The valley of time is generally the last stop for the outside warriors in the forbidden area of Shenlian.

The time compression here is very balanced, there is almost no fluctuation, and the vitality of heaven and earth is also in a calm state.

So most people will hit the bottleneck of the realm here.

But in other words, those who enter the forbidden area are either the top talents in the world or the elite warriors in the divine realm. They have good talents. The level of transforming the gods and changing the three is an insurmountable barrier for ordinary warriors, but it is not a difficult thing for those who are qualified to enter the forbidden area.

After the ten Taoists left the holy land of cultivation, they entered the valley of time one after another and began a year long retreat

The scenery in the valley is beautiful and quiet. Under the constant burning of ninghun fragrance, which is specially made by LongQin people, the fragrance is continuously diffused in the valley.

In this valley, there are many caves, large and small, which are arranged in turn. The time compression in the top cave is about 80 times, that in the middle cave is 50 times, and that in the bottom cave is 20 times.

This steady flow of time is maintained all year round here. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve 30 million times of terror as Luo Zheng did in the gate! After all, it's hard for Hatoyama to maintain such a high multiple.

After those Taoists entered the valley of time, they were directly invited into the valley of time at the invitation of the prophets of the dragon and bird tribe, and began a one-year closure. Naturally, the closed cave is the best location.

It makes a group of warriors in Shenyu resentful. They don't know what's wrong with the dragon and bird clan. They treat a group of secondary creatures so favorably

It's been a quiet year.

According to the time compression of 80 times, almost seven years have passed in the cave within a month.

Under the trials in many holy places, the ten Daozi had already accumulated a lot. In addition, under the inheritance of the forbidden area, they also cultivated their own characteristics to the extreme.

One of the fastest breakthroughs is huatianming and Xuanyuan CHENFENG!

In the first month, they stepped into the realm of God change from the extreme realm of God. Xuanyuan CHENFENG was a little faster than huatianming.

After breaking through, Xuanyuan CHENFENG left the cave and inquired about other Daoists. When he heard that he was the first one to step into the divine change, he naturally felt a little proud. After all, there was a little bit of pride in his heart. He thought that he was the strongest of the ten Daoists

However, after they broke through, they just left the cave for a rest day, and then continued to enter the cave. One day outside, it was two and a half months in the cave. Their goal was to impact the realm of the world leader, and they had to cherish every inch of their time.

In the third month, Luo Xixuan was the third Taoist to break through the divine change.

In the fourth month, Ji Luoxue, kudeng, dugujian Xiaoxiao, and Jiang Zhengyi all stepped into the realm of God. At this time, only Luo Zheng did not break through.

The triple realm of the three changes is the process of expanding the inner world.

After entering the realm of Shenhai, the inner world of the warrior is a process of constant expansion, and many rules are constantly formed.

The key reason why Luo Zheng lags behind them lies in the fact that he is above the real yuan.

The other eight people absorbed a large amount of truth elements from the beginning to the end in Tianqiong clan. This special truth element can make the warrior's inner world more dignified, which is also of great benefit to the impact of the realm.

Luo Zheng's body is full of chaotic Qi. Compared with Zhenyuan, it's more concise, and it's more difficult to impact God's change.

However, Luo Zheng also gave full play to the characteristics of chaotic Qi. In the fifth month, that is, nearly 35 years, he repeatedly devoured the vitality of heaven and earth and transformed it into chaotic Qi.

The efficiency of this transformation was not high, but it was proceeding step by step. On the last day of the fifth month, Luo Zheng finally broke through the divine transformation.

Luo Zheng's internal world has undergone earth shaking changes.

The area of the whole inner world has nearly doubled, and a world tree has grown to the height of ten thousand feet. The Tianling people on the world tree have become a huge group.

As for the haos and Tengs, they have also been divided into two great divine kingdoms, among which the virtual plunder realm and the martial arts realm of life and death have been born.

In addition, there seems to be a strange kind of ice silkworm on the ice tree. This kind of ice silkworm looks like a piece of transparent ice. This kind of ice silkworm is very fragile. Once it leaves the ice tree, it will melt immediately. As for the degree to which this thing can eventually evolve, Luo Zheng is not sure.

According to the three-year agreement, he still has seven months left, that is, almost 50 years. He is not sure whether he can impact the realm of the world leader.

Other Taoists have their predecessors who have paved the way. They just need to run on that road with their own talents. Luo Zheng's practice of "the secret art of chaos" all the way now is entirely on his own, which is not only full of hardships, but also not a problem that can be solved by talent!

To cultivate to the world Master, we need to "incarnate as the world" and take the expansion of the inner world into a vast world as the standard.This road has been traversed by countless creatures, and each world Master is the master of a vast world. However, it is a question whether the secret of chaos can be expanded into a vast world.

However, when Luo Zheng entered the realm of God, his inner world changed.

At the beginning, the world tree he planted was growing vigorously. The top of the tree began to extend upward, while the root was deeply rooted in the bottom of the sea of chaos!

Those roots continue to extend, but they break through the inner world of Luo Zheng!

In the case of ordinary warriors, this kind of thing needs to be prohibited.

The world tree in the body is like a sea god needle. It can store the true yuan. If the ordinary warrior planted the world tree, then the warrior would have more than half of the true yuan than the ordinary warrior.

But no one will let the trunk of the world tree extend beyond the inner world, which means that the elixir field is pierced, which is a great damage to the warrior!

But the rhizome of the world tree is very strong. A small seed can stand on top of a stone and grow tenaciously. So is the world tree.

Therefore, if a warrior owns the world tree, he will prune his roots from time to time.

But Luo Zheng allowed the growth of the world tree, and finally the root penetrated his inner world tenaciously.

But Luo Zheng's inner world is not the real inner world. In fact, his inner world is in chaos. It just establishes an incredible link with Luo Zheng through the "supernatural power of crossing the world"!

After the world tree penetrates the bottom boundary of the inner world, it extends into chaos!

After Luo Zheng discovered this problem, he also had great interest.

Chaos esoteric skill is not a complete skill, nor has it been reviewed by anyone. When master Luo Zheng, who is Gu Bei in the mouth of Jiusheng, wrote chaos esoteric skill, he also admitted that it was an idea of his. It was impossible to guarantee how far he could go and whether he could succeed.

One of the biggest defects in the secret art of chaos is that it is difficult to supplement the Qi of chaos.

Both the universe and the divine realm are full of the vitality of heaven and earth. The warrior can absorb it at will, or replace it with real stone. This is the way for the warrior to cultivate and survive.

Where does Luo Zheng go to seek the Qi of chaos?

Before that, Luo Zheng came up with an alternative plan, which is to use the characteristics of the "heavenly magic fist" he practiced in those years to endow the chaotic Qi with the characteristics of phagocytosis. However, the efficiency of phagocytizing the real yuan into the chaotic Qi is not high. After all, compared with chaos, the real yuan is only a kind of secondary energy.

This is also the reason why Luo Zheng's speed of breaking through God's changing state lags behind other Daoists.

But this time, the world tree has penetrated into the inner world, stretching its roots into endless chaos. For Luo Zheng, this is tantamount to opening up a new road!

"It is said that the four sacred trees in the divine realm can absorb the Qi of chaos, so this world tree will also become the sacred tree of the world in my body!"

With seven months to go, Luo Zheng had no hope. But now he is full of self-confidence. His ability to absorb vast amounts of chaos is the foundation of his self-confidence.

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