After practicing this set of sword techniques, Luo Zheng inserted Daqian Epee into his sheath.

Although this Alchemist is not clear headed, he can't deny his talent in refining utensils. When the number of "unlimited growth stones" is not enough, he has come up with such a way

Although it is not feasible for lianshenzi to smash people with his sword, it is his appetite for Luo Zheng.

This sword has almost no flexibility.

However, it fits well with Luo Zheng's "sword playing skill".

After all, the most important thing of the cut emotion Shinto is to kill with one strike. There is no room to turn back when this sword is used. It is not a flexible sword technique originally!

Using the weight of Daqian Epee can double the power of sword playing.

"This Daqian Epee is good for me," Luo Zheng said with a faint smile.

Luo Zheng brushed the Epee so easily that lianshenzi was stunned. Now when he heard Luo Zheng's praise, he was naturally very excited. "I haven't been idle for a moment these years, and there are still some treasures..."

This Alchemist is just like a child playing a trick. He takes out all the things he has refined carefully.

He said he didn't have a moment to rest. There was really no time to rest.

Although the puppet body of lianshenzi is ugly, it has one advantage. As long as there are enough Zhenyuan stones, lianshenzi can work. In the case of enough Zhenyuan jade, lianshenzi does not know day and night, and has no rest time. He constantly understands the characteristics of the materials in the lianqifang, and then makes corresponding treasures according to these materials. If there is something he does not understand, he can only run to the library A trip.

It's just that lianshenzi is more self-centered. For several years, he has not even noticed the origin of the extra people in the immortal mansion. He is just immersed in his own world.

"This is the Ming Wang bowl! An artifact

"This is Heqi Ruyi. Although it's just a pendant, it can nourish Dan with Qi..."

"This is the blue cloud flute..."

These magic weapons refined by alchemist are almost all pendant and defense magic weapons.

Luo Zheng's current physical strength, together with the concentric garment made by the craftsman saint with the original spirit, is a magic weapon to protect his body. Refining the things around him is not very useful for Luo Zheng.

It's useless for Luo Zheng, but we can't deny the value of these magic weapons.

As a matter of fact, with the skill of refining Shenzi and the rare materials from the divine realm in the refining workshop, any of these magic weapons displayed by him can cause competition in the world.

"You take all this!" Lianshenzi said with a smile.

He doesn't need these magic weapons himself. What the alchemist cares about most is the process of refining. Besides, these materials don't belong to the alchemist. His only requirement is that Luo Zheng don't drive him out of the workshop

Luo Zheng is not polite. He can't use these things, but Ning yudie and they can.

So he gave all the materials to Ning yudie, asked her to evaluate the characteristics of these treasures, and then distributed them to the most suitable person.

After the alchemist handed over these things, it seems that he entered the material library of the alchemist workshop and began to study a kind of rare material that he had never seen before, ignoring Luo Zheng

Luo Zheng stayed in Xianfu for two days.

There is no xiyouqin in the immortal mansion, and the girls get along well with each other.

Although Ning yudie is a little girl, she has a kind of broad attitude as the Lord of the temple, while Su Lingyun is intelligent and quiet. She and Ning yudie have always been at peace, even courteous.

As for mu Mingxue's attitude, she is more low-key. Strictly speaking, her strength is the strongest among the people left behind in the immortal mansion, but she is like a servant girl in the mansion, taking care of some chores from front to back

Luo Zheng didn't care about the little things that happened to these people in Xianfu for a few years, but Ning yudie talked to Luo Zheng and mentioned them casually.

In these two days, the immortal mansion is floating slowly in the space constructed by the moving order.

The third day

However, the immortal mansion galloped towards the core world of the Tianwei clan, and finally landed in the territory of Chongxiao holy land.

Under the slow rotation of Xianfu, it is located on one side of Chongxiao mountain.

These close relatives of Luo Zheng have been in the immortal mansion for several years, but they want to see the outside world. Both granny Yu and Luo Nian are impatient.

