Luo Zheng's sword has completely forgotten himself.

In his mind, everything in the world is fast away from him!

There is only one sword!

A sword that you forget is the most decisive one.

When a sword comes out, the edge of the sword appears.

Luo Zheng is like a wooden man standing in the same place

If he defends the enemy head-on and the sword is avoided by the opponent, it means that Luo Zheng is defeated, because in such a state, Luo Zheng will not have any evasion and resistance.

This is also the essence of the cut emotion Shinto, sword out of no I, decide life and death!


The sword that Luo Zheng stabbed into the sky was not very powerful, but the two inch wide sword also went straight to the sky and made a rapid progress in the deep space of the world.

Before long, the small white sword ran through the first star, leaving a two inch wide hole on it.

For a star with a diameter of tens of thousands of Li, a two inch wide hole is naturally unimpeded, and the star has not even shaken.

However, shortly after the sword left the star, the star suddenly began to shake in the deep air, and there were thousands of miles of cracks on the surface of the star

On top of this star, there are a lot of God changed martial arts practitioners practicing in it. Under the constant shaking, those God changed martial arts practitioners are very surprised, but I don't know why this star will have such a reaction, and turn into a light to escape from this star.


It wasn't long before the star began to fall apart, and the whole star began to collapse

The streamer through the star did not stay at all, and continued to move rapidly upward. However, no one in the world noticed its existence. After all, such a sword is too small for the whole world!

But in this insignificant sword, the potential is unimaginable.

After penetrating the stars continuously, the power contained in the sword almost has no attenuation. After going straight to the dome, it also pierces into the wall of sigh.

Hua Tianming's sword left a wound as deep as 100 Zhang on the wall of sighing, but Luo Zheng's sword was more sharp and penetrating, but it was 3000 Zhang deep into the wall of sighing!

It was not until the sword disappeared that Luo Zheng's consciousness gradually returned.

Luo Zheng's golden but indifferent eyes are now back to their spirit, and his mouth is slightly tilted. A satisfied smile immediately appears on his face. After realizing that "the sword comes out of selflessness", Luo Zheng has a deeper understanding of the Dao of beheading emotion!


The wall he was facing suddenly collapsed in front of him.

Just now, the golden light from his eyes had cut the cliff into pieces. After the deconstruction of the cliff was destroyed, it naturally collapsed in front of his eyes.

Now Luo Zheng can really kill people with "eyes" after running those golden swords

At the same time, Luo Zheng's ears suddenly heard a sound of "buzzing". After the collapse of the mountain wall, a lotus blossom slowly rose!

"Da Yan Lian Hua!"

Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly erect.

All the lotus flowers of the nine Taoists are in full bloom, only Luo Zheng is missing!

In fact, after lotus blossoms and becomes a complete Taoist, it already has the ability to cross the way of heaven. At least it will not break down into the realm of God.

However, the secondary creatures in the world basically ascend to the realm of God only after they are granted the title of true God, just like huatianming.

Luo Zheng doesn't know how long it will take for him to unite with the divine, but before that, he needs to become a real Taoist, that is, to have a certain degree of understanding of the divine, to escape the shackles of the heavenly way

The big lotus flower slowly turns, while Luo Zheng is staring at it.

Many of the three changed warriors will appear when they go through the robbery, but the appearance of the lotus flower only means that it may bloom, but it doesn't mean that it will bloom. Many times, the lotus flower comes out and just slowly turns a few times, then it disappears quietly

Now Luo Zheng is still a little nervous. He's afraid that he doesn't have enough understanding of the cut emotion Shinto. He's reluctant to open the lotus flower. After all, Luo Zheng doesn't know exactly what the standard of opening the lotus flower is.

Just as Luo Zheng had already understood the "great wish" theory, it was also a genuine way in theory, but it didn't seem to be recognized by Lianhua.

While Luo Zheng is paying attention to this lotus flower, the old clan leader and Xingwei are also paying attention to it.

Before that, Luo Zheng had a new understanding of Zhanqing Shinto, but they didn't know it. However, when Lianhua appeared, the old clan leader immediately felt it.

As the master of the collection of heaven's things, the old patriarch knew every blooming lotus flower in the world of Dayan very well. There were only a few hundred people in the world who owned the Mahayana lotus flower, while Luo Zheng was the only one who drove the lotus flower to 35 leaves.

So when the old clan leader sensed it, he already called the star tail"This time Luo Zheng should be successful," star tail light said.

"All the lotus flowers are opened, but it will take him some time to set up his spirit, and I don't know how many years it will take," said Ning Mei, the old patriarch.

Dayanzhiyu's crisis has indeed come to an end, but what I think is that muhaiji will never give up. Time is never enough for Luo Zheng.

"No," Xingwei shook his head, "I won't wait for him to coagulate..."

Hearing Xing Wei's words, the old clan leader was slightly stunned, "Xing Wei's meaning is to send Luo Zheng into the realm of God?"

Star tail nods silently.

"But the competition in the divine realm will only be more fierce. Luo Zheng's talent is incomparable, but the risk is too great," the old clan leader said.

But Xingwei said with a smile, "it's not my meaning, it's the master's meaning, Luo Zheng It's an alien, and it may not even be able to unite the divine, "he said, his eyes flashing slightly." even he doesn't need the divine! "

What the divine personality corresponds to is the acme of the cultivation system. Through the stele of the divine realm, we can understand the supreme law of the divine realm - Shinto. Then we can cover the inner world through the divine personality and absorb the "potential" in the inner world to exert the strongest power.

All of them are skillfully connected and complement each other.

But what Luo Zheng is practicing now is not the true yuan system, but the more powerful Qi of chaos.

In Xingwei's view, Luo Zheng is indeed a "secondary creature". In fact, no one can determine what level of life Luo Zheng is. According to Xingwei's understanding, even if Luo Zheng does not understand the Shinto, he will not be broken down if he is thrown into the divine realm!

The old clan leader was very surprised to hear this. He knew countless people. Although he thought Luo Zheng was really different, he didn't expect that Lord Xingwei would give such a strange comment.

"Something's happening!" The old patriarch's eyes flashed slightly.

Dayan Lianhua, floating on Luo Zheng's head, is spinning faster!

Luo Zheng's eyes were staring at the lotus flower, and his eyes were more and more bright, as if there were two flames burning fiercely


"Why? What's going on? "

The big lotus flower, which was controlled by the old patriarch, was not controlled by the old patriarch at the moment. It suddenly appeared and flew away in the direction of Luo Zheng!

The old patriarch was about to make a decision to call Dayan Lianhua back, but he was held down by Xingwei, "don't interfere, this is the arrangement of the master."


That big lotus flower flies away very fast, millions of miles away is only one or two breathing time, and soon comes to the top of Luo Zheng's head.

"The second lotus?"

Seeing that Dayan Lianhua was coming, Luo Zheng was also dumbfounded. "It's like the one controlled by the old patriarch!"

There are some subtle differences between the old patriarch's Dayan Lianhua and the ordinary warrior's. for example, Luo Zheng's Dayan Lianhua is pink, while the old patriarch's Dayan Lianhua is crimson. In addition, many details are different. For example, the old patriarch's Dayan Lianhua has always been in bud and never opened a lotus leaf.

The lotus flower of Dayan leaped over Luo Zheng's head and overlapped directly with the lotus flower on Luo Zheng's head. It eventually replaced the lotus flower that Luo Zheng had originally owned!

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