Shenwu coin is really a rare thing in Shenyu.

The number of ordinary real gods is very small. In fact, these warriors who are busy outside the city can't have a Shenwu coin all their lives. They just need to accumulate enough points to enter the city, and the Shenwu coin exchanged by the points will not fall into their hands.

Hearing a witness of Shenwu say that he has Shenwu coins, the guard of Jingcheng naturally looks strange, "do you have Shenwu coins?"

Luo Zheng nodded and took out a Shenwu coin.

When the black wafer was taken from Luo Zheng's hand, the eyes of the guard of the mirror city suddenly lit up. With a wave of his hand, the Shenwu coin that Luo Zheng pulled out fell into his hand!

Several mirror city guards nearby also cast their eyes on Luo Zheng, looking up and down.

People like Luo Zheng who prove the magic and martial arts have the magic and martial arts coins. Either they are given by the real gods, or they are lucky enough to dig up some treasures left by the real gods

If it's the former, it doesn't matter. If it's the latter, I'm afraid this boy has more than one Shenwu coin!

"May I go in?" Luo Zheng asked.

The guard of the mirror City carefully looked at the small black wafer in his hand, then looked up at Luo Zheng and said with a smile, "not yet."

"Why?" Luo Zheng asked again.

The guard of Jingcheng said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I need two Shenwu coins to enter Jingcheng, but one is not enough."

As a holy city, there must be a large number of real gods in the city. Although the guards of the city are just witnesses, Luo Zheng doesn't want to make trouble here, so he is always friendly with these proud guards.

However, the guard of the mirror City raised his price, which made Luo Zheng frown slightly. "Doesn't it mean that you only need to pay a Shenwu coin to enter the city?"

"Ha ha..." The guard of the mirror City shook his head. "Today, the price has gone up. You need two pieces to enter the city. If you lose one," he pointed to the group of martial arts nearby. "Go to take the task like them, and save enough points to enter the city again."

It's not easy to be a guard of the mirror city. The guards in front of the city gate always have a lot of connections with some characters in the city. If Luo Zheng is sure that there is only one Shenwu coin, they will not miss this opportunity to take it for themselves.

If Luo Zheng really takes out the second Shenwu coin, it will be easier

People like Luo Zheng, who don't know where to come from, have seen too much, especially those who are easy to talk like Luo Zheng. After a few words, they're dismissed. What about a person who proves his martial arts at the gate of the holy city?

Luo Zheng certainly won't take out the second Shenwu coin, his face gradually chills down, "I don't have time to take the task."

"Then come back when you earn the second Shenwu coin," said the guard with a sneer on his face, throwing the coin in his hand.

When the Shenwu coin was thrown up again, Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed a golden light!

All the way, the evil old man told himself not to make trouble in the mirror City, so he converged his soul to the extreme and hid all the edges.

But there is no difference between the human heart and the world. People are always good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden!

The golden sword on Luo Zheng's soul flickered, and a very fierce soul shot out. The invisible arrows flitted past the soul of the guard of the mirror city!

These guards are just the main soldiers in the world.

The gap between the same level of martial arts in the divine realm is bigger than that in the world!

For example, Xiao Wu, who is a god changing warrior, has nothing to do with his accomplishments, and his understanding of martial arts is appalling.

The same is true for those who are in charge of martial arts in the world. Most of the people who practice martial arts have no chance to prove the way of God. They also have nothing to do.

For the world masters like them, not to mention the level of "silver war soul" and "gold war soul", there are not many people who have cultivated "Jasper war soul". Although Luo Zheng's soul strength is still gold war soul, because of the cultivation of "Dayan scripture", his soul is no less powerful than the real God!

The small arrows from the soul's oppression didn't hurt the soul of the guard of the mirror city. It was just the oppression contained in it that made the guard of the mirror City creepy. There was a cold feeling on his back. His whole body was completely stiff from bone to muscle!

"Poof, poof..."

The sharp invisible arrow finally hit the gate behind him, and there were two fine scratches on the solid gate.

Although Luo Zheng tried his best not to let the soul pressure spread out, the moment when Luo Zheng's eyes flashed out of the golden light, the guards of the mirror city still felt the terror and stood still!

The Shenwu coin was still spinning in mid air and falling down.

Luo Zheng's right hand, like lightning, reached out and took the Shenwu coin in his hand. Then he took it and shook it in front of the guard of the mirror city. "Put it away," he said faintly. Then he put it into the other side's pocket. Without looking back, he went through the guard of the mirror city and pushed open the gate of the mirror city.It was not until the gate was suddenly closed that the guards on the scene regained their consciousness. They looked at each other, but did not say a word

In the realm of God, there are few geniuses like those in the world.

There are all kinds of sources and influences behind the talents who can become the climate. Even with the potential and talents of the other party, we can judge the level of influence that the other party comes from.

From a small mountain village? Born in the city of the common God? Or from the central city of God? Even from the four Shenmu, and floating island, which have subtle differences, for people with vision is also quite easy to judge!

These guards of mirror city belong to people who have no vision, but it doesn't mean they are idiots. They have at least the ability to distinguish.

The soul level of Luo Zheng is completely their elusive realm. Such characters are cultivated even in the central God city of a "domain". The worst comes from the four sacred trees. They may even be genius on the floating island!

Such a person, let alone a guard, is not easily provoked by ordinary gods.

Finally, the guard of the mirror City touched the Shenwu coin in his pocket, swallowed his saliva, and finally did not reveal a word.

Luo Zheng's sense of control is very good. It not only warns the guards, but also causes no disturbance. At least it doesn't attract the attention of the real gods in the mirror city. After all, Luo Zheng's current identity is too sensitive.

After entering the mirror City, Luo Zheng's momentum is as clear as snow and the sun

Although the mirror city is one of the seven sacred cities with long airspace, it is not as huge as Luo Zheng imagined. He asked the evil old man about this question, why not build the sacred city bigger? The evil old man just asked, what is Jian doing?

In the world, the area of some holy cities can be said to be vast and incomparable, but the purpose of building holy cities in the divine domain is different after all.

In order to expand, dozens of ten holy places in the world are constantly absorbing talents and giving birth to more world masters. Only in the future can they compete for the throne of heaven.

The divine realm has developed numerous divine eras and is a stable world.

It's not that there is no genius in the realm of God, but the concept is too small to be ignored, so the desire for expansion of major forces is not high. For example, every few years, the rich and powerful floating islands just change their ranking. It's very difficult to have a true God promoted to great success, and even more difficult to have a true God sanctified.

Because of this, the distribution of resources flows to big forces, and the competition among the bottom fighters is even more cruel!

After Luo Zheng entered the city, he went straight to the west of Jingcheng according to the instructions of the evil old man. Only there was a transmission channel across the long airspace.

"Changkong is just a small area. There are three forces stationed in Changkong. These three forces control all the holy cities in Changkong, but those who know the details know that the three forces are just puppets of Han family. You can go to Liuren area in the south of Changkong through the transmission channel, which is the ancestral land of Han family," said the evil old man.

"Han family? "Ancestral land?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned.

The abominable old man nodded and said in a respectful tone, "yes, the holy emperor of the Han family was consecrated one hundred and thirty God eras ago. Today's Han family is also one of the big families on the floating island. I'm afraid that the ranking of the floating island of the Han family has improved again in these eras when I'm not here! As the ancestral land of the Han family, you can go there to find a chance. "

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