Luo Zheng stared at the chaos for a long time

Under the constant rotation, the light in the secret room of these years is gradually turning from dark to bright, but it is still gray around.

"Is this the beginning of the divine realm?"

Luo Zheng is also very curious about the origin of Shenyu.

Many true gods may not think about the origin of the divine realm, because they seldom look beyond it.

However, after Luo Zheng gave birth to a "small divine realm" which is extremely similar to the divine realm, he also had a vague guess in his heart, whether this divine realm was created by some great power, and even whether it might be a "leapfrog creature" in Jiusheng's words?

Under the gaze of Luo Zheng, the chaotic air in the gray space is getting denser and denser, and the speed of the spiral is getting faster and faster. At the same time, all the chaotic air is converging madly towards the center, finally forming a small "core".

At this time, a faint shadow of the axe appeared.

"Axe?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

According to the legend, the one who splits the divine realm is Zaohua axe, but this legend appears at the beginning of the divine realm, and the Zaohua axe is broken a few days after splitting the divine realm. Because of this, the legend is not so convincing.


A hand appeared in the dark.

It was a pure white hand. There were no wrinkles from fingertips to palms, and the thickness of fingers was just right.

That hand grabs the axe of nature and then cuts down at the "core"


With a loud bang like a thunderbolt, Luo Zheng could not open his eyes, his eardrum was buzzing, and his heart was beating.

In the secret chamber of time, what he saw was only the past history, but it still shocked him so much. Can you imagine how terrible it was when the axe of fortune split the "nuclear"?

When the light dimmed, Luo Zheng looked over again and found that the "core" had not been cut open, but there was a small crack on the surface. This axe did not split the "core"!

Then the jade hand waved the axe again and chopped heavily toward the "core".



Until after the third chop of the axe, a dull sound of fragmentation came, and the "core" finally cracked.

In a flash, thunder and lightning

All the chaos of gasification for viscous raindrops in this world rampant into a very broad world.

Seeing this vast world, Luo Zheng is absolutely sure that this is indeed a picture of creating the divine realm.

But what's the use of presenting this picture to yourself?

When others enter the chamber of time and space, they can see a history that can enlighten themselves. It's either the shackles of cultivation or the bottleneck of cultivation. A certain period of history can always enlighten the true God who enters it.

But the scene before his eyes doesn't seem to have much effect on Luo Zheng himself

After the world unfolded, it developed madly in front of Luo Zheng at a dazzling speed.

After a long time of heavy rain, it turned into the sea, the continent rose in the sea and became mountains, and a touch of green turned into forest in the mountains. These evolutions are not very different from Luo Zheng's inner world

But when the world has evolved to a certain extent, everything suddenly comes to a standstill.

At the same time, the chaotic sea began to boil madly

Under the crazy boiling, all the chaotic sea water is evaporating in a few breaths, turning into huge clouds.

At the same time, a golden sun appeared in the sea. After the dazzling sun appeared, it quickly rose to the sky.

Luo Zheng was very familiar when he noticed that the clouds were born. The clouds were similar to the clouds of Daoyun formed after he swallowed the mud, but the scene was far from so huge.

"This is not the cloud of Tao Yun, this is Jieyun! How could it be Jieyun? " Luo Zheng's eyes showed a strange color.

The clouds in front of him were very similar to those formed when Luo Zheng became the world leader, so he was even more confused when he saw this scene.

At that time, Luo Zheng didn't understand what Jiusheng said. He didn't know what the "three thousand Shinto general principles" was.

as like as two peas in the clouds, he has remembered it firmly.

Just as he was puzzled, a huge shadow of the tower was suddenly reflected from the clouds. At the top of the shadow, there was a human shadow and a dragon shadow.


After pulling out the sword and the shadow of the dragon, it became one.

The figure kept dancing in the clouds with the long sword in hand, while the sword light kept shooting out along the clouds, towards all directions of the divine realm."Shichu sword technique?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised.

When Luo Zheng confronted Hua Tianming in the dream battlefield, he was deeply impressed by Shichu's sword technique. At the same time, Luo Zheng also understood its subtlety. But Shichu's sword technique is only a set of pure sword technique, and it doesn't match with Yishen's sword, because it is the ultimate power that beheading Shendao pursues, and it often has only one move.

However, the initial sword technique used by the shadow is different from that used by Hua Tianming. In other words, the initial sword technique is only a small part of the sword technique used by the shadow.

Every sword he cut exudes great power, and the breath in these power is still the breath in the clouds


A sword light floated out, flying thousands of miles, cut at the edge of the God domain, the edge of the God domain was cut like a piece of cloth.

The world began to expand.

A sword

Hundred swords

Wan Jian

One hundred thousand swords

With a hundred thousand swords, the divine realm has expanded countless times under constant chopping, and this hundred thousand swords Luo Zheng has been observed from beginning to end.


Soon after, it rained heavily from the boundary clouds. This time, the raindrops were not brown, but pure and transparent ordinary rain. So, there was no real chaotic Qi in the divine realm, which was quite different from Luo Zheng's inner world.

The creatures in Luo Zheng's inner world are not afraid of chaos, and chaos sea has not experienced this transformation process.

The figure slowly dissipated, and Luo Zheng closed his eyes. He thought about this man's swordsmanship in his mind.

The figure cut a hundred thousand swords

But back and forth, there are only thirteen moves

"Any one of the thirteen sword moves has incomparable power, and No one should be able to show it in the divine realm. The breath contained in his sword moves is very complicated, but I can probably feel that it is the entanglement of hundreds of kinds of Shendao's connotations! "

"The so-called general outline of Shinto is the combination of three thousand Shinto. That's the reason why my father gave me the immeasurable ruler!"

"Because only without a ruler can you help yourself absorb the three thousand Shinto, which is the most convenient and simple way. Even so, it is not easy to collect the three thousand Shinto completely!"

After Luo Zheng found out the usage of the measureless ruler, he had a vague guess about it. But he didn't know what would happen if he absorbed all the Shinto. Seeing this scene in the secret chamber of time, he was also a little more thorough.

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