Before stepping into this channel, Xingwei also gave some key information, "in theory, Daozi is allowed to step into the divine realm, but if he sneaks into the divine realm, he will be punished, so few secondary creatures have chosen to sneak into the divine realm since ancient times."

"Will smuggling be punished?" Luo Zheng was stunned, "but I'm in the immortal mansion..."

"That's because you didn't walk out of the Longxuan forest. If you step into the divine realm through the immortal mansion of Beisheng, even if you can walk out of the Longxuan forest safely, you will be punished," Xingwei said. "This is the rule modified by the Jiang family."

After the Jiang family took charge of feisheng, they helped the saints in the holy hall to introduce the secondary creatures to feisheng. Everyone who ascended to the divine realm will be recorded.

However, the ascendant in the world is a precious resource for the great sages. After all, the warriors who ascend from their own world are all true gods who rely on themselves to gather their own divine qualities. This kind of true God is also a very popular genius in the divine realm.

However, after countless years of development, the holy places have formulated a set of detailed rules to balance the interests of the major families and saints. These ascenders are distributed according to the ranking of the floating island. The strong ones cultivated by some saints in their own inner world are contested by others, which naturally makes them unhappy.

So for a period of time, a large number of stowaways appeared in the divine realm!

There are even saints who directly bring the Daoists in the inner world into the realm of God for cultivation.

In his anger, the Jiang family directly revised the rules on the stone slab and restricted the illegal immigration.

Those who dare to sneak across the divine realm will be punished by the stone slab. After that, few of the secondary creatures dare to sneak across. After all, the rules of the stone slab are irresistible. The price of sneaking across the divine realm is too high. If you lose your strength, you will die.

"There is something so serious How do you say it now? " Luo Zhengna asked.

The star tail tiny smile, "this problem, the master has already considered."

Luo Zheng's brain also turns not slowly, "do you mean my blood?"

"Well," Xingwei nodded, "these lineages inherited from Tianwei clan are prepared for you Taoists. These lineages can evade tracking and punishment, but they also have unpredictable consequences."

If you don't exchange blood for Luo Zheng, he will be known by Mu Haiji as soon as he steps into the divine realm, and the consequences can be imagined.

Luo Zheng did not know that the golden blood had this effect. He immediately asked, "what are the unpredictable consequences..."

But Xingwei shook his head, "this can only be done by fate. After all, it's not easy to evade the punishment of the slate, just like that Muhai can't do it!"

"Can't a saint do it?" Luo Zheng was slightly surprised.

Startail showed a natural smile, "for you, maybe it's only one chance. You don't know how much effort your father took to do this step!"

Luo Zheng nodded silently, and there was a little glimmer in his eyes. "I understand."

After saying goodbye to Xingwei and the old clan leader, Luo Zheng stepped into this passage.

This passage does not break through the wall of sigh, but is a very special space passage built on the wall of sigh.

The law is completely different from the law of space that Luo Zheng contacted with. He can't even feel the fluctuation of the force of any law.

When Luo Zheng completely stepped into it, he felt a force that could not break free to wrap him. At the same time, he kept pulling towards the depth of the passage, and the whole person was spinning like a top.

In this process, yuluo tried to stop his flight, but he couldn't control his flight.

as like as two peas, he understood that in fact, after entering this channel, he had entered the realm of God. After all, this situation is exactly the same as the God's space he felt in the fairy house.

So Luo Zheng could only spin along with the passage and drift with the current.

Both the sense of space and time are gradually blurred in Luo Zheng's mind.

He felt that he had experienced a moment, and felt that he had spent a long time and crossed endless roads

I don't know how long later, Luo Zheng felt his body suddenly lightened, and the power wrapped around him suddenly disappeared. Then he fell out with a bang, and then fell down!

"Half empty?"

"Vegetable field!"

Luo Zheng's reaction speed is very fast. Although he falls to the bottom of the world, he also takes the surrounding scenery into his eyes. Below him are square vegetable fields!


Soon after, Luo Zheng just smashed in the vegetable field.

Yiluo Zheng's body smashed in a vegetable field, I'm afraid it could make a big hole in a thousand square feet!

But it's in the world!

The universe is constructed by the true element, and the divine realm is constructed by chaos.

The two are just like the difference between the secondary creatures and the secondary creatures, so the matter in the divine realm is naturally different.Luo Zheng just smashed a small hole and crushed several seedlings in the vegetable field.

Yiluo Zheng's physical strength was naturally unimpeded, but he was deeply impressed by the hard vegetable field.

Before that, he thought that only Takimoto forest could be so strong. Now he knows. I'm afraid the whole divine realm is almost the same

Luo Zhengcai had just fallen down. In the depth of the divine realm, on a stone slab standing behind the holy hall, a faint halo suddenly appeared in a line of small characters. After the halo flashed, it turned into a palm print and shot out from the stone slab!

When the lightning flies out, a voice of surprise rings out in the depths of the divine realm again.

"What's the matter? Why has the slate been punished again? "

"It's rule 833 that's inspired. Someone's sneaking across the world..."

"Strange, it's the second one recently!"


After that hand print shot out, it disappeared in the sea of time, quietly escaped in the vast space of the divine realm, and soon appeared in a certain realm


Just now, Luo Zhenggang came back to see a huge handprint on the sky!

When he noticed the flash of lightning, he almost broke into a cold sweat. The power contained in the dark handprint was enough to kill him thousands of times!

So when he saw the lightning, he was also in silence. I'm afraid it's over this time. It's not so bad luck. He just entered the divine realm and was about to be killed by this handprint?

After the palmprint appeared, he took photos of it. But in the middle of the photo, Luo Zheng felt his body suddenly warm, but the golden blood in his body was burning!

At the same time, the palmprint seems to have lost its head, like half a headless fly, spinning in the air dozens of miles above Luo Zheng's head, but it can't lock Luo Zheng!

"I see!"

Luo Zheng looked up at the sky with a smile on his face.

In an instant, he understood that Xingwei was right. This golden blood can help him escape punishment

The black handprint hovered for a while, but did not find Luo Zheng. After a while, the handprint turned into a black ball and fell from the air!


When Luo Zheng saw that his mind was not good, he turned and fled to the other side of the vegetable field.

When the black ball hit the ground, it burst out of the black ball. From the black ball, a mass of hair like black lines were smashed out, interwoven into a huge silk screen, covering it in all directions. The speed of the silk screen diffusion was extremely fast, even Luo Zheng could not escape!


The silky black lines of hair fell into Luo Zheng's body.

These black lines did not cause any substantial damage to Luo Zheng, but they entangled his Dantian tightly. After the Dantian was entangled, he immediately felt that he had lost contact with the inner world!


Luo Zheng suddenly felt his head enlarged.

Although Xingwei reminds himself that unexpected consequences may occur, Luo Zheng is also well prepared.

He had no idea that it would be this consequence. When his elixir field was sealed, he could not extract the Qi of chaos and the source of power, and his two greatest dependents were lost

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