As soon as the border is opened, nothing can stop them. Even though the Taki cyclone forest is in danger, as long as they don't seek death themselves, it's not very dangerous for them!

"What else?" The wicked old man asked with a smile.

"You should remember that you promised Luo to help me do something," Luo Zheng said.

At that time, they were forced to swear to fight against the real God in Dayan's universe. Their strength was stronger than that of Zhan Beihai, but weaker than that of the woman in blue, so they didn't fight in the end.

"Naturally, I remember," said the evil old man. "If I can meet you in the divine realm in the future, Luo Zheng, if you need anything, I will help you!"

"Yes, yes!" Big mouth monster is also busy nodding.

However, what they think is not like this. The divine realm is so vast. This time they flee from the immortal mansion, I'm afraid they have no chance to meet Luo Zheng forever

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "since you are so reasonable, I'm relieved."

Without any hesitation, the two men stepped forward and went straight to the gate of the immortal mansion

See this scene, Luo Zheng eyes stare boss! Staring at their backs, they asked, "they Can't you fly in the air? "

Seeing Luo Zheng's doubts, Ah Fu seemed to have expected it. He just said with a smile, "of course, you won't fly in the sky. Don't believe it. Do you want to have a try?"

Flying in the sky is a fairly easy thing to do in the world.

When the lower world cultivates in the light of God, it is to drive the true yuan and let himself integrate into the wind, so as to soar into the sky. When the cultivation reaches a higher level, it is even more extraordinary. Space shuttle, big move, one step across thousands of miles

But in the realm of God, it's not that simple.

Hearing Ah Fu's words, Luo Zheng condenses his chaotic Qi and wants to rise up in the sky

However, as soon as he condensed the rules of the wind system, the power of the rules collapsed, as if an invisible force had imprisoned him in the same place.

Originally, Luo Zheng thought he would float with the wind, but now his figure is still!


Luo Zheng flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes. He waved his hand again, but he wanted to travel through space!

However, this time, like that time just now, both the law of wind system and the law of space were extinguished in a flash. It seemed that there was a force in the dark that extinguished the power of the law practiced by Luo Zheng!

"It's no use," Ah Fu said lightly, "the space in the divine realm is very different from the space you know. In fact, the world where your secondary creatures live is just a space made up by saints, full of unreal, just like people can do everything in their sleep, and the divine realm is the real world!"

When the sages build the world, nature is full of many beautiful imaginations, and they do not impose any restrictions on all laws.

The world on which the secondary creatures live is equivalent to the ocean. In the ocean, all kinds of creatures can swim freely in the sea, and even the newborn fish can float up. Now Luo Zheng is like a creature on the land for the first time. When he jumps up again, he finds that he can't float up like the sea

Luo Zheng still looked unconvinced, but he was also puzzled, "but why does the law that I practice inherit from the saint's law fail here?"

In Dayan's universe, both the heaven and the world Master have a deep understanding of the law.

These understandings come directly from the master of Dayan, that is, Luo Xiao's understanding of the law. Since Luo Xiao can exert the power of the law in the divine realm, how can he obtain the secondary creatures he inherited?

"It's not invalid," said Ah Fu lightly. "If you don't believe it, you can condense a flame to try."

At the mention of Ah Fu, Luo Zheng reached for a shot. From his fingertips, a fireball rolled out and kept rolling towards the front. After rolling dozens of feet, it burst out


Luo Zheng's face was red after the flame burst. Luo Zheng stared at the fire and murmured: "that is to say, what is suppressed is the law of wind system and the law of space?"

Generally speaking, it is the law of wind system for the warrior to resist the air and escape, while the law of space is the law of space. The power of these two laws to resist the enemy is not brilliant, but they are also indispensable for the warrior.

"There is also the law of time. These three laws are suppressed in the divine realm, which is limited by the rules on that stone slab," Ah Fu reminded.

"Can't saints fly in the air?" Luo Zheng asked again.

Ah Fu shrugged his shoulders. "It's not true. In fact, when you reach the upper level of the true God, you can fight against the restraining force before you can fly. The evil old man and the big mouth monster are the peak of the middle level of the true God, but they can't fight against the restraining force. Naturally, they can only run on the ground..."

"I see," Luo Zheng nodded.

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly heard a sharp whistling sound coming from outside the immortal mansion.

"Dong Dong..."With that whistling sound, the ground under Luo Zheng's feet began to shake!

Everything in this forest is huge and inconceivable, and the heaven and earth in the divine realm are extremely stable. What can cause such movement must be an extremely powerful existence.

Soon, Luo Zheng's eyes through the high eaves of Xianfu saw a huge white giant ape!

The white giant ape is about 200 feet high. Standing on the edge of the outer wall of the immortal mansion, his slender and powerful arms are hanging on the ground. He looks at Luo Zheng with his yellow eyes. A bloody mouth opens slightly and makes a sound of "ouwu, ouwu".

As soon as Luo Zheng was watched by the great ape, he seemed to bear hundreds of millions of power, and even it was very difficult to play!

"Be careful, every fierce thing in the Taki cyclone forest is quite powerful, and the ordinary true gods are not their opponents. These white apes When calling his own kind, it may attack at any time, "Ah Fu said to Luo Zheng in a low voice carefully," let Da Hei out... "

The "bubble boundary" of Xianfu covers a large area. The white giant ape has rushed to the edge of Xianfu, and it is useless to open the boundary again.

When Luo Zheng first stepped into the immortal mansion, he encountered a huge white tiger on the edge of the boundary. Fortunately, the "bubble boundary" could divide the space of the divine realm into two worlds. Otherwise, with Luo Zheng's strength at that time, being glared at by the white tiger would be enough to destroy thousands of times

Even now Luo Zheng, in the face of this white giant ape also feel strong pressure!

Luo Zheng's face is quiet, but an idea has flashed in his mind. Now Luo Zheng is in charge of the immortal mansion, and his one idea can affect the whole immortal mansion!


In the backyard of the immortal mansion, the immortal spermatic cord that bound Da Hei in the dog house has been quietly broken.

The spirit mastiff, the size of a lion, rushed out of the dog house and turned into a black streamer. It quickly ran up the wall of the fairy house and came back and forth on the roof of the fairy house!


About to be aware of the terrifying mastiff, the white giant ape that originally looked at Luo Zheng suddenly waved his hands, and the hands that were hundreds of feet long stretched into the immortal house, and suddenly grabbed them towards Luo Zheng!

"Back," said Ah Fu.

Although Luo Zheng felt great pressure, seeing the hairy hand coming, he naturally understood that it was better to retreat first!

Unable to fly in the air, Luo Zheng had to make a sudden leap towards the rear. The whole person just stood up and drew an arc in the air. He was about to fall into the pool in the immortal mansion

The white giant ape's reaction was far beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. At the moment when Luo Zheng jumped up, the giant hands had changed their direction. They suddenly grasped Luo Zheng in mid air and squeezed him in their hands. Then they were dragged out of the immortal Mansion by the white giant ape!

The Longxuan forest is a forbidden area for the real gods. There are not only these white giant apes, but also some unimaginable murderers. If Luo Zheng is really caught in the Longxuan forest, he will be unable to protect himself with his current strength.

However, the hand of the White Ape did not retract. A dark shadow jumped up from the roof of the workshop. The terrifying mastiff made a series of roars in the air!

"Woof, woof, woof!"

The power contained in the roar can make many creatures fear, and the White Ape is no exception. The White Ape grabs Luo Zheng's giant hand and shakes involuntarily.

In this gap, the terrifying mastiff has bitten the arm of the great ape!

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