In the forbidden area of Shenlian, Luo Zheng was once forged by unknown fire with tassels

It was also because they were forged by different fire that they were favored by the bengshan people. Otherwise, they would be afraid that they would not be able to leave the bengshan people for a while.

Perhaps it's because the fragrance of Doue of bengshan nationality can inspire the most primitive instinct of any living creature. That hug is deeply engraved in the heart with tassels. It is still fresh in my memory when I think of it. She has been thinking of Luo Zheng.

But she also knew that Luo Zheng was destined to be just a passer-by in her life.

He is burdened with blood feud, has the talent against heaven, also has the lofty ambition, but what he wants to accomplish is doomed to be an impossible thing.

Even though Han Liusu is clearly aware of this, she notices Luo Tianxing. When she judges that Luo Tianxing and Luo Zheng may be one person, Han Liusu has no reservation in her heart. She wants to do everything she can to help him.

But she didn't expect that the situation would come to this stage. First, Luo Zheng killed Xie Jiao, while Leng linyue wanted to kill Luo Zheng.

Just now she has got rid of Uncle Gong and asked her brother hancangyan to come here as soon as possible. Somehow, hancangyan hasn't arrived yet.

In a hurry, Han Liusu can only hold Luo Zheng in his arms, and at the same time urge his own spirit to draw out the blue fire of the inner world, completely wrapping her and Luo Zheng in it

"Ah, sister, if you do this, you will not burn nalaotian..." With the first month staring at the flames.

Han Bi Luo is also staring at this scene, whispered: "I don't know if Luo Tianxing can afford to live."

"How can he resist his sister's fire? Do you forget how strong it is?" Han Chuyue asked.

They are the closest people to tassel. They know the terrible blue fire on tassel. As a child, Han Chuyue was warned not to get too close to her sister. However, Han Chuyue seldom listens to such warnings and still likes to run with her sister.

Strange to say, when Han Chuyue was beside Han Liusu, her uncontrollable abnormal fire never broke out.

However, the uncontrollable outbreaks of Han Chuyue also left a terrible impression on Han Chuyue. Because of her strange fire, Han's family did not dare to serve Han's daily life for a period of time.

Two little girls staring at this scene, that Luo Tianxing after all is for their two girls, didn't expect to be burned to death by his sister, it's too pitiful.

Leng linyue and other rich families also believe that Luo Zheng will be burned to death.

They have also heard of the magical flame on Han tassel. Even some of them have been defeated by Han tassel in the arena of the gods, which is also the gift of the flame


The blue flame stops around the tassel. From the outside, you can only feel the temperature of this strange fire, but you can't see the internal situation, and even the divine consciousness can't penetrate it. The tassel has no sign of stopping!

Leng Lin Yue has been staring at the flame for a long time. He hates Luo Zheng very much in his heart. It's the so-called "live to see people and die to see corpses". Even if Luo Zheng burns a handful of ashes, he will see it with his own eyes. But Han tassel doesn't mean to remove the flame at all.

With the cultivation of the lower real God with tassels, it is not a problem for her to burn the flame for more than ten days.

"Enough, fringes!" Leng linyue said faintly, the resentment in his eyes had gradually dissipated

He was very excited just now, but now he has calmed down. Thinking of the overall situation of the Leng family, his performance just now is really impulsive. He has forgotten his father's instruction. It can be said that he can't bear to make a big plan. If their Leng family's plan is completed, what is a mere family?


The flame was still beating wildly, and there was no sound in it.

"If you don't remove the flame, I'll put it out by force," Leng Lin Yue added, vaguely threatening.

Leng Lin Yue certainly couldn't extinguish the flame completely, but he naturally had a way to split the flame to see the real situation.

But with tassels still deaf.

In this fire, the tassel holds Luo Zheng tightly again

She has not experienced many things in her life. Although she was the first daughter of the holy emperor of the Han family from the day she was born, she has always been regarded as the apple of her eye. She was treated a hundred times better than her brother Han cangyan, but she spent most of her time in loneliness and helplessness. From the beginning of remembering, she hated the abnormal fire in her body, because these flames were regarded as her It is heterogeneous.

Nowadays, many young people in the rich families envy the talent and ability with tassels. With her overbearing strange fire, she easily won the third place in the ranking of the next true God. She even has the momentum to climb up. But they don't know how much tassel hated their talent.


The flame with fringes and Luo Zheng is divided into two layers. Nowadays, the control ability of the flame with fringes has become stronger, and the inner flame is spiraling rapidly, which can almost block everything.But she is still worried. If Leng Lin Yue really wants to break her flame, she should still be able to do it.

She gently touched Luo Zheng's cheek and looked at Luo Zheng's golden body. The tiny golden Sanskrit was still spinning and absorbing her flame.

If before she thought that "Luo Tianxing" might be Luo Zheng, now she is 100% sure, and only Luo Zheng can survive her abnormal fire without injury

Seeing this scene, there is a feeling of happiness with tassels.

She likes Luo Zheng not because of his excellent talent and strength, but because of a sense of destiny.

Luo Zheng seems to have a natural need to burn his body with fire. In the process of burning, he can become stronger, while tassel is born to release this strange fire. She feels that she and Luo Zheng are a pair of fates. Women are very superstitious about this when they experience love. There is no doubt that tassel is at this stage.

"Why didn't you come to me when you came to the floating island of Hanjia Murmured tassel.

If it wasn't for hanbiluo's return to hanjiazu, if it wasn't for these things happened here, I'm afraid she would never know that Luo Zheng was on the floating island.

Luo Zheng didn't speak, but made an innocent expression, as if he had recognized the wrong person with tassels

At the beginning, Luo Zheng really intended to be hard headed not to admit it, so he had nothing to do with it. It never occurred to me that he still needed this woman to protect him. With this strange fire, his body was in such a state that the truth came out.

"Afraid I'll betray you?" Contain tassel to continue to ask a way, perhaps in her heart also take a grudge, faintly already had the tone of questioning.

She does know the identity of Luo Zheng and knows some of his secrets, but it doesn't mean that she will stand on the side of the holy churches On the contrary, she will try her best to help Luo Zheng!

Seeing the serious expression of tassel, Luo Zhengcai said in a low voice: "no, I'm afraid of implicating you..."

In fact, under Luo Zheng's consideration, Tassels and the first month of tassels are indeed uncontrollable factors, but Luo Zheng is also afraid of implicating tassels. Because once the elders of Han family know the truth, they will not be on Luo Zheng's side. I'm afraid that Han tassel will be more difficult to do.

Hearing Luo Zheng's reply, Han Liusu's face was a little pale, and his eyes became gentle. At the same time, he said in a soft voice, "even if it's related to me, it's better than my present situation."

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