What's dongfangjia's attitude towards anonymity? How to deal with it?

This has nothing to do with Mu Ning. Her goal is to get points from anonymous people.

If it is normal, we will not covet the anonymous's points too much, because the ranking of floating islands generally changes once every several decades. Even if we rob the anonymous's points, we will become the target of others.

Although Mu Ning is in the first place among the lower gods, who can guarantee that he will not be defeated all the way?

In the end, the high points will be gradually diluted in the competition

But now it's different. The ranking of floating island is about to be decided. She has finished three compulsory contests this month. If she wins the anonymous contest, she can guarantee that all the points are on her own, which is equivalent to a big success for the herdsman. At that time, she will have more points than her sister Mu Xuerong.

The key is to defeat the anonymous. Mu Ning is well prepared for this battle.

There are two very different forces in the potential spreading from her body

One is killing Shinto.

The most practiced Shinto in many rich families is basically the five elements Shinto.

However, different from the herdsmen, the way that muhaiji proved in those years was killing Shinto, which is also the most practiced way in the whole herdsmen.

Mu Xuerong is, Mu Ning is also

However, Mu Ning is slightly different from her sister. When she proves Shinto, she also understands another Shinto, which is life Shinto.

At that time, Mu Ning was a little confused. The children of rich families understood many kinds of Shinto at the same time, but eventually they would major in one kind of Shinto, and the other Shinto was just auxiliary. However, when Mu Ning was condensing the divine character, ghosts and spirits condensed a very rare double divine character!

The divine case is divided into two parts from the middle. The divine case on the left is blood red, and the divine case on the right is turquoise. One divine case exudes two completely different breath

After his father Mu Haiji knew about this, he made a special trip to the tablet of life Shinto to observe, and then combined his own killing Shinto with life Shinto to create a Taoist supernatural power suitable for mu Ning's cultivation.

The killing Shinto and the life Shinto were just like water and fire. They were in two absolute short periods. However, Mu Haiji had immersed countless gods in the killing Shinto. He just combined the two perfectly, and determined that Mu Ning would surpass her sister Mu Xuerong in her future cultivation.

This sentence has been fulfilled to a certain extent. Now Mu Ning has really won the first place among the lower gods. After defeating Han Liusu, she has not been defeated for several months in a row.


With the spread of the red and green light, it seems that all things are reviving on the bloody plain, and a full of vitality rushes towards Luo Zheng. Black and red plants burst out of the ground. These plants, which were originally inspired by the life Shinto, exude a strong sense of killing, as if they were plants growing in the abyss


Mu Ning's eyes blinked slightly, and the horsetail behind her swayed slightly. Her vigorous body was like a deer in the forest. Under constant bounce, she rushed towards Luo Zheng's face, and she had a Black Dagger in her hand!


The Black Dagger seemed to cut a part of the space. In an instant, it had been cut face to face towards Luo Zheng.

The two men had some tentative nature in their first fight. Luo Zheng didn't sacrifice the sword of the Buddha emperor, but dodged slightly to avoid it.

"Brush, brush, brush!"

, as like as two peas, were killed by the seven or eight methods. She was able to avoid the sword's sharp body.

"Will you just run away?" Mu Ning's eyes showed a trace of impatience.

People who practice killing Shinto are often affected by killing Shinto both physically and mentally. They like the feeling of crazy fighting. Mu Xuerong is like this, and Mu Ning is no exception. But Luo Zheng didn't fight her head-on. Her seven or eight swords were all chopped in the void, which made her extremely upset.

Luo Zheng light smile, a hand like lightning general out, unexpectedly want to take down Mu Ning's Black Dagger!


Mu Ning's face showed a sneer, and the Black Dagger suddenly picked it.

"Break through the blood shortage!"

The head of the sword turned and fell into the blood of the snake.

