name yet!"

After all, before that, no one had refined a piece of original divinity into a defensive magic weapon, but the craftsman Saint quickly added: "but this magic weapon can be changed with your heart. I want to name it Tongxin Yi!"

"Tongxin clothes?"

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly. Under the influence of this idea, the film turned into a garment covering Luo Zheng's body. It really changed with the influence of Luo Zheng's mood. However, at the moment, the garment was completely transparent, but it could not be used to cover his body.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was fully aware of what magic weapon this was, the craftsman could not help but remind him: "it can be changed into any color and shape with your mind!"

"Can color change, too?"

Voice just fell, this layer of originally transparent clothes, is a color, into a black sweater.

From the appearance point of view, this robe is almost the same as the ordinary robe. Under a breeze, the skirt can even flutter in the wind.

"Interesting..." Luo Zheng turned his mouth slightly.

The craftsman Saint looked around, but turned to the Chinese destiny and said, "little friend, you can attack Luo Zheng with all your strength."

Hua Tianming is a little stunned, but his eyes pass by Hatoyama.

Jiusheng nodded to huatianming, indicating that huatianming could try his best.

In the presence of the two saints, Hua Tianming had no scruples. Without any hesitation, he pulled out his sword, and his eyes became extremely sharp in an instant.

He stares at Luo Zheng and smiles, "brother Luo Zheng, I'm coming!"

After that, the sword in his hand bloomed a strong light, and the purple fire in the whole cave was rolled up by the light.

When he saw the sword in Hua Tianming's hand, the craftsman's face was surprised. He didn't notice Hua Tianming before, but now he found out that what he was holding was Teng snake sword, the sword of the warlord!

Almost all the weapon refining methods in the divine realm are handed down to the warlord.

Swords, axes, hammers, halberds All these were invented by Chi you, the leader of the army. Their successors just kept improving, so it was difficult to have real innovation.

In these innumerable times, we have always followed the path of "Hongmeng Zhibao".

Only the craftsman saint has come out of another new way, which is the treasure of chaos. Therefore, the craftsman saint can be so popular in the realm of God, and can open up a road that the military leader has never walked. This is really a great thing.

However, the Teng snake sword is one of the famous swords made by the warlord himself. This time, the craftsman saint can't help but praise it. It seems that part of the inheritance left by Chi you at that time fell into the hands of Luo Xiao and was inherited by this young man.Hua Tianming straightened the sword slightly, and the edge of the sword had spread out. A light curtain formed a bridge between him and Luo Zheng. Then he flew towards Luo Zheng with the sword in his hand!


At the same time, the front edge of the sword is like a pair of scissors, which directly pulls the space into two sections!

Just for a moment, Hua Tianming's sword was on Luo Zheng's chest, and the tip of Teng snake's sword was directly on the surface of Luo Zheng's long shirt.

The original soft cloth, under the thought of Luo Zheng, became extremely strong, just like a thin piece of metal blocking Luo Zheng's chest.


Under the crisscross of the long swords, a sweet and crisp sound broke out, and the edge of the sword fell to one side.

This sword really can't penetrate Luo Zheng's Tongxin clothes, but it still leaves a scratch on the surface of Luo Zheng's Shenyu clothes!

But the concentric garment is like a living creature, and the scratch can be repaired in an instant.


The sword circled in Hua Tianming's hand and then returned to the scabbard. Hua Tianming arched his hand to Luo Zheng and said with a smile, "Congratulations, brother Luo Zheng."

Luo Zheng nodded, then arched his hand to the craftsman and said, "thank you for giving such a wonderful treasure."

He is naturally grateful for his help, but Luo Zheng also knows that he and these people are just exchanging relations. They help themselves not because they are Luo Zheng himself, but for other purposes.

He is really grateful to this person now, but he will certainly find a chance to repay it in the future.

Craftsman saint is a faint smile, "this time to help you refine body is also an attempt for me, but at this stage your body has not reached the level of first-class chaos treasure!"

Hearing the words of the craftsman, Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of doubt.

"You will know soon," said the craftsman saint. He didn't reveal the secret of Luo Zheng's body. He even changed Luo Zheng's instinct to a certain extent. He believed that Luo Zheng would discover the secret soon.

Although craftsman Saint said so, Luo Zheng also found that his power was greatly enhanced. At least he used nearly one percent of the power source of nine star general to put it on his body. His body was still solid as usual, and there was no sign of collapse.

Craftsman Saint didn't stay here too much. He came to the forbidden area of Shenlian just to refine Luo Zheng. After a few words, he turned into a puff of smoke and left the forbidden area of Shenlian

When the craftsman left, Hatoyama looked at Luo Zheng and Hua Tianming, as well as the nine real dragons hovering on the side of the cave. "I just received the news that the pseudo saints have started to fight."

"Have you already done it?"

Hua Tianming's eyelids suddenly jump, Luo Zheng's eyebrows also immediately pick up, as for the nine real dragons are also different.

Hatoyama nodded.

The Jiusheng that Luo Zheng and others saw was just an incarnation of Jiusheng himself. The real Jiusheng was far away in the divine realm. He just received the news about muhaiji's attack on Dayan.

"You don't have much time," Hatoyama added.

Once let the holy family occupy the whole world and decompose it, Luo Xiao's throne will be completely wiped out, and he will really fall.

If there is enough time, ten of them may stay in the forbidden area for decades or even hundreds of years.

For the warrior, a hundred years is just a very short time of practice.

When Luo Zheng left Dayan, he also knew that the saints would not leave them too much time, but now it's only one year, so the time left for them is too little!

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