In the eyes of the evil old man, Luo Zheng's birth and status are extraordinary.

Although the floating island built by Luo Xiao by one man has collapsed, his disciples are still very active, especially Yu Taibai, the chief disciple of Luo Xiao. So far, he has played an important role in the realm of God!

But the evil old man didn't understand it. Luo Zheng stepped into the divine realm like a headless fly, and went straight to the Changkong realm. He was still wandering in the small mountain village to the north of the Changkong realm.

He didn't know that Luo Zheng was sent into long airspace because of illegal immigration. He carefully chose long airspace as his first foothold. After all, long airspace is a small domain, which will not attract attention in the divine domain, and it is a relatively stable domain, which will not be too dangerous.

"I hate the old man. Although he is a real God, all he wants in his life is to dominate a territory. In those days, his means were too bloody and violent, but he carried the name of" extreme evil ". Now there is no hope of falling into such a field. This opportunity Well, I'll take whatever you know, but I don't want to ask for it

The evil old man said such a thing to Luo Zheng. His sinister eyes were full of sincerity. If others saw the evil old man's expression, their jaw would fall down.

Luo Zheng smiles a little. Although the old man says that, he doesn't want to recover himself. His words can be regarded as words of temperament. Although they are credible, they don't need to be taken seriously. If he has a chance in the future, Luo Zheng will not treat him badly.

At this time, Luo Zheng's face suddenly changed, "bad!"

It turned out that the evil old man and Yin Yuanzi had a fierce battle in Luo Zheng's mind. The stone rat had devoured the evil old man's elixir field. The stone rat leaped down from the evil old man, and the expression on the rat's face was endless. Now it was staring at Luo Zheng on the side of the cave, and the big soybean's eyes flashed a little light again.

Although Luo Zheng can't live in the main realm of the world, it's not as delicious as the real God's elixir field in the eye of the stone shrew, but now it's OK!

So the stone mouse ran towards Luo Zheng at an incredible speed again.

"Run! The stone shrew is the only true spirit. Even if it has just hatched, it can inherit most of its strength in the last life

The evil old man said in Luo Zheng's mind.

Many true spirits in the realm of God have strange forms.

There is only one true spirit in the whole divine realm!

The stone shrew is unique in the whole divine realm. There is no second stone shrew in the divine realm. It can not reproduce, but it has a magical talent of reincarnation.

Once the stone shrew is killed, a rat shaped stone will be formed in a mountain in the divine realm. After absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth for countless years, this rat shaped stone will slowly evolve into a stone shrew. This stone shrew is actually the reincarnation of the last stone shrew. After reincarnation is successful, the stone shrew will have most of the strength of the last life, so the stone shrew will be born from the stone shrew Hatching out of the head, the strength is even stronger than the median God!

Now, how can Luo Zheng be the opponent of the stone shrew?

Luo Zheng had seen the fate of Yin Yuanzi and the wicked old man, how could he dare to stay? Follow the small hole on one side and get in!

"Run left!"

This small hole was originally carved by the evil old man. Naturally, the evil old man was very familiar with the road in the hole. Now he kept reminding Luo Zheng.

However, Luo Zheng's speed was not slow, but the speed was the best for the rodents. The stone rat came after him much faster than Luo Zheng.

"Creak, creak!"

The stone shrew inherited most of the strength of the previous life. It chased behind Luo Zheng, and at the same time, it made a sharp sound. There was a sense of playing in that sound!

It climbs on one side of the small hole at a surprisingly fast speed, and the distance between it and Luo Zheng is constantly getting closer.

In the blink of an eye, the stone shrew was only three or four feet away from Luo Zheng. Under its small but powerful feet, it came straight at Luo Zheng!

"Baqu flying smoke!"

Luo Zheng's eyebrows were frozen. He couldn't fly in the air, and he couldn't make a big move. He could only use his body method!

Although the speed of the stone shrew was fast, it did not expect that Luo Zheng's body method was so clever. Although it was fast in this attack, Luo Zhengyun's body was like a piece of light paper without weight after turning. The stone shrew was pushing Luo Zheng forward. A pair of tusks on its sharp mouth always kept two inches away from Luo Zheng.

Looking at this opportunity, Luo Zheng sped up along the cave!

But the stone shrew really has extraordinary wisdom. After Luo Zheng evaded it for the first time, it seems to have seen through the subtlety of the "eight songs of flying smoke". However, with a single shot on the mountain wall, it came back from another angle.

And the angle it rushes over forces Luo Zheng to a corner in the cave. Although Luo Zheng's "Baqu Feiyan" is dexterous, it also needs space to avoid the other side. After Luo Zheng is forced to the corner, he can only move along the cave wall. This time, the stone mouse smoothly leans into Luo Zheng, sticks out two slender tusks and rushes to Luo Zheng's belly!"Bang!"

With a dull sound, the fangs of the stone shrew did not penetrate Luo Zheng's Dantian, but because of Luo Zheng's concentric clothes!

Although the true gods have many ways to penetrate the Tongxin clothes and hurt Luo Zheng behind them, the Tongxin clothes are made by the craftsman. The Tongxin clothes made from the origin of the divine personality are still unbreakable.

With the two tusks, the stone rat dashed up, as if on an iron plate, and failed to hurt Luo Zheng.

"This is your dress..."

The evil old man saw that Luo Zheng couldn't avoid the stone shrew, and his secret way was over. He didn't expect that the long shirt Luo Zheng was wearing was so magical. Naturally, he was extremely surprised.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The stone mouse screamed angrily. It also knew that Luo Zheng's ordinary long shirt was indestructible. It jumped up again and went in along Luo Zheng's skirt!

Luo Zheng's Tongxin clothes can move as he likes. At the critical moment, it can cover him up and down in an instant. But the stone shrew's reaction and speed are far faster than Luo Zheng's. He didn't have time to cover his whole body with Tongxin clothes, so he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. The stone shrew went in from his own shoulder.

Luo Zheng's body is harder than that of the evil old man and Yin Yuanzi. However, the stone shrew has some magical power. No matter how strong it is, it has no block. It can walk freely in Luo Zheng's body!

In a short time, the stone mouse had penetrated into Luo Zheng's abdomen, and a pair of tusks had been stabbed into Luo Zhengdan's field.

However, the moment the stone shrew's tusks pierced in, the black thread around Luo Zheng's Dantian suddenly glowed and quickly wrapped around the stone shrew's tusks. These black threads actually prevented the stone shrew from swallowing Luo Zheng's inner world.

It turns out that the purpose of these black lines is to block the association between Luo Zheng and the internal world. Whether from the outside in or from the inside out, they will be blocked by the black lines!

If the stone shrew wants to drill into the red field of Cairo, it will naturally violate these black lines!

In the memory inherited from the stone shrew, it has never seen such a strange thing. In the face of these black lines, it has even more aroused its ferocity!

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