The gap between the top 200 in the arena of the gods is not big.

After all, there are more than 30 floating islands in a rich family. There are four or five top talents in each rich family, nearly 200 people.

Luo Zheng's opponents at this stage are almost the same as xuanyue Mu's.

That encounter Xuan Yue mu, if not rely on ice soul evil flame, Luo Zheng may have lost.

In order to fight with the top 200 real gods, Luo Zheng needs to sacrifice the sword array to be safe.

At this stage, there is still one and a half months to go before the floating island is ranked again. Luo Zheng, who has won 22 games in a row and has 370000 points, is not so anxious. He needs to wait for the last period of time and win a few more key competitions.

In this way, even if other people find that Luo Zheng comes from Han's family, it's too late to think about Luo Zheng. This is Han Jiuyi's strategy.

But Luo Zheng suddenly left the hall of the gods, but the geniuses were worried.

Including tassels!

This time, there was a great conflict with Leng linyue, and Han Liusu was also under a heavy pressure.

It's her intention to quarrel with Leng linyue, but as a member of the Han family, she also has to consider the overall situation. Many times, the children of rich families are more helpless than ordinary people.

Now Han Liusu ranks third in the next real God. It's extremely difficult for her to continue to win in a row. Even if she wins three or even four times in a row, it's only thousands of points, which can't change the overall situation.

During this period, Han cangyan also persisted in the arena of the gods, and his brother took part in the leapfrog battle, challenging the upper true God with the cultivation of the middle true God. The difficulty can be imagined.

After his brother won three consecutive victories, he was followed by three consecutive defeats. Those superior gods can fly in the air at will, and can cultivate to the superior gods, so their talent will not be too bad. Han cangyan worked very hard in the leapfrog battle.

Even if his brother didn't say anything, tassel knew that he was doing it for himself.

Brother also does not want to see the face of the cold family, he wants to use his own strength to help himself, but this is beyond the strength range of cangyan, or too reluctantly!

But with tassels, there's another chance.

Recently, an anonymous player who took part in the leapfrog war suddenly appeared in the hall of the gods. He won 22 games in a row and accumulated more than 300000 points in a short time. That's a shocking number.

If this guy wins another seven or eight games, the points will go straight to millions.

At that time, if you beat the anonymous, you can take 90% of his extra points. At that time, a person with tassel will be equivalent to the points owned by a Da Yuanman. If you calculate according to the number of people on the floating island, the ranking of Hanjia floating island is bound to be preserved, even enough to raise Hanjia one or two!

Everyone is looking forward to the winning streak of the anonymous, including tassel, who is even more urgent than others.

Only five days later, the ranking of anonymous people was always fixed at 96, and they never participated in a contest, which made Han Liusu very discouraged.

Almost every day, she would enter Yubi, leave her room and wander around the door of the anonymous's room.

It's not only mu Ning with tassels, who ranks first, Tang Fangyuan, who ranks second, and Zhao Chen, who ranks 196. All of them are qualified or have the opportunity to challenge the lower true God of the anonymous. They all hope to create a miracle and are willing to make a huge contribution to their rich family!

"Is the anonymous afraid? I haven't been in the hall of the gods for five days in a row. "

"He went from more than 900 to 96 directly. No matter which club he came from, 22 consecutive wins and more than 300000 points are enough for him to get everything he wants!"

"I guess I know how many pounds I have, so I'll take it when it's good? I think it's hopeless. We don't have to run to see it every day. Let's go. "

Although the speaker advised everyone to break up, the man did not leave. Obviously, he still had a glimmer of hope for the anonymous, hoping that he would suddenly open the door of his room.

"Nothing new about anonymous?" Tassels around the round steps slowly down, she saw that Han xiuran is also in it, then asked.

