When the ferry man said that, Hanmeng's face slowed down.

She reached out and flicked two Shenwu coins toward the ferry man.

But the ferryman didn't pick up the two Shenwu coins. He just flicked them with his hand, and the two Shenwu coins flew to Hanmeng. Then he shook his head, "Hanjia's money has been paid, we won't accept it for the second time."

Then the ferryman stood up, still closed his eyes, facing the sea of time, with words in his mouth, but there was no voice, and he didn't know what to say.

There is a special ability in the sun blind.

No matter where you are in the sea of time, as long as you stand on the shore, you don't need to send out any information, and you don't need to inform anyone. They will arrive as soon as possible, and they won't delay any time!

In ancient times, the sacred hall was not established, and there was no floating island on the sea of time. At that time, some real gods wanted to explore the sea of time, and they only needed to bring two or three Shenwu coins. When these ferry people came ashore, they would ask if they wanted to enter the sea of time.

Later, the time sea was occupied by the big families, and the holy hall was set up. After the rules were made, an agreement was reached with the leader of the Japanese blind tribe. Except for the people of the big families, they generally would not ferry the true gods other than the big families.

So just now Han Meng and Luo Zheng stayed at the seaside for a while, and the Japanese blind came over in a boat.

Luo Zheng and Han Meng have been waiting on this boat for a long time

Soon after, there were two small black spots on the colorful sea level, one in front of the other, and the other two boats were approaching rapidly.

The leader was a burly man, while the boat behind was a rickety old man, who was obviously the father and brother of the ferry people.

The two slowly rowed the boat back, and the three Japanese blind people had a quiet communication with each other for a while. They didn't even make a sound, but their lips trembled slightly. Naturally, Luo Zheng and Han Meng didn't know what they said.

After the exchange, the rickety old man of the Japanese blind nationality said to Luo Zheng, "you get on my boat, and I'll take you there."

Seeing that the old man agreed to ferry Luo Zheng, Han Meng was slightly relieved. He nodded to Luo Zheng and said, "go, see you on the floating island."

Luo Zheng jumped up and stood steadily on the old man's boat.

After Luo Zheng sat down, the old man put down the two huge oars, waved his arms and swung the oars gently. The boat was like a dragon into the sea, splitting the colorful sea water towards the front,

"creak, creak..."

Under the constant shaking of the bone oars, a harsh sound was made, which caused waves to roll on both sides of the ship's side. Even if the waves were flying, they also released a strong force of the law of time.

These rules of time are not based on the truth. They are the "time" of the real value of goods. They are the "history" that once existed in the divine realm. Just like Luo Zheng who just took the boat of the Japanese blind on the shore, it only happened half an hour ago, but it also became a historical record in the sea of time.

In theory, the sea of time records everything that has happened since the birth of the divine realm, but it has all turned into time fragments and converged into the sea of time. It is almost impossible to find a certain period of time accurately in such a huge ocean

As the boat got farther and farther away, its speed also increased.

At this time, Luo Zhengcai noticed that light blue light began to appear on the surface of the bone oars of the sun blind old man. Every time he rowed the oars, the light would escape and flow around the bottom of the boat. It was this light blue light that made the boat fly in the sea of time!

The Japanese blind people have been in the sea of time for so many years, and they must have their own merits. Otherwise, how can they rely on the personality of the rich and powerful people on the floating island?

The old man only focused on rowing and didn't mean to communicate with Luo Zheng. However, Luo Zheng couldn't help but asked, "just now your son said he was afraid of me, so he refused to carry me. I don't know what he was afraid of me?"

"Creak, creak..."

The oar still kept moving. The old man's thick arm continued to paddle. After a long silence, the old man said, "the sea of time is a sea of death for you people."

Luo Zheng nodded, "I heard that any creature that falls into it will be torn to pieces by the law of time, and then shuttle to less than time..."

The old man of the Japanese blind family laughed, continued to shake the oar, and then said, "it's true for you. Even if you are the top of the true gods, you will die if you fall into the sea of time But this is not the case for the creatures living in this sea area. "

"Living in this sea? Do you mean there are still creatures in the sea of time Luo Zheng was surprised.

"Otherwise, how do you think our Japanese blind people will conquer this sea area? How did our boat and this pair of oars come from? " Asked the old man.

Luo Zheng asked this question for the first time. The evil old man just told Luo Zheng that it was a special method of the Japanese blind. Luo Zheng didn't think about it in detail.As soon as the old man reminded him, Luo Zheng understood, "do you mean that the boat and the oars are all from the creatures in the sea of time?"

"Yes," the old man replied.

This pair of bone oars is taken from the vertebrae of "ghost fish". After the Japanese blind people capture the ghost fish with special means, they peel the whole fish alive, take out the middle vertebrae, and then make a sacrifice through the ancestral means to become a pair of special oars.

The boat used for the ferry is made of "thousand face dragon fish" skin, which is covered on the bottom of the boat, so that it can sail in the sea of time.

Whether it is "ghost fish" or "thousand face dragon fish", they are all creatures in the sea of time. These creatures can travel freely in time through countless years of evolution, and they are not afraid of the tearing force in the sea of time.

"It turns out that the sea of time is not a dead zone," Luo Zheng said, his eyes twinkling slightly. The evolution of nature is really amazing. He then asked, "but what does it have to do with being afraid of me?"

The old man stopped for a moment and said, "there are many unknown powerful creatures in the sea of time. Among them, one kind of sea monster is the most powerful. We Japanese blind people call it" emperor hate ". You have a strange smell, which is very similar to Emperor hate, very similar to..."

It's not easy for the Japanese blind to travel through the sea of time. There are many risks lurking in this quiet and beautiful sea area. If they don't pay attention, they will capsize and die. That's why there are so many taboos and rules among them.

However, as long as we follow those rules, it's very safe to travel through the sea of time, but there is a situation that can't be avoided, that is, encountering the sea monster of "emperor hate".

The legend of emperor hate not only exists in the Japanese blind, but also in the divine realm.

But the emperor hate is too mysterious, so far no one has seen its complete form. Once this sea monster hunts in the sea of time, there is no possibility for the creatures under the sage to survive!

In the middle ages, there was even an emperor hate who dragged a saint into the sea of time and wanted to kill him. But after the saint came out of the world, as long as the world was immortal, the noumenon was immortal. After several years of entanglement with emperor hate, the saint finally escaped from the sea of time. Although the saint was not captured by Emperor hate, he was also very embarrassed.

Some people list the emperor hate as the true spirit, but many people don't agree with it. The emperor hate has the strength far beyond the ordinary true spirit, and even the saints have nothing to do with it!

"I have the smell of emperor hate?" When he heard the old man's words, Luo Zheng was also full of confusion. He didn't know that he would have such strange things.

"It's just like," the old man said, "my son is young and has never seen emperor hate, but I have seen emperor hate before a god era, and I have seen emperor hate's hand."

At this point, his face showed fear and sadness, it seems to recall a sad memory.

The presence and absence of emperor's hatred will surely bring about devastating disaster. It can be imagined that the emperor's hatred at that time brought a heavy blow to the old man. Even after such a long time, he was still immersed in grief.

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