He studied all kinds of materials thoroughly.

For example, the cheapest scorpion winter grass can be made into glue by boiling the lower part of it, which can be integrated into the process of refining pills to form an excellent "Dan base", which can integrate most of the materials in pills. Therefore, although this material can be seen everywhere, some seven or even eight grades of gold pills are needed.

The most expensive materials are sky high prices, such as "Yinglong horn", through which ancient illusions can be inspired and the highest level of understanding can be realized through time

The use of all kinds of tricky materials and materials has been almost polished out in countless times. Except for those forbidden areas where few people are involved, there are not many secrets in the divine realm.

But the mud dug up by the iron family has nothing special except the first trace of spirituality. After several times of identification, it still comes to the same result. Finally, several uncles of Tieyan gave up.

Now Luo Tianxing asks again. Tieyan is even more puzzled. In this way, the mud is really useful to him.

No matter what the mud is used for, it seems that Luo Zheng is the only one who needs it, so tie Yan agrees. He doesn't have as much heart as his sister tie Lin. if tie Lin is here, he will have to knock a large amount of magic money from Luo Zheng.

While they were talking, they followed the stream of people into the backyard of Han Tianfu.

The backyard is also a wide site, but in the center of the site there is a building half buried on the ground. The building has a unique shape. It looks like a wide well platform, but there is a black entrance on the front, from which there are wisps of green smoke floating out slowly.

Luo Zheng's nose moved slightly. He knew that someone was burning incense in the building.

When all the experts gathered in the backyard, a figure came out of it. It was Han Meng, the leader of the mansion who had left before. He gave a faint smile to the crowd, and then said: "you must have many people who have not participated in the examination of our Han Tian mansion for the first time. They already know a lot about the temple of our Han Tian mansion, but I still want to talk about the rules. ”

a considerable number of those who have taken part in the hantianfu test have taken part in the test for more than ten times, or even dozens of times, and some of them have been defeated and defeated repeatedly, and they have become familiar faces in hantianfu.

But there are always some people who take part in the hantianfu examination for the first time. If they are careless in the temple, it is very dangerous.

Luo Zheng has been in Liuren city for a short time. Although he has done some homework, he doesn't understand it thoroughly. At the moment, he naturally listens attentively.

"This temple of inquiry was built by the holy emperor of our Han family. It has been twenty-three gods' ages, and the whole temple of inquiry has sunk to the ground for a long time..."

According to Han Meng, the temple of Wen has a long history of construction. At that time, the people of Han family were not canonized, but the emperor of Han family had already entered the ranks of full circle, and the whole Han family was the top of the second tier family.

There are more than 300 Taoist steles built in the temple, including one tenth of the types of Taoist steles in the divine realm.

Of course, all the steles are imitations.

It's not easy to imitate the Taoist stele. Even if the real God is too close to the Taoist stele, he will also be hurt by the Taoist stele. Although the Taoist implication contained in the imitated Taoist stele is not as good as that of the real Taoist stele, it can also measure the talents of those who prove the divine and martial arts. At least, it can be seen that the martial arts person is suitable to walk that Taoist road.

At that time, with the strength of Han family, it was really a very difficult thing to sort out such a temple. Each of the tablets was polished by the upper true gods of Han family, which also concealed the understanding of the great upper true gods.

Today's Han family, of course, does not need to ask the temple. This temple is also left to the branch of Han family, which is ultimately controlled by Han Tianfu.

"These imitated steles are too old, and the Daoyun in them also has subtle changes. If you can't bear the pressure of Daoyun, don't hold it hard. In the past, there were always some martial artists who gritted their teeth to hold it hard. If something happened, we won't be responsible for it." Han Meng told me.

This has happened many times.

The biggest dream of countless practitioners of Shenwu is to be admitted to hantianfu. They all bear the ardent hope of their elders. Some extreme practitioners of Shenwu can't understand the Daoyun, and even can't get the recognition of the Daobei, but they still insist on it. As a result, they are terrified by the Daoyun.

Some of the second and third line clan leaders, depressed, look for important people in hantianfu. Although these families dare not offend hantianfu, they still make trouble all over the city, and hantianfu has no face.

Now, before entering the hall of God, as the head of the mansion, Han Meng always asks repeatedly, if you can't stand it, don't hold it up. If you are really dead and injured, you are not responsible.

After Han Meng finished, he turned to Luo Zheng and said, "according to the rules of Han Tianfu, the first one can enter first. Luo Tianxing, please." With that, Han Meng made a gesture of waving his hand.

Luo Zheng nodded, raised his legs and went to the temple.

After Luo Zheng got into the temple, it was dark all around, and the incense was more and more strong."It's wake-up fragrance," the voice of the evil old man came out coldly.

"What's the use?" Luo Zheng asked.

The evil old man said with a smile, "it's a big hand of Han Tianfu. This soul awakening fragrance is not cheap. It can make people's souls more sensitive, and their perception of Tao Yun is naturally more sensitive I remember that Han Tianfu was not so generous before. "

The evil old man did not take the hantianfu test. When he was qualified to walk around in the long sky, he was already the next true God. The true God like the evil old man was born in the wild way among the rich families in the floating island. So some rich family children grew up freely in the holy land, also known as "fangye".

The evil old man's judgment is very accurate, and the whole family is very anxious. After all, for a long time, Han Tianfu has never produced any real excellent talents. All the 16 elites who recommended to the floating island of Han family in the last round were beaten back, and several principal members of Han Tianfu were ridiculed by the family

This scent of awakening soul can improve the martial arts' understanding in a short time. It can also be regarded as an auxiliary means. The family branch is eager to dig out a group of elites who can gain insight into their own family in this new year.

"And this effect..." Luo Zheng suddenly took a sniff, and all the strong incense went into Luo Zheng's breath. However, Luo Zheng didn't feel any change. He just felt a little cool in his mind, but it disappeared when he got into his soul.

"Hey, this wake-up fragrance has a wonderful effect on the green war spirit. It has a little effect on the silver war spirit, but it has no effect on the gold war spirit. Your soul state It's no use, of course. " The wicked old man shook his head and laughed.

Luo Zheng forgot that.

The soul cultivation of those outside who prove the supernatural and martial arts is very weak. The spirit awakening incense has a magical effect of enhancing understanding. For them, the effect is excellent.

Luo Zheng was the first to enter the temple of inquiry, and the fragrance of awakening soul was also the most abundant.

With the gradual influx of 100000 people into the temple, the incense will be slowly absorbed and diluted, so the more people in the front row will be able to absorb more incense, but it's a waste for Luo Zheng

Before he took a few steps, there was a rush of footsteps from the rear. It was Hanzhen, who ranked second.

After Hanzhen entered the temple, he would "wheeze, wheeze," greedily sucking his nose, as if he wanted to inhale all the fragrance of awakening soul floating around him. Suddenly, he found that Luo Zheng looked back at him faintly, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes! But at this moment, after he absorbed the wake-up fragrance, his brain was also transparent and clear. In an instant, he thought of the warning given by hanxuan, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed away.

However, he didn't like Luo Zheng after all. He nodded to Luo Zheng faintly, and even reminded him in a low voice: "the top ranking people are qualified to choose the best position. Don't blame me for not reminding you!" With that, he crossed Luo Zheng and sped to the depth.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng just smile, still keep a slow pace, along the steps to ask the depth of the temple.

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