But when the immortal mansion came and was firmly on the ground, Luo Zheng banned them from going out, and only took Ning yudie and mu Mingxue out.

There is a certain gap in the vitality between the lower bound and the upper bound, so the feisheng well is the only one who has experienced the feisheng well. Ning yudie and mu Mingxue rush into the upper bound, and they can't bear it.

However, it should not be difficult for Tianwei people to solve this problem.

As soon as Luo Zheng left Xianfu, dozens of streamers came from the top of Chongxiao mountain. Naturally, they were the warriors of Tianwei clan.

The leader arched his hand to Luo Zheng and said, "Luo Zheng, Taoist priest, the old clan leader has been waiting for a long time."Most of the people who came to meet Luo Zheng majored in the world. They are the elite martial artists of the Tianwei clan. Although they have the same accomplishments as Luo Zheng, they can't help showing a little respect when they see Luo Zheng.

This kind of respect seems to come from the heart, and it is not due to Luo Zheng's strength.

When Luo Zheng left Dayan's house, his cultivation remained in the extreme realm of God. After his return, he just entered the main realm of the world

Their respect for Luo Zheng came from his "war call".

Luo Zheng's "war Proclamation" aroused the resonance of the upper class strongmen. Many tianzuns also took this opportunity to declare war with Luo Zheng to the holy family. But in fact, it was not those tianzuns who were most excited, but the thousands of warriors under the Tianzun!

These low-level warriors are very dissatisfied with the appeasement strategy of the upper heaven, even to the point of unbearable. They would rather die in battle than let the holy family be so arrogant in the world.

But the return of Luo Zheng completely changed the situation and helped them spit out a bad breath!

These days, Luo Zheng was closed in the immortal mansion, and he didn't know the outside world.

The warriors of all the major races in the world are all impassioned. Before that, the small races that remained neutral and silent, and the small forces also expressed their position one after another. They will stand on the side of the human race and jointly fight against the holy race that invaded the world.

As for Luo Zheng himself, he once again became a spiritual pillar of all the warriors in Dayan.

So when these people see Luo Zheng, they are inevitably excited.

"Please lead the way," said Luo Zheng.

The warriors of Tianwei clan led the way for the first time, while Luo Zheng followed them with Ning yudie and mu Mingxue.

After crossing the Chongxiao mountain, Luo Zheng was brought into a hall behind the mountain. In this hall, the old clan leader and the Tianwei clan's tianzuns gathered together.

After Luo Zheng entered the hall, he arched his hands to the heaven worshippers of the heaven throne clan, "let the old clan wait for a long time!"

Wind old man has been looking at Luo Zheng, that old face reveals the color of gratification, "you are the first Taoist to return."

Three years ago, what they let go was hope. Now it's time to realize it. It's related to the family of Tianwei, the universe of the great pole, and the fate of "Xiao Sheng".

"What about the others?" Luo Zheng asked, and he realized that no one else had come smoothly except himself.

"We've figured out where they came from, and they're all safe," old man Feng replied.

Every Taoist is an immeasurable wealth to Dayan. The Tianwei people place all their hopes on them. Naturally, they don't allow any Taoist to lose anything.

When old man Feng had to know the moment after his return, he began to calculate the location of his sons in the world.

Among them, Hua Tianming fell into the territory of the demons, and Ku Deng was the luckiest to return directly to the territory of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Xie qianhan, Du Gujian Xiaoxiao, Luo Xixuan and Jiang Zhengyi fall into the big world of some small races. They are relatively safe. They just need to send someone to pick them up.

The only trouble is Ji Luoxue and Xuanyuan CHENFENG, but they fell into the fire and rock world occupied by the saint clan.

Old man Feng told Luo Zheng about the Taoists. After that, old man Feng said with a smile, "Luo Zheng, you have been practicing in the forbidden area for three years. Now you are the leader of the world, but you don't know what your real strength is?"

Just say, he suddenly put out a finger, can't help but say toward Luo Zheng positive point come over!

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