In Xiaowen's dark eyes, there seemed to be two flames burning.

Looking at the child's firm eyes, Luo Zheng's heart is also touched, but the little guy has his own shadow, firm and decisive faith!

Whether it's martial arts or Shinto, it's actually a road of growing strength. Whether this road has an end or not, Luo Zheng can't answer. However, once he sets foot on this road, he must have a constant upward belief.

If Xiaowen just wants to protect Mengshan village, he really doesn't have to learn from himself.

"Sorry Now, not yet, "Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Not now. When can I?" After hearing Luo Zheng's words, Xiao Wen's eyes flashed slightly and then asked.

Luo Zheng took a slight breath and looked up at the sky in the long airspace. A bright sun hung in the sky and released dazzling light. It was the real sun and the only sun in the divine realm

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Zhengcai replied, "if one day you can hear my name in the sky, please come to me."

Luo Zheng came for revenge. The possibility of falling down on this road is too great.

If one day he can face Mu Haiji and protect himself, then he will be qualified to establish a sect in the divine realm and protect his family!

"That's the day when we became famous in the long airspace!" Xiaowen said with a smile.

"It's too hard..." Xiao Wu turned his lips. He thought that although the people who proved the gods and martial arts were powerful, they were not real gods after all. Although Changkong was not a big area, there were still quite a lot of real gods in it. Even if Luo Zheng succeeded in proving the gods, it would be difficult for him to really become famous after he became a real God!

What Xiao Wu didn't know was that what Luo Zheng wanted was not to be famous in a certain domain. He wanted to have a foothold in the whole divine domain, on the floating island of the sea of time, in the holy halls!

"Never mind, I can wait! I believe you can. No, I believe you can, master! " Xiaowen is full of confidence in Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng smiles and is about to speak. Suddenly, he hears a scream from the entrance of the village, "ah -"

the sad cry comes in, which immediately startles the whole Mengshan village.


"It's the people from Riyue village who have come to kill us!"

"Dead man!"

These gods and people are not warriors. When they see someone being cut and killed, they feel like ants on a hot pot. The villagers in Mengshan village also cry and scurry.

Not to mention the ordinary gods and people, even Xiao Wu, who was a god of change, was full of panic. "They really came..."

I'm afraid the only calm one is Luo Zheng. With a slight frown on his brow and the wind at his feet, he rushes to the attic. As he rushes out, Luo Zheng lifts the wooden sword on the ground in mid air with a slight hook on his toes. While Luo Zheng jumps up to the top of the attic, he also catches the wooden sword.

This step jumps on the attic, Luo Zheng is like a grasshopper, constantly jumping in the attic, dexterous like a cat in general, did not make a sound.

After two or three breaths, he felt his way to the entrance of the village. As soon as his eyes were swept, a wisp of anger ran out of his eyes!

In front of the gate of Mengshan village, a group of seven armed men with blue knives were standing at the gate. At their feet, they were stepping on two gods and people. They were the villagers of Mengshan village. One of them had his neck cut off, and the other was cut in half. This method was extremely cruel!

"Hum, our stronghold leader will give you three months to leave Mengshan village. If you don't drink, don't blame our Riyue stronghold!" The leader, holding the blue sword in his hand, said with a grim smile that he had brutally killed the two gods and civilians in order to frighten the people of Mengshan village and drive them away.

"Since we don't want to go, we don't have to go. The stronghold leader has said that the saber in our hands needs to drink blood continuously to become sharp. Brothers, except for women, all the others are chopped to death, including old people and children!" The warrior waved his long sword and led the six warriors behind him to rush in.

Luo Zheng stayed here for more than half a month. The man of Mengshan village was simple and hospitable. He was killed for no reason. Naturally, Luo Zheng was very angry, but the anger dissipated from his eyes in an instant. He could suppress his emotions at any time. This is the ability of a mature Warrior!

Most of the villagers fled in a panic in the village, but there were still some brave villagers holding long guns to meet them. Unfortunately, these villagers only had strong strength, but their strength was poor. How could they be the opponents of those warriors?

"Dong Dong!"

A bluish green sword flashed by. The spears in the villagers' hands were cut in two. The head of the warrior had a sneer on his face. The bluish green sword in his hand waved again, and he was about to chop at one of the villagers' heads!

"It's now..."

Luo Zheng shot down from the attic on one side. Before he fell to the ground, he hit the ground with an elbow. The whole person circled forward, and the wooden sword in his hand was the first to point out!This wooden sword has a weight of tens of thousands of Jin, while the blue sword in the hand of the warrior in the divine realm has a weight of hundreds of thousands of Jin. Luo Zheng's Dantian can't work, so he can't bring chaos into this wooden sword. Of course, he won't fight with the blue sword.

But just as Luo Zheng estimated, the skills of ordinary martial arts are really bad. Even if these martial arts have the cultivation of divine extreme realm, their Sabre skills are still terrible in Luo Zheng's eyes!


Luo Zheng's wooden sword is like a snake coming out of the cave. It takes the first step to point on the warrior's wrist.

Although only the physical strength was used, it was enough for the warrior to drink a pot. The moment the wooden sword was lit, he heard a "click" sound. The blue sword in the warrior's hand fell and hit the ground with a "bang Dang" sound. The warrior also covered his wrist and howled. His wrist bone had been smashed!

Alas, the qualities of these extreme warriors are too poor

In the world, don't mention the warrior in the extreme realm of God. Even the warrior in the realm of life and death and the realm of God and sea, if he breaks his wrist, he won't even change his face. Even if he breaks his arm, he can still calmly answer the enemy.

Luo Zheng thinks so in the heart, the foot still strides to gallop, the hand does not have the slightest hesitation!

The rest of them only saw the figure of Luo Zheng flashing, and they all waved their swords to kill Luo Zheng. But with their poor skills, how can they hit Luo Zheng?

Luo Zheng is like a dexterous elk. He keeps dodging among these rough blades. When he sees the opportunity, he reaches out his hand and points a sword! Every time the wooden sword is pointed out, it can be accurately pointed on the other side's wrist. With the sound of a crack in the bone, the blue sword also falls to the ground.

But in three or four breaths, the seven warriors of the divine realm covered their wrists and screamed

When the villagers of Mengshan village saw this scene, they were stunned one by one, including Xiao Wu and others. As soon as they arrived, they did not expect that the battle was over!

"Brother, Shifu, is he really a person who proves the magic and martial arts?" Xiaowen asked in a low voice.

Xiaowen hasn't seen the strength of the witness. He just heard from his elder brother, but the witness doesn't seem to be as powerful as Luo Zheng.

"I, I'm not sure," said Xiao Wu. He couldn't see through Luo Zheng's accomplishments, but he couldn't defeat the seven Shenji warriors in breathing? Is Luo Tianxing a true God? But he doesn't have the unique power of the true God

"Boy, who are you! We are from Riyue village. You are the leader of our village... " The leader of Shenji martial arts covers his arm and stares at Luo Zheng angrily. He naturally finds that Luo Zheng is a witness of Shenwu. At this moment, it's like taking out the name of Riyue village and driving him away. It's impossible for Mengshan village to have a witness of Shenwu!

Just as the warrior in the divine realm had just begun to speak, when Luo Zheng picked his toes, a stone came roaring and hit him heavily on his jaw. The whole jaw was smashed. Don't talk about it. Even the scream couldn't come out.

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