Since the invasion of the world, the saints have made great progress.

This race not only shows their invincible strength, but also advocates the noble blood of the holy race.

For example, every time Maha kills the world leader, he will announce the world with a roaring order. They constantly publicize that the holy race is the most perfect race in the divine realm, and any race is inferior to them.

On the one hand, their strength is strong enough. With this kind of propaganda, many warriors have the illusion that the holy race is invincible. Compared with their perfect race, the Terran race is just a lower race.

In this case, many Terran warriors are always timid before they fight against the saints. The pessimism is spreading among the Terran warriors, which severely hits the morale of the Terran warriors!

Luo Zheng's current means are very simple, not to mention that the holy people in the great universe are not real holy people at all. Even if these people really inherit and inherit the perfect race in the divine realm, Luo Zheng will make up some nonsense!

First frustrate the opponent's spirit, in order to save the morale of the Terran!

Now, with the roar order activated, his voice is all over the world, and countless creatures are listening.

There were no rules in the war between the two ethnic groups

Now Luo Zheng represents the strongest Taoist of the human race, and quarrels with Maha, the first Taoist of the holy race. There is no need for any rules, such as spitting out blood, confusing black and white, and making irresponsible remarks Luo Zheng didn't hesitate to use these tricks.

Although this Maha is arrogant, fierce and resolute, as his royal highness Daozi, he always has to fight and kill in the great universe. How can he quarrel with others? Also do not know the sophistry, encounter such a situation, for a time did not know how to deal with.

"You, you, you Nonsense Maha replied.

Unfortunately, his counterattack has no strength to speak of, and stutters, as if there is no confidence in general.

Hearing the voice from Maha, many of the warriors of the Holy Family in Dayan can't help shaking their heads. Their noble highness is gifted and powerful, but their level of fighting with others is too bad!

Maha's words of counterattack are like a light blow. They are not only powerless, but also flawed!

How can Luo Zheng let this flaw go?

"I know you are guilty. The trouble of dajiyu has never been cut off, and you pseudo saints are in danger of being destroyed. That day, five true gods and a thousand heavenly gods were gathered in the ghost clan, which is bound to destroy your dajiyu and your pseudo saints. You can only fight hard, hoping to be able to squeeze into my Dayan clan, just like a dog who has lost his family Luo Zheng clung to the roaring order, his voice became more and more red and bright, his language became more and more fluent, the golden light in his eyes became more and more intense, and his healthy spirit was even more majestic. His voice was very infectious.

But what he said is a ghost talk

What kind of heaven ghost clan is made up by Luo Zheng. As for the thousand gods It is impossible to carry such a large number of celestial beings in one round of the universe.

But how do ordinary people know such things?

Now what Luo Zheng said has a nose, not to mention the Terran warrior, even the Saint warrior is suspicious!

"You barbarians don't pursue the right path, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, invade our Dayan world, and create life and death, sorrow and disaster. This is a great revenge! We are the son of the first generation. We should lead the tribe and kill you, the little ghost of Yama. We will drive you to the inner world. We will not give up! Under the dome, in the world, countless creatures resist foreign enemies... "

Luo Zheng is now in high spirits, but he has made a "war call"!

This is also Luo Zheng's declaration of war!

Before that, the saints did not declare war, while the Tianwei clan adopted appeasement policy. They did not confront the saints, and even sacrificed thousands of the humanitarian alliance!

In the middle of the battle, the Oracle Tianzun was indignant and chose to fight with the Holy Family head-on, but he was defeated, which seriously hit the morale of the human race.

But it can't be blamed on the Tianwei clan and the old clan leader. After all, the significance of Tianwei clan is to wait for the growth of Taoists. This is also Luo Xiao's layout, but there are some omissions in the layout. It doesn't count that the holy clan will invade the world ahead of time

Now, after returning, Luo Zheng declared war on behalf of the human race for the first time!

This "war Proclamation" blurted out, heroic dry days, is to arouse the whole world in the hearts of countless creatures that a trace of pride, and the previous fear of the holy family is also gone!

"Good! Luo Zheng deserves to be a first-class wizard! "

"As a member of the world, I will give my last drop of blood!"

"Although we are mortals, we are uneasy. This holy family is actually a barbarian. Maybe they are powerful, but it's easy for me to fight, and it's delusional for me!"


In the whole world, the warriors of all races and classes, as well as all kinds of intelligent creatures hidden in underground caves or in the depths of the starry sky, are boiling up at the moment!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The world suddenly rang out a heroic laughter.This voice is the beginning of the demons!

"Boy Luo Zheng, it's good, it's good. In the past, our demons wanted to get rid of you, but I didn't expect to join hands with you today! The barbarians are nothing to worry about. I will join you when I wipe out the rebellion of the demon night clan! "

As soon as the voice of the first demon Tianzun fell, another voice began to ring again, but it was the voice of the old clan leader of Tianwei clan. Old Feng said, "our Tianwei clan has accepted the secret order of Dayan, and we support Luozheng to resist the barbarians. Now that Luozheng returns, we should declare war."

"I, the Xuanyuan people, are the disciples of Dayan. Today..."

"My holy land of Ten Thousand Buddhas is..."

"I'm a League for humanity..."

Luo Zheng's "war Proclamation" is like a little spark thrown into the fire oil, which instantly ignites the whole world. At the same time, several major forces of the human race start to declare war on the holy race by roaring

In the humanitarian alliance, there is another frontier.

The bodies of the warriors of the holy family have been piled up like a mountain. Almost all the masters of these bodies were the warriors who changed the gods.

Among them, there are 326 in Shenhai realm, 67 in Shenji realm, and 14 in Shenbian realm

A Terran girl stands at the top of the corpse mountain.

The eye-catching nine color dress is flying in a gust of fishy wind. Under the long dark hair, the baby's fat right face is blurred, and one eye even bursts out. It's hard to see, but only the left face can still feel the beauty of the girl.

In front of the girl, there are two saints.

The two masters of the holy kingdom were also seriously injured, suspended in the air, panting and looking at the Terran girl in front of them.

Because of the quarrel between Luo Zheng and Maha through the roaring order, the battle between the two sides was suspended.

The girl's eyes did not fall on the two saints at all. At the moment, her wooden face was looking at the sky.

The only left eye flickered

When she heard Luo Zheng's voice, a trace of sadness in her eyes disappeared and was replaced by comfort and joy.

"Did you hear that?" The big eye on the girl's face suddenly bent into a crescent shape and said with a smile to the two holy clan leaders.

The two masters of the holy clan were stunned Being fooled by Luo Zheng for a while still has a great impact on the mood of the holy warrior.

"Hear a fart!"

"Kill this woman!"

There was a sense of irritability and boredom in their hearts.

This woman's method is so terrible that she killed an army of the Holy Family in front of them!

What's more hateful is that the girl came and went without a shadow. Before that, she could escape safely even under the pursuit of a holy family God!

"If you don't hear it, you should listen to it." the girl's voice is very clear, but there is a cold killing opportunity in it, and there is almost no emotion in it.

Seeing the two World Masters rush over, the girl steps on the clogs and jumps to the rear, maintaining the posture of free landing.

Her severely injured left face began to recover quickly, the wound on her face was constantly wriggling, her eyes were also in the original position, and the wound on her face began to heal crazily, recovering her beautiful face in an instant!

From behind her burst out a series of nine color Lingguang, those Lingguang outline a strip of color, like the tail plume of Phoenix, toward the two Saint clan leaders rolled away

"Listen carefully, that's our pride

This is the last word the two saints heard before they died.

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