After brewing for a while, woo Taibai said, "after the ranking of the floating islands, the Zhao family, the Liu family and the Qin family The herdsmen, the Tang family, the Leng family and the Dongfang family will be banned from entering buzhouling mountain. "

His voice was quiet.

But in the audience immediately caused an uproar!

"What It's impossible

"Why don't we Tang family enter buzhouling mountain?"

"Yutaibai, do you have the ability to stop our cold home? What a joke

Whether it's the lower, the middle, or the upper, the true gods are very excited. It can be said that they are in a rage

However, the excited true gods belong to those families that yutaibai forbids to enter.

As for the Han family, Zhao family, Zhou family and other families, their faces didn't change much, and they even had some secret happiness.

Forbidden area is very important for the rich and powerful, which can be said to be the foundation of their foothold.

Because the vast amount of Shenwu coins and precious materials and minerals almost all come from the forbidden area. Over the years, the rich and powerful families have found out the forbidden area, and the competition has become increasingly fierce. Every time the forbidden area is opened, the children of the rich and powerful families compete. Although there are many real gods falling into the forbidden area, any family and any real God are still flocking to it.

Buzhouling mountain is one of the four forbidden areas, and among them, it is relatively mild.

Among the four forbidden areas, the ghost wasteland is too secretive and changeable, while the Longxuan forest is fierce and fierce, and the abyss is the devil's land Needless to say, even if this place is the upper true God, it will be more or less dangerous. The fall of Da Yuanman and Yasheng is nothing new.

So simply consider from the value, zhoulingshan is the most important for all the rich!

"Zhao family, Liu family, Qin family, Mu family..."

Luo Zheng keeps in mind what Yu Taibai said.

It's not just muhaiji who destroyed the Luo family. I'm afraid a single muhaiji is not qualified to fight against the Luo family. I'm afraid these are the powerful families who attacked the Luo family in those years.

"If the Han family, the xuanyue family, the sword family and the family members enter buzhouling mountain, I will open Yunlong stream to you. The reason is This As he spoke, Yu Taibai casually raised his hand and made a gesture

When others saw the gesture, they didn't know what it meant.

Besides, if yu Taibai gives some preferential treatment to Gu family, it's reasonable. Luo Xiao and Gu Bei had a good relationship at that time, and the relationship between Luo family and Gu family was not bad. But when it comes to Han family, xuanyue family and sword family, what's the matter?

At the beginning of the Luo family's suffering, although the latter three families did not fall into the trap, they did not help each other.

"What is the meaning of that gesture of Yu Taibai?"

"It's like some kind of code. What is he implying?"

"I don't know. I know that once Yu Taibai really takes control of Buzhou Lingshan, he will make trouble sooner or later. Ah If you can't go to buzhouling mountain in the future, you can't all go to Longxuan forest, can you? "

In this fictional world, there are still some existence that others can't detect.

Some sages from rich families are also quietly watching Yu Taibai

The sage of the Tang family couldn't help it. He finally asked, "yutaibai, you are not the only one in the forbidden area. What qualifications do you have to prevent us from entering the Tang family?"

The sage of the Tang family has a hot temper. His voice is as loud as thunder. It reverberates in people's ears, but it makes people's eardrums roar for the rest of their lives.

Yu Taibai looked at the distance indifferently and replied: "from the moment I control buzhouling mountain, buzhouling mountain is owned by me alone. Do you have any opinions?"

"You The sage of the Tang family was very angry, "Shi Xiaoqiao is not as overbearing as you are!"

Now there are two masters of the four forbidden areas

The first one is Shi Xiaoxiao, who controls the soul famine. However, Shi Xiaoxiao has been missing for many years and only recently appeared in Dayan.

After she took control of the ghost famine, she didn't intervene in it and let the rich family's children go in and out freely.

