This sentence left by Hanqing emperor is very meaningful, which makes hanjiu aunt, Hantian Xiao and the senior members of Hanjia stay on the spot.

Over the years, all kinds of actions of the Han family are trying to cling to the Oriental family. This is the decision of the emperor, and the people of the Han family are also indisputable. Han Jiuyi doesn't like it, but she doesn't say anything. After all, the rich family, the floating island and the huge family business of the Han family are all created by Han Qingdi.

Now listen to Han Qingdi, he seems to have another plan

"I don't know what the emperor wants to do," said Han Tian with a dry smile. As the head of the Han family, he seems to smell a trace of danger. What

does in the perspective of Tian Xiao and other family members is that it is not a big deal to join the league. There are even some advantages. After all, the Orient almost controlled the Templars. As long as the sages of the sword clan and the Xuan family do not speak, the eastern hall has the final say.

If you want to have a stable position in the sea of time, it is almost an inevitable choice to cling to Dongfang family. For example, Xie family and Liu family, who are in the last two places, soar to the sky with the help of Dongfang family.

"Hanqing emperor really can't condescend to others. Although he doesn't know what he's doing, he wants to take advantage of Dongfang Chunjun. I'm afraid he's going to drag the whole Hanqing family into the water," said Aunt hanjiu, turning away.

Since the establishment of the synagogue, the divine domain has stabilized thousands of divine eras

Han Jiuyi is a woman after all. Before that, she also vaguely understood that the layout of Luo Xiao and Gu Bei might disturb the whole divine realm, but she still didn't seriously think about her future, the future of Han family, and didn't make a clear response strategy.

Now it seems that Hanqing emperor has seen further than himself, and has chosen a right way.

Before Luo Zheng came to the floating island, she thought about building another floating island, and about the next chance to be canonized

So how should I choose?

At this time, Luo Zheng's figure flashed in aunt Han Jiu's mind.

Maybe my choice should be simpler?



The ranking of floating island is decided, and Luo Zheng returns to the cultivation chamber of purple soul hall again.

He began to collect the power of faith after he had gathered the spirit.

The action of the evil god was quite fast. The warriors in the inner world, and even the intelligent creatures of other races began to worship the statue of Luo Zheng.

Many years ago, Luo Zheng saw the power of belief in the world. For example, Xun's greatest reliance is the power of belief accumulated by the demon night clan. This power can be regarded as a kind of spiritual energy. After the continuous accumulation, quantitative changes will occur. The demon night clan even uses a special belief pool to store the power of belief.

And ZuLong was able to grow rapidly only by feeding on the power of belief.

But in Luo Zheng's inner world, a very strange scene happened.

The statues erected in cuisong city quickly became sacred objects in the hearts of all people. Every day, people worship them and offer their power of belief to their Lord.

The image of Luo Zheng did not need to be cleaned, and all dust and filth could not infect the image of the Lord.

But one day, after the worship, a young warrior looked up and said, "Lord! The image of the Lord is black

In the secret religion founded by evil gods, it is a blasphemous act to stare at the statue of Luo Zheng. Most people bow their heads to worship. By the time the young warrior says it, the statue of Luo Zheng is quite dark.

In fact, it's not just the statue of Tsui song city. Hundreds of statues scattered around the world have been dyed black after a period of time.

And the more people they worship, the darker the statue will be

"Who defiled the image of the Lord?"

"Who has the courage?"

"Find out and burn him..."

The pious people in cuisong city are noisy. They forget that these statues are sacred and inviolable. Few people can get close to them!

Luo Zheng's inner incarnation and evil spirit appear again in the sky of Cui song city.

The evil god looked at the black statue of Luo Zheng, his face was puzzled, "no! How can the power of belief make the statue like this

According to the time of the world, tens of thousands of years ago, the evil gods also collected the power of belief. At that time, Luo Zheng did not gather the spirit and could not use the power of belief. The power of belief collected by the evil gods at that time was normal, and Luo Zheng had witnessed it with his own eyes.

However, when he formally absorbed the power of belief after he gathered the spirit, this strange thing happened, which naturally made him very puzzled.

Luo Zheng went forward and put his hand on his statue. His face also showed a strange expression. He looked at the people kneeling on the ground, and then said to the evil god, "take this statue away first."

After that, Luo Zheng and the statue disappeared in the square of cuisong city at the same time, and the evil god naturally followed Luo Zheng away.

I didn't expect that Luo Zheng had just taken away the statue, and the people who paid homage to the statue began to wail one after another."Lord, don't abandon us

"We are your most loyal servants..."


It turned out that these people thought that Luo Zheng was angry with them, so they would take away the statue. With constant worship, Luo Zheng has become their spiritual sustenance.


Luo Zheng went back to his original place and turned his mouth. He was quite disgusted with Esoterism. But after he proved the Shinto, it was almost a required lesson to collect the power of belief and use the "power of belief" in the inner world.

Only saints don't care about the power of faith, because they can freely use the "power" in the whole world, just like in the world war, no matter the biggest fierce beast or the smallest grass in Dayan world exudes that power. Saints don't need to deliberately absorb the power of faith, even if someone establishes a secret religion in the world, or like the demon night clan If we take away the power of faith, the sage is too lazy to intervene.

In desperation, Luo Zheng gently waved his hand. In the slight earthquake, a brand-new statue rose up. With the fierce cheers, Luo Zheng turned away.

Snowy peak

The black statue of God in the background of snow, it is particularly eye-catching.

Luo Zheng reached out and grasped one hand of the statue. With a slight twist, only the hand of the stone suddenly broke. At the same time, a faint power came out from the gravel. He looked at the gravel in his hand and said, "it's also black inside..."

The evil god also picked up a piece of gravel and pondered: "the breath emitted from this stone is very similar to the power of belief, but why is it black?"

"The power of black faith What secret religion did you establish? " Luo Zheng asked.

Those believers with different beliefs have different colors and breath of belief.

Just like Xun is the killing king of the demon night clan, when countless demon night clan worship Xun, there will be a sense of killing, so the statue of Xun is blood red, and the power of belief collected by her belief pool is like a pool of blood, which also contains the idea of violence and killing.

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