During this period, Luo Zheng's winning streak has quietly increased by 26 games

according to the rules of the arena, the increased points after continuous winning will be terrible!

When Luo Zheng defeated Tang Yu in the first game, he only added one point, but he directly won 120 points in the 26th game. Now Luo Zheng's total points have accumulated to more than 2200 terrible points.

Luo Zheng can only get three to six points in a game. The reason why he can accumulate such exaggerated scores is that he has been in a winning streak.

Although the woman behind Luo Zheng is the next true God, she has only accumulated 800 points. Therefore, when we see Luo Zheng's winning streak, we suddenly feel a very unreal feeling when we see Luo Zheng's points.

The woman was going to fix it, but now she doesn't want to leave. She wants to see how the boy has accumulated more than 2000 points.

Generally speaking, the score of the person who proves the martial arts is from zero to 600, that of the lower true God is from 600 to 2000, and that of the middle true God is from 2000 to 8000. The score of the upper true God and Da Yuanman is very unreasonable. Some da Yuanman's score can reach hundreds of thousands, even millions

There used to be a lot of elite talents who entered the arena of gods for the first time and quickly gained points by winning in a row. Just like Luo Zheng, after winning 26 games in a row, the bonus points added up to some median gods!

However, the accumulated points are very "virtual", because only one defeat in a row will result in the loss of a large number of points. In the arena of the gods, no one can guarantee that he will never lose, and soon the points of such a person will slowly return to normal.

Luo Zheng didn't know his points, which attracted the attention of others. After he activated his jade card, he fell into the jade of the gods!

"Dream, what are you looking at?"

A woman nearby noticed her strange behavior and asked curiously.

The woman called Rumeng stupidly pointed to the front of the sign. The woman looked at it and was stunned. "God, 26 consecutive wins, more than 2000 points!"

It's really amazing that the person who proves the magic and martial arts has more than 2000 points. It's not long since Luo Zheng just entered the purple soul hall, and the person who proves the magic and martial arts like him has only accumulated dozens of points!

Because the woman's exclamation attracted more people's attention, so more people gathered behind Luo Zheng and "looked forward" to his almost abnormal achievements!

"More than 2000 points, indeed many, but these points are virtual points!"

It was pointed out that the rules of the arena of the gods are not secret on the floating island.

"Well, because he hasn't tasted defeat now, the score of winning streak reward is very high. Once he loses, he will lose most of his points, and then he will be included in the ranking."

"I'm curious when he'll win in a row. It's reasonable that he won't be too weak now!"

Even though Luo Zheng's score is so high, it has not attracted a large area of attention in the whole God arena. The reason is very simple, that is, Luo Zheng has no ranking!

According to the rules of the gods arena, it's impossible to calculate the ranking if you win all the time. Luo Zheng doesn't lose now, so he's not counted in the ranking of those who prove the magic and martial arts. Most people don't know that there is a person who proves the magic and martial Arts in the purple soul temple. He has won 26 games in a row and has accumulated more than 2000 points

At this stage, Luo Zheng's opponents are at the top of the Shenwu practitioners, and there is hardly a weak one. Only with Luo Zheng's current strength, it is almost difficult for the Shenwu practitioners to compete with him, so Luo Zheng can still maintain the momentum of crushing!

Scene 27

"Twenty six wins in a row! More than 2000 points, tut Tut, if I win you, my points will double at one time, right There is a shadow in the air slowly descending, lengthening the voice, light smile way.

Luo Zheng's opponent looks 267 years old. He has a pair of slender willow eyebrows. He looks very beautiful, but there is an evil force between the eyebrows.

"Your name is mu? Are you a herdsman? " In the competition before, Luo Zheng seldom understood the opponent's information, but this time he asked.

The boy named Mu Chen has won six games in a row, and has accumulated more than 1200 points. He is already an excellent one among those who prove the magic and martial arts. According to Luo Zheng's inference, Mu Chen should be an important person in the family.

"I'm curious, since you can win 26 games in a row, why don't you know me?" Mu Chen stares at Luo Zheng, and his eyes show a trace of discontent. It seems that Luo Zheng does not know that his existence is a great sin!

"Now I know," Luo Zheng replied calmly. Because of Mu Haiji, he doesn't like the herdsmen. However, Luo Zheng won't show his emotions here. His goal is to earn more points.

"It's good to know," Mu Chen said with a smile. It was like a gust of wind blowing toward Luo Zheng. With his hands gently blowing, two pale short swords from between his hands had floated out, and they were smeared towards Luo Zheng's neck with a strange and tricky angle.Since Luo Zheng won 20 games in a row, his opponent is not so simple.

Although these opponents didn't prove Shinto and unite the spirit, they either have very powerful martial arts skills or can use the Taoist connotation of Shinto to to the limit. In terms of strength alone, they have far exceeded those world masters Luo Zheng contacted in Dayan's universe!

When he first entered the divine realm, Luo Zheng was almost surprised by the weak strength of the world leaders, that is, those who proved the magic and martial arts. However, the top ones who met on the floating island have gradually changed Luo Zheng's impression. These people are far more powerful than Luo Zheng imagined. At least they all have the strength and talent no less than the "Taoists".

It's a pity that Luo Zheng's strength is not what it used to be. No matter how powerful he is, he can hardly be his opponent

In the face of Mu Chen's two short swords, which were strangled in a strange direction, Luo Zheng didn't flash. Instead, he didn't have to rush towards them!

"I'm so confident. It seems that you are just like that..." Mu Chen split his mouth and said with a smile.

At the same time, the two short swords in his hand suddenly began to dance rapidly. At this moment, the originally dim two short swords released dazzling silver light. These silver lights kept crisscrossing, which was about to wring Luo Zheng's head in!

Silver scales split and chopped

This is a fighting skill created by Mu Haiji.

The true gods naturally can't use such martial arts. They just use Shinto. The reason why muhaiji created this set of martial arts is for Muchen!

Even Mu Chen's two handed short swords are made by Mu Hai himself. The left hand short sword is called "white fur", and the right hand short sword is called "silver scale". These two short swords are made for mu Chen. It can be seen that Mu Hai has great love for mu Chen!

Mu Chen has also fought for thousands of games in the arena of the gods. Like Luo Zheng, he has just entered the arena of the gods and experienced a continuous winning process. He has won "21 games" in a row and lost in the 22nd game before he has his own ranking.

In the thousands of battles, none of the opponents who were involved in the silver scale chopping could be spared.

Therefore, Mu Chen saw that Luo Zheng didn't dodge, and his eyes immediately showed contempt. If Luo Tianxing had enough knowledge, he should know that the silver scales were broken and chopped so badly that he would not stand here like a stupid chicken to strangle himself.

However, when the silver light that Mu Chen waved was one foot away from Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng finally moved.

His body was full of toughness at this moment, and he swam to the rear in an instant. At the same time, his hands suddenly spread out, grabbing the rotating white light from left to right!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Those white lights cut in Luo Zheng's hands, making a sweet and crisp sound. Although the short sword is extremely sharp, it's like cutting on an indestructible treasure. The silver scale cutting only left a few white marks on Luo Zheng's hands.

While Luo Zheng blocked the rotation of the two daggers, he also took advantage of this opportunity to hold Mu Chen's hands

Mu Chen didn't expect that Luo Zheng could break his silver scales by such a simple and domineering way. His face was still a silly expression.

At the same time, he also felt a great power from his hands!

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