If Shi Xiaoxiao is not happy one day, she is really qualified to close the door of soul famine to the rich and powerful families. This is one of the reasons why Shi Xiaoxiao has a special position in the eyes of saints. If she wins over a woman like Shi Xiaoxiao, she will control the soul famine. Moreover, after controlling the soul famine, Shi Xiaoxiao can also use the scepter in the soul famine to show "the instant silence of the gods." Ability is a great threat even to saints.

Today, yutaibai is the second. Just after he took control of buzhoulingshan, the boy announced that he would close down the powerful families that once oppressed the Luo family. Not only that, the saints still don't know what buzhoulingshan's ability is. If not, zhoulingshan would give yutaibai more powerful ability, which would make the Saints restless.

"Shi Xiaoqiao is Shi Xiaoqiao, and I am myself. When you faced the Luo family, you should have thought that one day would come. This is just the beginning, just the beginning..." Yu Taibai smiles coldly, and even has a sense of ferocity on his face. At last, he seems to remember something, "by the way, don't chase me anymore. I only warn you once, and I won't show mercy next time!"After Yu Taibai finished speaking, his figure dissipated, and the bloody world in the arena of the gods began to disappear, surrounded by darkness.

The real gods are discussing and leaving slowly. It's like a curtain call theater. Only Luo Zheng is alone in it

"That gesture It was Luo Yan who taught Yu Taibai, "Luo Zheng stood in place, his heart trembling slightly.

Since childhood, Luo Zheng has been protecting his younger sister. But when he sees Yu Taibai making that gesture, it turns into Luo Yan. It seems that she is going to protect her brother in turn

Since it's Xingwei's arrangement to sneak into the ancestral land of Han's family, Yu Taibai can't have no idea. He should have guessed that he has entered Han's family, so he takes this opportunity to give a hint to himself.

Yu Taibai mentioned Gu family, xuanyue family and Jian family as the three big floating island giants. The purpose should be just to distract attention. After all, it would be too obvious to only target at one Han family. Now even if the saints have doubts, it is almost impossible to find Luo Zheng from these four giants.

"Buzhouling mountain, Yunlong stream," Luo Zheng nodded slightly and disappeared quietly in this space.

Deep in the sea of time, there is a sea of clouds in front of the holy Hall

An old man with a ruddy face stood in front of the holy hall, his face full of anger. He was the sage of the Tang family, Tang Lun.

As a very old sage, Tang Lun has never had such a big temper!

"Yutaibai, how to deal with it?" Tang Lun cried angrily.

Since the age of gods, the development of the Tang family has been quite fast, rising from 261 to ninth. The most important reason is buzhouling mountain. Among the rich families, the Tang family knows the forbidden area buzhouling mountain most thoroughly and has the most complete information. Every time they explore buzhouling mountain, their children always gain the most.

Therefore, in the arena of gods, Tang Lun was the first sage who could not hold his breath.

"At the beginning, you didn't kill all of them and let the boy develop steadily in buzhoulingshan. Now he really controls buzhoulingshan. Now he's regretting it again?" A faint voice floated out.

"We won't compromise with Yu Taibai, but don't you find Yu Taibai's hint? He has been ready for such a long time, and now it seems that he really has a big move... "

"This Yu Taibai is as good at layout as Luo Xiao. It's not bad that he doesn't move. Once he starts, he's ready for everything!"

"I just don't know which club he is alluding to and for whom?" There are too many clues missing, and these saints can't get to the point.

"Hum, no matter what layout Yu Taibai has, can he really level the floating island with his ability? It's really shameful. It's not necessarily a bad thing to give up a forbidden area. We can continue to develop the Longxuan forest and the abyss demon kingdom together. Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises... "

"Ah, when brother Dongfang leaves, we can ask him..."

There are many forbidden areas, big and small, in the divine realm, and even some small forbidden areas have not been thoroughly studied, among which there may not be big opportunities.

However, what the sages said was light, but it was not easy to replace Bu Zhou Lingshan for a while, otherwise Tang Lun would not be so angry.

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