Tang Xiuyuan's face was very white, and his heart was extremely depressed.

As a child of the Tang family, the ordinary middle God did not dare to speak in front of him, let alone the lower God.

Luo Zheng is not the elite of a rich family. He didn't expect this guy to fight back, and he wanted to kill himself!

But now his life is on the line, where dare to say more? Just begging for mercy.

Luo Zheng really doesn't want to provoke these rich families.

There are many excellent guys in these floating islands, and their talent is not as good as words, but some scum will emerge in the end.

He would try his best to ignore such a guy, but it's too much for Tang Xiuyuan to refuse.

But he still has concerns, and did not intend to kill Tang Xiuyuan, after all, his identity is sensitive, and this place for Luo Zheng is not safe at all!


Luo Zheng suddenly forced, directly swung Tang Xiuyuan up, heavily hit on the disc.

I don't know what this disc is made of. Its surface is extremely hard. Even as a middle God, Tang Xiuyuan is very uncomfortable to hit it.

In order to survive, Tang Xiuyuan continued to beg for mercy. Just after landing, the whole person's momentum suddenly changed. He thought that he was just attacked by Luo Zheng. If not, that boy would never have the chance to fight against him!

He turned over, and the momentum in his body had been released. But before he could stand still, he saw a figure in front of him. Facing him, he saw Luo Zheng lift his leg and chop down the front.


This huge power from top to bottom split in his head, the whole person can not bear this huge pressure, legs a soft, directly kneel in front of Luo Zheng.

"If you do it again, I will kill you directly. Don't think I dare not," Luo Zheng said coldly, looking down at Tang Xiuyuan.

Although Luo Zheng can't use the "power of belief" in the inner world, and can't escape the "power", his strength has been significantly strengthened after he has gathered the spirit, and the innate cultivation will make the whole person look new, whether it is the body or the soul.

Tang Xiuyuan felt that the cold momentum was like an invisible chopper, which stood on his neck. It seemed that as long as he moved again, the chopper would fall down without hesitation. He really knelt down in the same place and did not move, just like a obedient rabbit.

On this huge disk, all the people were silent. They were secretly looking at Luo Zheng and guessing the origin of Luo Zheng.

However, the number of true gods of the thirty-six rich families in Fudao is millions. Luo Zheng's only move was in the holy imperial city of Hanjia, where no one can recognize him.

Later, Luo Zheng ignored Tang Xiuyuan, turned back and stood on one side, his eyes fell on the sea of time again.

Seeing that Luo Zheng had distanced himself, Tang Xiuyuan slowly got up from the ground. Although he suffered great humiliation, he still did not dare to fight back.

He can't see through Luo Zheng's strength at all. The real gods with such strength are often the descendants of the emperor, but this guy Which family does it belong to? Why have you never seen it before?

There were also children of Han family present. These children left the floating island with Luo Zheng. Naturally, they knew that Luo Zheng was a member of their Han family, but they would not tell the origin of Luo Zheng. After all, they belonged to a floating island and a rich family.

At this time, a small black spot appeared on the sea in the distance, and all the true gods on the round platform suddenly became nervous.

Their only purpose here is to wait for the invitation of the blind people. Now a boat comes out, and I don't know who it is

The little black spot quickly approached. It was a cost-effective young man of the blind race. It took only about ten breaths to get close to the disc from the boat. When the boat came near, everyone held their breath, and there was hope on their faces.


The blind young man whistled and counted on Tang Xiuyuan.

"Me?" Tang Xiuyuan pointed to himself with a surprise on his face. At this moment, he even forgot all the humiliations he had just suffered.

Then he jumped up and jumped into the boat. Then he remembered something. He turned to Luo Zheng and said with a smile: "ha ha! A guy like you still expects to be invited by the blind. You can wait here for ten thousand years! "

Tang Xiuyuan is really very happy.

Luo Zheng just held his hands and looked at each other faintly. There was no change in his face.

As for the others, they were envious. No matter what, Tang Xiuyuan was invited by the blind

As soon as the boat left, someone pointed to the distance and said, "another boat is coming!"

When people looked in the direction he pointed out, there was a big black spot on the sea level. The black spot was constantly enlarged, revealing a big ship!

There are two kinds of boats for the blind people. One is a boat with only one person. It is usually driven by a blind people. The other is a big boat with a diameter of ten feet. When the floating island of the Zhou family falls into the sea, it will be used to send out a large number of children of the Zhou family. Usually, this kind of boat can't be seen."How did you send a big boat with a keel?"

"It's not going to take all of us!"

"You're dreaming..."

These true gods don't think that the dragon boat is here to pick up people. With the personality of the blind people, even the true gods of Da Yuanman don't have this treatment. Among the first people to be picked up, Da Yuanman, one of the big families, still left by boat.

But just under the public's attention, the dragon boat came slowly. On the splint of the Dragon Boat stood an old blind people.

"It's him," Luo Zheng recognized. The blind old man was the ferry man when he entered the sea of time.

"Distinguished guests, welcome to our blind people's transit event," the blind old man said, and made an invitation to Luo Zheng.

With a faint smile, Luo Zheng took two steps. With his toes slightly on the edge of the disc, he had risen like a light bird on the deck.

The real gods on the disc all have incredible expressions in their eyes. Looking at this scene stupidly, their heads are a little confused.

"He, who is he?"

"How could there be such treatment..."

"Only the emperor is qualified to meet the dragon boat?"

The holy Emperor may be able to enjoy this treatment, but they are different from the true God Da Yuanman. The true God Da Yuanman is not allowed to move space in the sea of time, but the holy emperor and the sub saints are unimpeded, so they do not need the blind people to set sail to meet them.

Therefore, Luo Zheng is probably the first one to use the keel ship to meet people at the transit Festival.

"Back to the island!"

The blind old man yelled.

This kind of ship needs ten blind people to control, and its speed is much faster than ordinary boats.

Tang Xiuyuan's boat had just left. In a short time, a large boat and a small boat were going hand in hand. Luo Zheng stood in front of the boat and looked down at Tang Xiuyuan on the boat.

Tang Xiuyuan sat in it and looked up at Luo Zheng. His mouth twitched unconsciously. His face was almost the same as the real gods on the disk. He looked at Luo Zheng dully. At this moment, he felt very small.

"Hua, Hua..."

The big ship went away at a very fast speed, set off waves, and even pushed the boat sideways.

Tang Xiuyuan couldn't help asking the young man of the blind race who was rowing, "why can that guy take a big boat? What do you blind people think? Who the hell is he

The young blind rowers just shake their heads and shrug their shoulders.

Most of the time, this race doesn't speak a word. The communication within the blind people doesn't even need language. It's impossible for young blind people to answer such questions.

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