"This, this guy It's finally starting

Dugu Jian stares at the boundary cloud that flies across the sky, expecting Ai Ai to say.

He thinks this is in line with Luo Zheng's consistent style. If he doesn't make a sound, he will make a sound

Xuanyuan CHENFENG clenched his teeth and looked at the rapidly expanding Jieyun. His face once again showed a trace of worry.

Before that, he had some pity for Luo Zheng, and he was the only one in the group who had never broken through the world and majored in science.

As the Daoists of Dayan, they are almost the bottom line of this mission, because only the Jiezhu is qualified to unite the spirit and impact the power level of the real God!

Otherwise, they can only be Taoists.

They are still young, gifted with demons, have amazing savvy, and even have far more fighting power than the same level. The cultivation of God's changing state is enough to fight against the existence of the world Lord, but what?

It's not the hundreds of thousands of World Masters that decide the destiny of Dayan universe, but the more than 100 gods, but the real God!

If these Taoists want to participate in that kind of war, they are bound to quickly enter the realm of the world, and then launch an impact on their own Shinto.

Now Xuanyuan CHENFENG sees the way the clouds are spreading. He immediately feels sorry for Luo Zheng. Fortunately, the momentum of the clouds is extremely fast. But before Luo Zheng, the clouds only expanded to about six li. At the moment, although the expansion speed of the clouds is extremely fast, there is still a certain gap between Luo Zheng and Xuanyuan CHENFENG.

The expressions of several Taoists were different, but most of them were pleased with Luo Zheng's performance, and even faintly proud. After all, Luo Zheng was their companion!

The Dragon Bird clan was also shocked by the scene above their heads.

The power of transforming the world is generated in the body of the world leader, and its influence on the outside world is quite limited. Therefore, neither the speed nor the strength of the diffusion can be controlled by the warrior himself. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the world cloud can judge the strength of a world leader.

"Is this guy's power of transforming the world escaping by himself..." An old dragon and bird clan leader stares at the sky and asks.

"The cosmopolitanism in the body is the natural evolution, and the power of the cosmopolitanism is not controlled at all. How can it escape?" Another elder retorted.

"If not, how can the bounded cloud expand like this?"

"Maybe that boy's power of transforming the world is already very powerful?"

"No way! How powerful will the power of transforming the world be if it can stimulate the speed of the world cloud? Is that still the Lord of the world? "


It was because of this that the two elders argued endlessly.

"Don't make any noise!" The head of the Dragon Bird clan yelled, "let's see the final result."

As for the origin of the nine Taoists, the dragon and bird people have long speculated that their performance will be far higher than that of other foreign warriors. However, they did not expect that their performance would be so outrageous. The final distance of the boundary cloud diffusion depends on the speed and intensity of the initial diffusion.

It's true that the speed of the brown boundary cloud is fast, but it may not be able to exceed the scope of 20 Li, and their argument is useless.

Sure enough

After a few breaths, Luo Zheng's boundary cloud stopped spreading.

Although the diffusion speed of the brown boundary cloud was extremely fast, it soon lost its momentum and stopped at a distance of 14 Li.

"It's stopped?" Dugu Jian curled his mouth.

"The boundary cloud has not disappeared, don't judge rashly," Ji Luoxue said lightly, and there was a trace of expectation on her face.

"Luo Zheng's breakthrough should be different from ours," Hua Tianming said in a flat tone. He knew that part of Luo Zheng was secret, but he was not Luo Zheng after all.

Not to mention huatianming, even Gu Bei, who created the secret art of chaos, can't figure out why.

The two elders of the Dragon Bird clan argued again

"I always say that it is the power of dissolving itself that stirs the vitality of heaven and earth so much," the first elder believed in his judgment.

Another elder just gave a cold glance, "the boundary cloud of others has not disappeared!"

The world cloud finally covered the scope of 14 Li, which was an excellent achievement for ordinary world owners.

