After the first cricket came up and was smashed, all the other crickets were moved by the wind!

"Dada dada..."

Those crickets swarmed on, extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, these dark crickets wrapped Luo Zheng tightly in it, obviously relying on the number to chew Luo Zheng clean!

However, these crickets soon found a serious problem, they were originally invincible mouthparts, but they could not tear open the prey in front of them, or even leave any wounds on Luo Zheng's body.

Luo Zheng, who was pressed at the bottom, sighed a little. He was attacked by such a pile of black insects. Although he would not be hurt, he was still scared in his heart

He turned over and stamped heavily on the ground!

The cricket at his feet was directly stamped into the soil by Luo Zheng

If in the world, Luo Zheng's foot could shake the earth and shake the mountains. He was afraid that it would collapse into a valley directly. But now he just stamped a small hole in the vegetable field, and even a cricket didn't die!

However, with the help of this force, Luo Zheng rushed into the air, threw away all the crickets attached to him, and then landed heavily not far away.

It seems that these crickets have very strong secret powers, and they can even escape the divine consciousness released by Luo Zheng, but their own strength is not strong. It is estimated that they also belong to the lowest level creatures in the divine realm

"Dada dada..."

The crickets watched Luo Zheng run away, leaped again, spread their wings, and continued to chase Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng sighed. Anyway, the green vegetable field seemed to be endless. Since these insensible insects rushed up, he didn't want to escape, so he should pass the time.

Then he closed his eyes, and suddenly a golden light flashed on the surface of the soul in his mind. After the golden light was lit, it immediately spread to the surface of the whole soul, and the golden swords slowly revolved around Luo Zheng's soul!

In addition to Dantian, Luo Zheng can also rely on the ability of the soul.

When a large group of crickets came, Luo Zheng opened his eyes!

At this moment, in his eyes, he began to release the turbulent golden light!

"Brush, brush..."

There are sharp breath in those golden lights. These breath are actually shadowless arrows. These arrows are still real. At the beginning, they even cut up a mountain wall.

But the real strength of these shadowless swords is the attack on the soul!

These crickets are also very strong in defense, and can bear the attack of Luo Zheng's body. However, as the lowest living beings, their souls are very weak and pitiful. Luo Zheng's momentum spreads out like thousands of sharp shadowless arrows. When they run through their heads, they will strangle their souls clean!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

After the souls of the crickets were destroyed, their bodies fell into the vegetable fields, and there was no room for resistance.

The crickets in front are "staring" to death by Luo Zheng's eyes, but the crickets behind are coming one after another.

Gradually, the corpses of these crickets turned into a hill and piled up in front of Luo Zheng. These crickets just lost their souls, but they didn't die completely. At least their bodies didn't lose their vitality, and their legs were still kicking and twitching

These crickets also have a certain wisdom. Seeing their companions die and die, the last crickets finally understand that Luo Zheng is not their prey.

So in a burst of dense "dada" sound, those crickets around to run clean.

Luo Zheng smacks his mouth, and then he is ready to turn away from here and move on

However, as soon as he glanced, he saw a light of fire coming towards this side. Because of the mist, Luo Zheng couldn't really see it. He thought that his fight would lead to other fierce things, so he was naturally on guard

But as the fire penetrated the thick fog, Luo Zheng was relieved.

He saw a giant cow with a pair of red sharp horns. His eyes gave off a faint blue light. It was the thing on the back that really made Luo Zheng let down his vigilance and even felt relaxed

On the back of the cow, there was a little boy holding a torch.

In Luo Zheng's eyes, the little boy is just like an oasis in the desert.

Although Luo Zheng made up his mind to walk in one direction, he could finally reach the end of the vegetable field, but how far was the end? Luo Zheng had no idea.

It would be great if someone could guide themselves.

What's more, Luo Zheng has just entered the realm of God. He is not familiar with the land of life. He doesn't know some of the rules and customs in the realm of God. If he can understand them through this little boy, he will be an excellent candidate!

"Ah! So many flies are dead! What's going on! "

The child has big eyes, black and white skin, and looks very lovely. Luo Zheng stands behind the hill of these insect corpses, and the little boy doesn't notice. I don't know why, the little boy looks very happy when he sees these insect corpses!It turned out that these crickets were called sandflies. Luo Zheng had already got the first information by picking the corners of his mouth slightly.

Seeing that the little boy is so happy, it should be good for him to kill these sandflies. It may be that the sandflies are very valuable, or it may be to kill the vegetables, or it may be both.

After Luo Zheng took a step, he said, "I killed these flies."


The moon is dark and the wind is high. It's dark all around. The little boy is familiar with this vegetable field, so he dares to ride the cow here alone. But suddenly a man comes out, which makes him jump, and the torch in his hand trembles!

"You, who are you?" The little boy stares at Luo Zheng and asks.

Luo Zheng arched his hand at him, "I'm sorry that I lost my way here by accident."

"Lost?" The little boy's eyes turned, but there was a hint of cunning in his eyes. Although his eyes flashed away, he was still looked at by Luo Zheng. Then the little boy was smiling, "even if he was lost, how could he come to my vegetable field? How do you plan to go out?"

"All the way north, I think we can find a way out," Luo Zheng replied truthfully. He felt that the little boy seemed a little cunning, and he answered truthfully on guard.

"Ha ha, can we find a way out all the way north?" The little boy laughed, "you can run to the north to death. It will take you a hundred years to see if you can run out!"

Hearing this, Luo Zheng was surprised.

Although he had heard of the vast area of the divine realm, which is by no means comparable to that of the whole world, he did not expect that it would take him 100 years to get out of a vegetable field with his speed?

Seeing Luo Zheng's expression, the little boy laughed again, "what I said is true. Thank you for meeting me today. Otherwise, you will not be able to go out until you die! Come on up and let my Erhuang take you out! "

After that, he patted the giant cow on the back.

This huge ox is three feet high, and its back is very wide. There are no problems for more than ten people sitting on it.

Seeing that the little boy was so sincere, Luo Zheng seemed to doubt that he was worried too much. Without any worries, he stepped out one step and jumped up on the back of the ox. he heard the little boy patting the back of the ox. crispy Sheng said, "Er Huang, take me back!"

The giant cow bowed its head and moved forward.

This cow moves very slowly, just like an ordinary farm cow walking in the field, but Luo Zheng feels that the surrounding space has changed, which seems to be an illusion. It's obvious that the cow is crawling slowly, but it's carrying him forward at a very fast speed. He also sighs in his heart.

"There are so many seedlings in this vegetable field, but I don't know what to plant?" Luo Zheng asked carefully. Although he was facing a little boy who had no intention, he must be careful in everything in the divine realm.

"You don't even know that. Are you from outside?" The little boy asked.

Luo Zheng hesitated for a moment, "sort of."

"These vegetable fields are all yuxianmi, which are the food of the gods and the people," the little boy replied, "only we have yuxianmi in the sky! It's a specialty! "

God people, long sky? Luo Zheng read silently in his heart.

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