Hearing that childish voice say so, people listening in the world suddenly realize.

It turns out that this little guy is Luo Zheng's son

"The little beast..." There was an angry look on Maha's face.

Bone age 92 years old, for ordinary people, is already half of the body into the Loess!

But for the warrior, he is very young.

Ordinary martial arts are often thousands of years old, and the longevity yuan of thousands of years is already immortal in the eyes of ordinary people.

Not to mention the three changes of the warrior, often have a million years of Shouyuan!

The Lord of the world can live for tens of millions of years, and the emperor of heaven takes hundreds of millions of years as the unit!

Such a long life, we can see the evolution of time, the birth and death of race, relative to ordinary people, is the eternal existence.

Ninety two years old

It's like a chicken just pecking at the broken eggshell. It's just a hairy head sticking out of the broken eggshell, so that it can open its eyes and see the world

In this process, Maha has been cultivated to the level of world Master, and he is a genuine Taoist!

This talent can't be underestimated in any way.

However, there is always someone more evil than him!

In fact, the bone age of the ten Taoists in Dayan is far less than that of Maha.

Because the conditions for the birth of Daozi in the two worlds are different.

Now Luo Xiao is facing life and death. He has no scruples, so whether it's Luo Zheng, Yang or Hua Tianming, Xuanyuan CHENFENG These are his last straw and his last counterattack!

If it fails, the end is the fall of a saint.

However, Mu Haiji didn't come to this stage. On the contrary, Mu Haiji had the upper hand. He didn't have to invest so much resources in Daozi. After all, Daozi like Maha can only be one of his disciples when he grows up and goes to the divine realm.

In terms of talent alone, perhaps Maha is not as good as the ten Taoists in the world.

However, Maha is the son of the first God of the holy family after all. In addition, he was born several decades earlier. Under the cultivation of the holy family, his strength is really unmatched, second only to the existence of the God!

Although Na luonian's answer was childish, it was actually very logical.

Since you Maha want to fight Luo Zheng, and emphasize the word fair, then it is necessary to be absolutely fair!

But Maha is more than 50 years old than Luo Zheng. In terms of bone age alone, it can't be fair

After all, when a warrior grows up, the environment, opportunity, experience, mentality, inside information, and all kinds of factors, the result is often a huge gap.

It's not that the faster you grow, the better you are.

If Luo Zheng directly refused Maha's invitation to fight, he would be too cowardly and let down many warriors and intelligent creatures in the world.

Now Luo Nian has grasped the problem and evaded Maha's invitation to fight. At the same time, he has gained the truth - it's not that my father doesn't fight you, it's because of the wrong age and unfairness

In the family of Tianwei, the illusory God listened attentively, and a smile appeared on his stunned face. "Luo Zheng is a very clever son!"

"Hey, little guy is really smart It's a pity that Maha may not give up, "old man Feng shook his head with a smile.

Since old man Feng is in charge of Dayan Lianhua, he naturally knows the "potential" in the world. This "potential" can not be seen or touched by others, but old man Feng can clearly detect it, because this "potential" can even be quantified in the Lianhua!

After Luo Zheng's return, with his "war Proclamation", the "potential" in Da Yan's universe began to rise sharply, and the power of Da Yan Lianhua in old man Feng's destiny became stronger!

Just now, when Maha invited Zhan Luozheng with his roaring order and spread it all over the world, the "potential" in the world began to fluctuate sharply.

This kind of "potential" can be understood as the morale of the creatures in the whole world, and also as their confidence

When all the warriors, mortals and intelligent creatures start to worry, pessimistic, lose self-confidence, or even break down, the "potential" will rapidly decline. When they regain self-confidence, have high morale, and unite as one, the "potential" will surge!

Therefore, old man Feng is the one who pays most attention to Maha's invitation to fight, which is directly related to the strength of his destiny.

"Luo Zheng! You are still willing to be a shrinking tortoise, but you dare not answer my invitation! Even let your 11-year-old yellow mouth kid be perfunctory to me, hehe... " Maha's voice resounded through the world again.

"Don't you have ears, Maha? You can't even understand a 11-year-old yellowmouth? Is it fair to invite me with your strength and position? " At this moment, there is a clear voice in the world.

When he heard that voice, Luo Zheng in the sky world was stunned. Compared with Ning yudie's four eyes, Luo Zhengcai said to Ning yudie, "it's cloud falling.""Yes, Taoist Luo Zheng has just stepped into the realm of Jiezhu, but you have been cultivating Jiezhu for many years. How fair is it?"

"You're smart, but in other words, you're shameless!"


Several voices suddenly came into the world.

They are basically well-known world leaders and strong men in the world

Although there are not many roaring orders in the hands of these world masters, they are not stinging to ridicule Maha at the moment.

In the middle of the fight, Maha burst out laughing, "ha ha ha ha, since it's unfair to invite Zhan Luo Zheng, I'll go to kuishui and wait for you! No matter who comes here is the God or the Lord of the world, I, Maha, should accept all the orders. I, Maha, will fight against the strong one in your whole world! Can anyone dare to fight! I hope you trash don't have only one mouth

Hearing this, the face of old man Feng and others suddenly sank.

Luo Zheng's eyes also flickered slightly, but then recovered calm.

The main purpose of this Maha is to suppress the "potential" of the whole world. After all, his engagement can't be stopped. Even if Luo Zheng refuses, he can still engage with other human warriors

With Maha's words, the whole world fell into silence.

The strength of his royal highness Daozi is obvious to all.

In those days when the holy family first invaded the world, Maha would announce to the world almost every day that he had killed some world masters of the League of humanity!

Countless World Masters fell into his hands!

Although there are many World Masters in the world, who dares to face Maha?

"I don't know who dares to fight in the world!"

"Who dares to fight me

"You It's really a bunch of bad races! "

This Maha constantly uses the roaring order to ridicule with such words, the "potential" in the world begins to fall rapidly again!

Countless mortals and warriors are heavy at the moment.

"Ah, this Saint Taoist is so arrogant that no one in our clan will fight!"

"Taoists are too young to die, but apart from these Taoists, there is no talent available in the world?"

"This is the gap of strength, otherwise the holy clan will not dare to attack us!"

In the world, pessimism spreads rapidly.

However, Maha's provocation only lasted for a short time

In the world of Dayan, there are brave people who are willing to die!

Perhaps they understand that their strength is not as good as Maha, but in the face of Maha's challenge, they did not shrink back!

"I, Zhao Xin, accept your engagement! Half a month later, I'll see you in kuishui! "

A hoarse voice rang out. The first one to show off his martial arts was the Guiling tribe, which was not well-known in the world. There was no God in the race. Zhao Xin, the Guiling tribe, was the only one in the clan!

"The devil, accept your battle

The second one is the master of the Heisha kingdom of the demons. The demons are brave and reckless. They can't help their provocation to Maha for a long time. Although the whole demons are entangled with the demon night clan and it's time to employ people, the master of the Heisha Kingdom resolutely chooses to fight

"The League of humanity, Yunluo, will take your Maha's head," said Yunluo's cold voice.


In this response, the world's "potential" began to rise rapidly.

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