However, compared with the previous nine Taoists, they are still at the bottom of the list. Compared with the speed of diffusion, this distance is not amazing, and can even be described as mediocre.

At this moment, Luo Zheng is still looking inside, staring at the light curtain on the edge of the inner world

These light curtains are the walls of the interface in the common sense. If they rise to the world built by sages, they will be called "walls of sighing", which means that the true God can only sigh for the walls that he has no choice but to do.

These light screens are beginning to change dramatically!

A little bit of golden light, in the light curtain on the continuous condensation, forming a little bit of golden vortex!These golden swirls are no stranger to Luo Zheng.

When he refined his body with "Taishang refining method", there were always these golden swirls when he touched the strange fire.

That is a whirlpool of obscure golden Sanskrit, is spinning at a very fast speed!

It's not surprising that Luo Zheng got this method of refining utensils from Shenhuo Ding, which was handed down by Luo Xiao to Luo Zheng.

But why did Sanskrit appear on these light curtains when he attacked the main realm?

According to Hatoyama's conjecture, don't these golden Sanskrit belong to the "super creatures" who have never appeared or even can't understand their life state? Why does it appear on the wall of its own interface?


A golden light spot finally stopped rotating and turned into a huge golden Sanskrit inlaid on the top of the light curtain!

It's just a golden Sanskrit, in which there is a huge amount of information hidden, but the knowledge of Yiluo Zheng can't be interpreted at all Including the Sanskrit recorded in Taishang Lianqi FA, Luo Zheng could not interpret it.

In fact, there are quite a few people in the divine realm who study the meaning and content of this kind of Sanskrit.

When this golden light spot is embedded in the wall of the interface, a strong force of transforming the boundary emerges again, making the whole wall of the interface more stable!

It's also because of this wave of world transforming force, which arouses the vitality of heaven and earth above the valley of time, and makes that circle of world clouds expand rapidly again. This time, the world clouds spread to a distance of 19 Li in a few breathing time.

As a result, the dragon and bird people, Taoists, and some of the outside warriors who were watching were almost all looking at each other.

Is this cloud spreading wave by wave?

"How on earth is this guy condensing himself on the wall of the interface? How many layers are there?" Crack thousand cold can't help but sigh way.

The wall of the main condensation interface represents the success of impacting the main boundary. All people are formed at one time. How can they be divided into the second and the third?

However, someone once diffused boundary clouds twice or even three times in a short time. At that time, because of the failure of impacting the main boundary, the wall of the interface failed to condense successfully, and the bottleneck of this boundary was impacted again in a short time. Moreover, after each failure, the previous boundary cloud had dissipated.

Luo Zheng's situation is completely different. His boundary cloud has never dissipated. Instead, it has been pushed by the force of the inner world again and again, and spread out at a high speed

This kind of thing, not to mention that Taoists have never heard of, and have seen the dragon and bird people who have attacked the main territory of the world, is also unheard of!

"This kind of situation usually occurs when the wall of the interface is repeatedly consolidated and the power of the transformation is repeatedly stimulated. I'm really curious. What changes has this boy's inner world gone through?" Even a little curiosity in Hatoyama's heart was caught.

Soon after the first golden Sanskrit was inlaid on the wall of the interface, the second golden light spot stopped rotating and turned into a huge golden Sanskrit inlaid on the wall, and then the third and fourth

The huge golden Sanskrit is inlaid one by one around the sea of chaos, and the escaping power of transformation is spreading wave after wave.

Fifteen li

Twenty miles

Twenty five li

There was no suspense about the spread of Jieyun, which broke the records of Xuanyuan CHENFENG and huatianming.

What's more strange is that the diffused boundary clouds are stacked in multiple layers. Looking up at the sky from below, it's like a circle formed by countless boundary clouds, one ring in turn from small to large.

The martial arts who watched this scene were in a mess. How could so many world clouds come out all of a sudden?

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