Although Luo Zheng retreated quickly, he was bitten by the blood snake. Mu Ning didn't chase him. She just stood in the same place and looked at Luo Zheng with pity. Under Luo Zheng's retreating, the blood on his arm kept pouring out!

Luo Zheng retreated more than ten feet in a row, and the blood in his hands also splashed wildly, forming a golden blood band on the ground.

When he stopped, he raised his arm and looked at it. There was no wound on the bite of the blood snake, but a unique blood red circular mark. In the blood red circular mark, there was a triangular hole, from which his own blood flowed.The small hole should have been bitten by the blood snake, but when was the round mark engraved?

ELO Zheng's flesh is full of Qi and blood. The healing of this small wound is almost in the blink of an eye. However, he has just retreated all the way back. This small wound has not been healed, but has formed a strange force to continuously draw away the blood from his flesh.

Strangely, when he stopped, his blood was no longer taken away

"Keep running?"

Mu Ning said with a faint smile, and suddenly cut out a bloody sword from a distance of more than ten Zhang.


The sword suddenly turned into a bloody wave and rolled towards Luo Zheng.

Forced helpless, Luo Zheng's body toward the side to retreat three Zhang distance, but he just began to move, the blood in the arm again crazy to the outside, leaving behind a three Zhang Long bloodstain.

"Don't you understand?" Mu Ning said with a faint smile, "I overestimated your strength. I was bitten by the blood shortage so soon. As long as you have any movement, the blood in your body will gush out along the wound until the last drop of blood in your body is drained!"

There is the magic power of "breaking blood" in the killing Shinto. No matter how defensive the opponent takes, "breaking blood" can always cause the most terrible wound to the opponent, and the wound is difficult to heal.

However, after Mu Haiji helped Mu Ning combine the killing Shinto and the life Shinto, he seemed to have a new understanding of the life Shinto, and then he helped Mu Ning create this "breaking the blood shortage bite". This kind of wound can't be healed at all, and as long as there is any displacement in the wound, it will trigger the power in the mark and madly draw the opponent's blood.

"Interesting supernatural powers beyond the Tao..." Luo Zheng light smile, "if I don't move, this move is not useless?"

Then he sat down with his knees crossed

"What a self righteous intelligence!" Mu Ning gave a cold smile, "I just want to know if you stay in the same place, you can hold on for several times in my hand..."

Before she finished her words, she saw that Luo Zheng's power fluctuated from left to right. The source of the power was quite thick and warped the space around him. Soon after, four invisible swords had been produced quickly.

Among them, the fohuang sword, Tianya sword and changteng sword were on his chest, while the Chongyang sword kept spinning around the top of Luo Zheng's head to protect him completely.

At the moment, Luo Zhengcai said, "I just want to know if I can kill you if I stay where I am."

"Kill God sword array, you have really completed..." Mu Ning's eyebrows were slightly picked, and her look was also alert.

Without waiting for mu Ning's voice to fall, Luo Zheng gently waved his hands and used the technique of separation and control of Ziqi Shinto. The Buddha's sword and Tianya's sword were like twin stars shuttling in the starry sky. They circled up and down and shot at Mu Ning.

And the long rattan sword is quietly into the ground, the next moment when drilling out, from the long rattan sword body has turned into invisible strength vines, winding toward Mu Ning!

There are four swords in the killing sword array. The changteng sword is mainly used to "entangle". The purpose is to entangle the opponent and then let the Buddha emperor sword to kill or the Tianya sword to strangle. As for the Chongyang sword circled around Luo Zheng, it is used to protect the Buddha.

This is the first time that Luo Zheng defends the enemy with a complete killing sword array. While he controls the four swords with fennian, he uses Daoyun in his mind to draw the immeasurable ruler again. The golden ring in his eyes suddenly appears, and he looks at the wound on his arm.

As a matter of fact, Mu Ning's practice is to kill Shinto. Luo Zheng naturally wants to bring it into the immeasurable scale, and he also wants to know what kind of secret means this "breaking the blood shortage bite" is.

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