Now the evil old man has come to this land. He has no idea about the stone shrew any more, but he is dedicated to helping Luo Zheng.

After he asked Luo Zheng to collect the rat corpse, he guided Luo Zheng through the narrow cave. When Luo Zheng came out of the cave, he was already in a mountain stream a hundred miles away from Mengshan village.

This road was originally connected to the hole under Mengshan village. The evil old man dug it according to the "lost way". A passage extended all kinds of changes, forming a maze underground.

Once upon a time, some villagers of Mengshan village mistakenly entered the cave, but they were unable to solve the maze in the cave and were trapped to death. Luo Zheng came out all the way and saw several skeletons, most of which belonged to the lost villagers of Mengshan village

After crossing the mountain stream, Luo Zheng went back to Mengshan village. The leader of Riyue village and a group of warriors were still standing in the same place.

When they saw the collapse of Mengshan village, they knew that it was not good. The leader of Riyue village led his subordinates to climb up the mountain and look at the bottomless pit under Mengshan village. No one dared to go down to investigate.

I didn't see the evil old man, and no one dared to leave at will, so I had to wait here.

More than half a day later, they saw Luo Zheng emerge.

"Lo Mr. Luo, where did you come from? Have you ever seen my ancestors? " The leader of Riyue village stares at Luo Zheng and asks.

With the return of the evil old man, if the seventy-two stronghold can be revived, his leader of the sun and moon stronghold will be put in important position, and the Shinto will be around the corner. Naturally, he is concerned about the situation of the evil old man.

"You mean the wicked old man?" Luo Zheng touched his head and then said, "I fell down and almost fell to death. I came out of a cave in a daze. As for where he is now, I don't know..."

"Not sure?" The sun moon stronghold leader and his troops looked at each other. Luo Zheng looked confused and didn't look like a disguise. They didn't worry about him. Instead, they discussed getting a rope to find someone.

In Luo Zheng's mind came a sigh from the evil old man.

He really wanted to carry forward the seventy-two stronghold when he returned to Changkong. After all, he could not bear to see that the Riyue stronghold had been reduced to such a level. However, he was afraid that the evil old man now had no ability, so he had to let Luo Zheng deal with it and let them live and die on their own.

The villagers of Mengshan village are also returning one after another. When they see that their villages have become like this, they are very sad.

Fortunately, these villagers evacuated from Mengshan village ahead of time. If they did not leave, most of the people in the village would die under the collapse of Mengshan village.

Since one side of Riyue village is no longer in trouble with them, these gods and people can only open up houses on the other side of the hillside. The vegetable fields for them to survive are still there, and Mengshan village can always be rebuilt.

Now that Luo Zheng's Dantian has been unsealed, there is no need to stay here.

Since Luo Zheng came to Mengshan village, Xiaowen's understanding of martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds. Because the time is too short, Xiaowen has no breakthrough in cultivation. However, the martial arts taught by Luo Zheng is obviously superior to his brother Xiao Wu. Xiaowen certainly can't bear Luo Zheng to leave, but he also knows that he can't follow Luo Zheng with his current strength, so he can only keep it in mind If one day he can become a witness of his martial arts, he will leave this mountain village to find master Luo Tianxing!

Half a month later

In an unnamed mountain to the north of Changkong.

Luo Zheng stands in front of a raised wall on the hillside, with a panoramic view of the snow field in the distance.

The long sky is only a small domain in the divine domain, but it is still huge beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. The most terrible thing is that it is unable to fly in the sky, and even more unable to move.

At the speed of Luo Zheng, it will take thousands of years to cross the long sky on foot

"How far is it?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Soon, on the top of this mountain..." Said the wicked old man.

There were still some things hidden in the mountains to the north of Changkong in those days. Now what Luo Zheng is looking for is some of the belongings left by the evil old man before the age of seven gods.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

Luo Zheng stayed for a while in front of the mountain wall, and dozens of strange looking Firebirds rushed towards him.

He suddenly looked up, the sharp light in his eyes twinkled!

"GA -"

the Firebirds made a terrible cry and fell like a cliff on one side.

It's the most convenient and quick way to kill these fierce beasts growing in the divine realm by means of soul coercion.

"Tut Tut, it's the main realm of the world. The soul has been so strong. How powerful will your soul be if you enter the realm again one day?"

