Many deities stand on both sides of Maha, and they are silent at the moment.

In fact, the presence of the gods, the world's main realm of Maha more or less in the heart of some dissatisfaction.

Tianzun is superior in any situation. They are the people standing at the top of the world, carrying the destiny and representing the way of heaven

Even if you are a Taoist or your highness, you can't be convinced without absolute power.

However, due to the background of Maha, at least on the surface, the deities are respectful and catering.

Now Maha is in trouble. If he wants the gods to give advice, they may not be very cooperative.

Today, Maha summoned Tianzun. Originally, he seemed to be brainstorming. Seeing this situation, his smile became colder and colder

"It seems that everyone has no worries..." Maha said with a sneer, "you gods, have you ever found anything different after you came to Dayan?"

The gods are still silent.

Only the dark god said, "of course there is. The world is full of malice to us."

Maha nodded, "yes, malicious!"

A round of the world is an organic whole, just like a complete person.

If someone gets sick, his whole body will be mobilized to fight against the disease. If the human body can win the disease, the disease will naturally be cured. If he loses, the disease will get worse.

This Dayan universe is a "person", and the saint's breaking the wall of sigh is equivalent to breaking the person's skin.

As a foreign race, the holy race, like countless diseases, began to erode the "human body".

The whole Dayan universe doesn't need the command of "sage", but will launch an attack in general.

A grass, a wood, a river, a lake, a sea

Space, stars.

As well as the countless creatures and races in Dayan, they maintain a strong hostility to the holy race.

Even if you walk on the grass, you will be tripped by the "occasionally" knotting grass

Since the invasion of the saints

They've been hit by 70000 earthquakes across the world.

They went all the way in the world of humanitarian alliance, and encountered more than 600 animal tides, thousands of insect tides, and tens of thousands of tsunamis

These are still included in the statistics. The real number of disasters may far exceed this figure.

These inexplicable disasters are launched against the warriors of the holy family. This is the counterattack of the world!

It's just a disaster, but it doesn't do any harm to the holy warrior.

But in addition to this, there is another

Like a bolt from the blue.

Just three months ago, there was a flash of lightning in Sanqing.

If it's ordinary lightning, it's all right. But the law of thunder system contained in the bloody lightning is as high as nine levels, and its power is extremely shocking. Even if the emperor encounters such a huge lightning, he has to give up!

With this flash of lightning, thousands of warriors of the holy family were killed, including four World Masters and seventeen world masters!

Another example is the space storm

These space passages built by the Terran are also very stable.

There may not be a space storm in thousands of years. Even if there is one, the scale of the space storm is not large.

But when it's time for the saints to travel through the space storm, there have been 76 large-scale space storms, which have swept away countless saints' troops. As many as 20 world leaders have fallen in the space storm, including one big world leader

There are stars falling, there are winds breaking gold flow, and

These malice from Dayan is almost impossible to prevent, which makes the martial arts of the holy family a headache.

"The stronger the" potential "in the world, the stronger the revenge! Why do I want to snatch so many roaring orders and roar in this Dayan world? " Maha's eyes were burning, and two flames rose up in his pupils. "As long as the morale of the world is destroyed, the power of the world will also be weakened!"

Some time ago, there was less malice from Dayan Zhiyu. As Maha said, this is really due to him!

"Well! We understand what you said! And we're doing the same thing! If it wasn't for us, the old people of the Terran, would let you destroy it casually? " The holy altar God said with a cold hum, "besides, the morale you destroyed by yourself was destroyed by naluo once!"

Maha's expression didn't change. "This world is built by sages. It's strange if it can be destroyed easily! That's why I'm calling you all together today. I hope you can give us some advice! "

"Hehe, his highness is very intelligent. He must have made up his mind. Why bother to ask us old guys?" The seven kill God around the altar God said in a strange way.

There were three groups of saints in the audience. The group headed by the altar God was not used to Maha at all. The seven killing God also belonged to one of them.The other group maintains a neutral attitude. This group of Tianzun may not like Maha, but they focus on the overall situation and don't care much about Maha.

There are also a group of people who belong to the "Brahma" family, such as the dark god and the ten thousand poison God, who follow Maha completely and obey him.

Hearing his words, Maha's eyes flashed, and then sighed, "it seems that he doesn't know what the Terran has!"

"What do you have?" Seven kill the sky Zun disdain of say.

The altar God and the seven kill God always speak with strength, but they don't care about the heaven God of the human race.

The only thing that scares them is probably the real God behind the Tianwei clan, Xingwei.

"The destiny of the old patriarch in the Tianwei clan is the Dayan Lianhua realized by Saint Luo Xiao! This lotus flower can use the power of the world Maha's smile became more and more intense. Staring at the seven kill God, he said with a smile: "I don't know how powerful the world is, but you God should be careful when you meet this old man in the future!"

Hearing this, the presence of the gods are a su face.

Both of them are gods. Of course, they understand that heaven's destiny can be divided into strong and weak. Some of them are too strong, while others are too weak. Only in this way can they be divided into three classes: upper, middle and lower.

There is a saying among the saints that the lotus flower in Dayan's universe and the Alsophila spinulosa tree in Daji's universe are called "the object of collecting heaven". After that day's Tao was constructed, it was suppressed by this object. This is also the strongest destiny of heaven's Tao!

In the great universe where the holy family is located, this destiny is owned by Maha's father!

"Where did your highness get the news?" Asked one of the saints.

"It doesn't matter where I get the news. What matters is your attitude. If you fight with those gods, it's not me who rush to die, but you!" Maha sneered.

"Hum, at that moment, how can his highness stay out of the trouble?" The altar God is also a cold counterattack.

"Oh?" The smile on Maha's face was even more intense. "It's a pity that my body of Tianbao falls, but my father has prepared another body of Alsophila spinulosa for me. What if I fall in Dayan? If you fall Hey, hey. "

The holy people should send Maha to Dayan. They have already made preparations. Even if Maha dies, he has another way to go.

Since his father controlled the Alsophila tree, he also took a holy fruit from the tree and turned into another body of Maha. The body of the holy fruit of Alsophila tree is more perfect than that of Tianbao tree!

After Maha's words, the present gods fell silent again.

But the silence at the moment means something different.

Before, they didn't want to cooperate with his highness, but now they are calculating the situation they have to face

After a long silence, Maha leaned on the throne with a golden machete in his hand. The machete was very exquisite, and Maha's fingers rubbed gently on the tip of the machete.

He squinted at his eyes, and his eyes swept all over the gods, with an arrogant smile on his face.

From the very beginning, his highness Daozi did not look up to these heavenly beings!

After a long time, yinshuang Tianzun, who had been neutral, finally said, "if you want to destroy it, you must first give the Terran a hard blow!"

"I'd like to launch an all-out war with the Terrans, but I'm afraid those old people of the Terrans won't be so stupid," Maha shook his head.

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