The killing sword array was used by Luo Zheng to watch Xi Youqin. Its power is really terrible.

Even though xiyouqin was only the leader of the world at that time, he could kill Tianzun with the killing sword array. I'm afraid there were more than five tianzuns who died in the killing sword array.

Moreover, the Four Swords used by xiyouqin are the four swords that have been transformed from the divine lines of the Tianwei clan, and their power is greatly reduced.

Just as Luo Zhengzhen has mastered the changes of the four swords of the killing sword array, and can use them at will, there will be a qualitative change in his strength at this stage

Han Jiuyi's voice fell, and countless invisible swords began to merge with each other. With the continuous rolling of purple fog, they condensed into four swords.

Luo Zheng can distinguish the shape of the four swords by the outline drawn by purple fog.

One of the swords is surrounded by vines, so you can see the raised irregular outline of vines around the sword body. This sword is a long vine sword.

The end of a sword is like Maitreya, and the middle is wide as a wheel. This is the Buddha's sword.

Another sword is like a pagoda. This is Chongyang sword.

The last sword is full of sharp teeth. This is Tianya sword.

"You can trace the shape of these four swords with your strength," Han Jiuyi said in a commanding tone.

"This The shape of the sword doesn't matter, does it Luo Zheng asked, does he need those four swords to set up the killing sword array? Now that he is shaping his sword with strength, he will not have such limitations.

"Don't talk nonsense," Han Jiuyi gave a cold drink. In this way, she imparted her unique knowledge to this boy. How could she have so many ideas

"Oh," Luo Zheng nodded and silently extracted the power source of Shentai nine stars.

In fact, Luo Zheng didn't understand the real power tracing. He couldn't trace the power of Daotai eightfold. His biggest convenience is that he can directly use the supernatural power to shape at will, which is equivalent to crossing from the first stage of power tracing to the third stage!


After Luo Zheng drew out those forces, he directly condensed them into shapes with his supernatural powers.

The first long sword turns into shape Ivy sword!

Luo Zheng as like as two peas, the nine Naga Fuji's power, long sword, was firmly impressed on her mind. Soon, a similar Naga Fuji appeared before Luo Zheng, but it was slightly smaller than the nine aunt, which was just a piece of cake for him.


When Luo Zheng began to draw the second one, the first one suddenly trembled and broke up.

"This..." Luo Zheng scratched his head.

With a cold smile, aunt Han said, "don't you realize the Dao Yun of big purple Qi? You don't know how to use the separation and control skills in Ziqi Shinto

However, Han Jiuyi didn't know that Luo Zheng didn't understand Da Ziqi. What really understood Da Ziqi was the immeasurable ruler in his mind.

The two most outstanding abilities of Ziqi are chemical and manipulation. For example, xiyouqin has a purple extreme Yin body. She is born with powerful manipulation ability, so she can command thousands of swords.

Of course, it's much easier to command those giant swords than what Luo Zheng is facing now, because Luo Zheng needs to maintain the changteng sword which is formed by tracing the shape with strength, and control another long sword to trace the shape again. It's very difficult for Luo Zheng to maintain it without opening the Ziqi Shinto.

Under Han Jiuyi's instruction, a purple light flashed on a small scale of the limitless ruler in Luo Zheng's mind. At the same time, a purple light flashed in Luo Zheng's eyes.

The Taoist connotation of Ziqi Shinto

At the same time, Luo Zheng coagulates the first long rattan sword again. Then he gently waves his arm and carefully extracts the source of his strength at the moment of opening his hand.



"Buddha emperor sword!"

The Second Buddha sword was condensed by Luo Zheng

Luo Zheng was not a bit happy in his heart. His eyes flashed again and took advantage of the situation to pursue.

"The third one..."


The third Chongyang sword was also condensed by Luo Zheng.

However, the three swords appeared at the same time for only half a breathing time, and the three swords broke up at the same time.

"Bad, come again!" Han Jiuyi sneered.

The expression on her face was very disdainful, but in fact, she was in a violent shock.