Han xiuran is one of the 130 children of the Han family. He is also a gifted person in the Han family, but his status and strength can't be compared with Han Liusu in any case. Hearing Han Liusu's question, he nodded respectfully to Han Liusu, "Princess Huichang, there's no new news, but xuanyuemu seems to know something, but he doesn't want to reveal it Come out

So far, the strongest anonymous encounter in the arena of the gods is Xuan Yuemu, who has dropped his ranking.

Those inferior gods may not be able to force the real strength of the anonymous, but xuanyuemu should be able to do it!

"Those guys in the xuanyue family are very unkind. Anyway, the ranking of the floating island doesn't matter to them at all. Xuanyuemu just keeps his mouth shut!" Another talent said angrily.

With a slight sigh, in fact, sometimes with a fringe in doubt, anonymous may be Luo Zheng.On that day, Luo Zheng showed great strength, at least killed Xie Jiao, who ranked No. 40. Although there was a certain element of luck, considering Luo Zheng's amazing performance in Shenlian forbidden area, the possibility still exists.

She sent people to the purple soul hall several times to inquire about Luo Zheng's recent situation. All of them said that Luo Zheng was engaged in cultivation under the guidance of Han Jiuyi.

She wants to go to the purple soul hall for verification, but Luo Zheng has been staying in hanjiu's palace. Thinking of hanjiu's teasing tone, Hanliu feels uneasy, and dare not go to the purple soul hall again.

If the anonymous is really Luo Zheng, that's the best thing. In this way, Hanjia floating island will get a huge extra point. If not? With so many rich and powerful families, it's possible for any family to come up with an evil genius.

"It's boring to stay here all the time and plan to take advantage of anonymity. How about I invite you with tassels?" Suddenly a frivolous voice came.

With tassel looked up, it was Qin Tianxuan who stood not far away and spoke to himself.

Qin Tianxuan also belongs to the core children of the Qin family. The descendants of the holy emperor of the Qin family, if they hadn't used dahongyuan in the forbidden area of Shenlian at the beginning, now Qin Tianxuan would be at least in the top ten.

The emperor of the Qin family helped Qin Tianxuan to suppress the backfire of great desire, making Qin Tianxuan the next true God. But he still had a great influence on Qin Tianxuan, at least limited his talent. Now Qin Tianxuan is only ranked in the 21st place, but his strength can not be underestimated.

Qin Tianxuan still has some resentment against Han Liusu. It was Han Liusu who brought Luo Zheng into Tianqiong clan that made Qin Tianxuan suffer such a big loss.

"Not interested," fringed coldly.

"The eldest princess won't show her respect?" Qin Tianxuan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I heard that you and Leng linyue are not quite right recently!"

These scandals between the rich and powerful families spread very fast. Although Qin Tianxuan and Leng linyue's rich and powerful families did not go together, they clearly understood very well, "it is said that there is a witness in your Han family, and Xie Jiao was killed on the spot. I wonder if this witness is anonymous? It seems that guy's name is Luo Tianxing, right? "

With tassel can guess Luo Zheng, others can also guess him.

After all, Luo Zheng killed Xie Jiao and injured Leng linyue in front of the public. It's not a secret.

Since the man who proved his martial arts has the strength to kill Xie Jiao, he naturally has the strength to participate in the leapfrog war.

It's just that Luo Zheng didn't step on the ranking list from the beginning, and he was directly anonymous after he took part in the leapfrog war. There are too few clues left for others to explore, so no one can determine the identity of the anonymous person, just like Qin Tianxuan.

"Maybe, I've sent someone to inquire about it, but it seems that Yasheng of our Han family is teaching him the purple spirit Shinto," tassel replied faintly. She can't be sure of the real situation, so she doesn't need to cover up anything, otherwise it will only increase the suspicion of others.

"I see!" Qin Tianxuan said faintly that he was just speculating.

Just as his voice fell, a solemn voice suddenly came from the hall of the gods full of the lower true God, "Luo Jiayu Taibai openly challenges the herdsman Mu Xuerong, and the lower true God can watch the open battle on the spot by paying 40 points..."

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