Said the wicked old man in his mind.

Luo Zheng didn't answer. The evil old man knew some of his secrets. He even knew that he was the son of Luo Xiao and had a grudge against Mu Hai. But it didn't mean that he would open everything to the evil old man, at least not now.

He suddenly stepped on his feet and jumped six or seven feet high, just like a dexterous ape hanging on a rock at the top of the mountain wall. Then he swung up again with both arms, turned over again and climbed to the next platform.After climbing for two days, Luo Zheng finally reached the top of the nameless mountain.

"See that triangle rock?" The wicked old man warned.

Luo Zheng looked at it and saw a triangular rock standing on the top of the mountain like a mini pyramid.

According to the method taught by the evil old man, Luo Zheng approached the rock and pressed it down suddenly. At the same time, Luo Zheng said with a smile, "won't it be dug away again this time?"

Four days ago, under the guidance of the evil old man, Luo Zheng also dug up another mountain like this, but the things on that mountain have been taken away. Although the evil old man hid things very hidden, the seven God ages are too long. Someone can find them by accident

"I don't think so!" The evil old man gritted his teeth and said that he was not sure.

As soon as his voice fell, the triangular rock sank toward the bottom. With a dull sound, a small pit appeared in front of Luo Zheng, and some black discs were scattered in the pit!

Luo Zheng picked up one of the black discs in the pit and looked at it carefully.

These black discs feel rough. Luo Zheng can feel that there is a special power in them, but he can't understand this power, and he can't see what it is for. "What the hell is this? Magic weapon or rare material? "

"None of them!" The evil old man said faintly, "this is the currency in circulation in Shenyu, Shenwu currency!"

"Shenwu coin?" Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, "and there are only a few hundred You asked me to wade for half a month? "

Previously, Luo Zheng planned to go directly to the "mirror city" to the north of Changkong. This mirror city is the seven sacred cities to the north of Changkong. However, the evil old man tried his best to ask Luo Zheng to find something and told him that without these things, Luo Zheng could not do anything!

"Hey hey, don't look down on Shenwu coins. Some real gods may be worth hundreds of Shenwu coins," said the evil old man with a smile. "If you don't have Shenwu coins, even if you go to Jingcheng, you won't be able to leave Changkong in ten or eight years. It's hard to move without this thing in Shenzhou!"

Luo Zheng searched the Shenwu coin over and over again.

The money in the world is Zhenyuan stone and Zhenyuan jade. It is money as well as a kind of consumable. It is formed by the energy of heaven and earth. It contains the purest Zhenyuan, which can be directly absorbed to supplement the Zhenyuan in the Dantian.

As the evil old man said, this Shenwu coin is the currency circulating between the true gods, and the true gods generally do not need to consume the true yuan, they rely on the power of belief in the inner world.

"Can this Shenwu coin supplement the real yuan? Or can it supplement the power of faith? " Luo Zheng asked.

Who knows, the wicked old man shook his head, "none of them."

"What's the use of this Shenwu coin..." Luo Zheng asked again.

No matter what it is as money, it must have a strong attraction to the true gods, otherwise it will be a pile of rubbish and no one will want it on the ground!

Who knows that the evil old man sold the pass. Hahaha said with a smile: "the role of Shenwu coin is too big. It's what those floating island rich families in the sea of time fight for every year. It can be said that owning Shenwu coin is equal to owning everything in the realm of God! As for what's the use of this thing, you will naturally know in the future. Now it's useless for you to know! "

"If you have Shenwu coin, you will have everything in Shenyu?"

Luo Zheng stares at the black wafer, and his face becomes more and more strange. It's too exaggerated and doesn't conform to common sense.

In the world, only the low-level warriors work hard for zhenyuanshi and zhenyuanyu, but the high-level warriors don't need them at all. After all, there are not many times when they need to supplement Zhenyuan after the battle is exhausted, and usually they have decided whether to win or not. So it's enough for the world Lord and the God to carry hundreds of zhenyuanyu with them.

Therefore, the exchange of things between high-level warriors is generally based on barter. Zhenyuan jade is not very valuable in their eyes

This black disc can't be eaten or drunk. Why can it be used as currency in the divine realm?

But the more curious Luo Zheng was, the more evil the old man didn't say anything, and finally he had to give up.

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