Luo Xiao's son is a bit too gifted!

When she first stepped into Yasheng, she gained the supernatural power and thought about how to transform the killing sword array. According to Luo Xiao's prediction, she also tried to trace her strength and restore the Four Swords intact.

But it took her a full month to form two long swords at the same time, and the third one took almost half a year.

It's been a year and a half since she blinked, but she's not satisfied with the speed.But now

Luo Zheng only tried twice, and he could gather three powerful swords at the same time.

Confident with nine aunt at this moment suddenly have a hurt feeling, in the end is his talent is not enough, or Luo Zheng too evil.

"Come again, come again. I'm just beginning to practice. Why..." Luo Zheng murmured that he also felt that Han Jiu's request was too much.

"What's in the mouth?" Contain nine aunt don't have good facial expression of ask a way.

Luo Zheng turned his lips and did not dare to speak any more. He continued to extract the source of strength and trace its shape.

After the third attempt, Luo Zheng had been able to keep three long swords breathing for three times. After three breaths, three long swords collapsed at the same time.

The fourth try, twenty breaths

The fifth try, half time

The sixth time, a stick of incense

Luo Neng has stabilized his sword in the third Long March.

"How's it going?" Luo Zheng asked with a smile.

"Average..." Contain nine aunt in the heart of five miscellaneous Chen, she once again in the heart of doubt his talent.

These two fathers and sons are really a virtue.

At that time, Han Jiuyi fell in love with Luo Xiao. When she was practicing in Dayan, she was hit by Luo Xiao's powerful talent and understanding ability again and again. She also grew up quickly under Luo Xiao's strict requirements and attacks again and again.

At that time, aunt Han Jiuyi also understood that her talent might not catch up with this man in her whole life. However, Luo Xiao was also a saint at that time, and she should be inferior to him. She adored Luo Xiao, and naturally there was no gap in her heart. It seems that she should be inferior to Luo Xiao.

Now his son is here again, and his son is the one who proves the magic and martial arts. At this moment, Han Jiuyi's heart is full of depression and jealousy. Not to mention Yasheng's broad-minded mind, women are still cautious saints when they cultivate to be saints.

"Now that you have mastered three swords, you should start the fourth one," aunt Han Jiuyi continued. "I have slowed down the time flow in the purple heaven Jedi. You can practice here slowly."

Time is still very precious to Luo Zheng. It's only more than two months to recalculate the ranking of floating island. If he wastes a few months in the purple heaven Jedi, the ranking will be born, and I'm afraid the purple soul hall will have to withdraw 80% of its disciples.

At the same time, it is an order of magnitude more difficult to trace the shape of Four Swords than three swords. Luo Zheng's first attempt even broke up without completing the shape of the swords.

But Luo Zheng's face didn't change, and his glasses didn't blink, which once again urged the source of his strength

as like as two peas, nine of her aunt kept silent and looked at the back of Luo Zheng, and her eyes were glistening with obscurity. The Luo's sign of serious training was almost the same as Luo Xiao's, and she kept her nine aunt's thoughts flying, returning to those days she practiced in the purple pole. In order to let herself drill into the sword array, Luo Xiao made her gently close her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw the purple pole. The world is full of huge swords.

It was a huge sword of 99.9 billion. It was dotted in the sky of the purple world, and she could control it as she wanted. At that time, she was full of joy

After ten days, Luo Zheng was able to make the Four Swords have a breathing time at the same time.

It was six months before Han Jiuyi did this.

Two months later, Luo Zheng's four powerful swords can exist in five breathing spaces at the same time

Six months later, the four swords were finally stabilized.

In the past six months, Luo Zheng did not seem to have any other thoughts. He was still concentrating on coagulating the sword, collapsing, coagulating the sword, collapsing, and constantly repeating this boring process.

Fortunately, Han Jiuyi changed the flow of time and spent half a year in the purple sky Jedi, only three days in the outside world.

Now that the four swords are finally completed, aunt Han Jiuyi begins to teach the operation of the killing sword array.

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